Chapter 23

Well, got a little extra power.

Today's pets have not been arranged yet, arrange arrangements!

A cute fluffy dumpling appeared, covered in snow white, except for a clear king character in the middle of its forehead, telling everyone of its noble status.

White Tiger!

A white tiger just born!

Probably just learned to stand up, four fluffy little feet tremblingly supported, Jiang Duoduo hurriedly stepped forward to hug it, and rubbed its furry little head vigorously.

"Meow meow meow!"

The little white tiger didn't even open its eyes, but just sniffed vigorously with its nose.

"I don't know if the white tiger can drink pots of milk!"

Jiang Duoduo took out the milk that he had prepared for the little panda and poured it into the basin, and Qingyi swam over, seeing this, the sourness in his heart almost broke out.

"It's a carnivore, yet you make it a vegetarian!"

I'm too lazy to care about it, this guy makes a lot of mistakes, the guy who was born without teeth, still eats meat!

The little white tiger sniffed hard, but couldn't find anything to eat. He was so anxious that he finally found it. He almost fell into the basin. Jiang Duoduo looked anxiously, and broke out in a sweat.

Seeing this, Qing became even more sour.

"You can just feed it to its mouth!" I don't know what's so good about this fluffy thing, so I didn't turn my eyes away.

"You're so sour!"

By the way, did you drive anything today?

Why did she feel that something good came out of the box in the early morning?Then I would be in a hurry, I turned everything on, and I was in a bad mood, so I didn't bother to look at it, so I went to sleep.

Suddenly there was movement in the space, a thought flashed through her, and a book appeared in her hand.

Book of all things: During the period of annihilation, human beings collected the book of all things, and used the copy function to store all things they saw in it. Once collected, they can be presented in a suitable environment.

Annihilation period?

What era was that?
Jiang Duoduo blinked, and was extremely interested in this era. After all, her knowledge reserve was limited to the interstellar era seen in novels or movies.

The front page of the book of all things is the introduction to the era of annihilation.

It turns out that the period of annihilation is hundreds of millions of years after the interstellar explosion. The interstellar explosion completely destroyed the associated planets that opened the interstellar shuttle channel. The only surviving humans are the fire left at that time. They are responsible for finding new planets. Survival, but the Great Annihilation wiped out all creatures in the entire galaxy. There is no way but to use the shuttle to go to various eras to find suitable creatures to bring back to activate the current living environment, but the harvest is very small. During the annihilation period, any creature's Survival must undergo harsh tests, and the surviving creatures will not leave one in ten.

In desperation, human beings mass-produced books of all things and put them in time-space channels, hoping that those who got them would use them in good faith, in an attempt to avoid the real mass extinction of creatures in this way.

The method of use is also very simple, even no binding is required. Once you encounter a creature that is the same as or similar to the book of all things, the card of that creature in the book will be activated. You only need to take out the card and take a photo of the creature to be included. It can be automatically copied on the card, and the recording is complete.

And the abnormality of the booklet just now is because of this reason.

Jiang Duoduo couldn't help but feel regretful, if only this booklet appeared sooner, all the pets from the past few days could be included in it, the most important thing is the panda cub, after it is included, maybe you can watch the national treasure every day.

After the booklet was opened, it automatically turned to the page where the card was activated, one of which was glowing red, Jiang Duoduo took it out, and saw that it was written on it was a white tiger, so he scanned the little white tiger, and a lively white tiger appeared Appearing on the card, running, roaring, looking closely, it is simply the appearance of a little white tiger when it grows up.

Jiang Duoduo clicked on the card, and information about Baihu flooded into her mind.

It's so convenient!The booklet is very thick. If she is asked to flip through the pages, she doesn't know when it will be.
She put her eyes on Xiao Qinglong again, hey, why can't it be activated?
Could it be that there was no creature like Qinglong in the Annihilation Period?What if you want to record it?Replace other creatures?

Just at this moment, the booklet was reopened, and a blank card appeared in front of him.

Universal Card: You can collect creatures that cannot be activated in the Book of Everything!

Sweeping at the little green dragon, a dragon's head appeared on the card. It seemed to be in a deep sleep, and only saw its body undulating slightly, and its beard swaying gently with its breathing.

How is it different from Little White Tiger?
After Jiang Duoduo clicked on the card, he found a problem. The green dragon needs blood to be activated. Is it because he is afraid that someone will fabricate an unknown creature out of thin air?
She simply grabbed Qing Yi, took out the dagger, and slashed at its tail.


Not to mention blood, not even a single scale was broken, and a spark came out of the collision!
"Tsk, you want this beast to see blood with just your broken knife? Overthinking!" Qing Yizang didn't even bother to hide, because she knew she couldn't hurt it at all, and she wouldn't really hurt it.

"Then how to activate it?"

Jiang Duoduo put the card in front of Qing Yi's eyes, but saw that it just glanced lazily.

"Hmph, it's just a substitute. No wonder there is no soul, not even coercion. You must not be able to take out the blood now. Young green dragons have the ability to protect themselves, and their scales are harder than diamonds. Only when they are adults can they take out a piece of blood." A little blood!"

Hearing this, she immediately closed her mind.

Now it has not even been activated in childhood, it is just a newborn baby, and adulthood is too far away.

"Here, I'll give you something to eat!"

A red fruit appeared in Jiang Duoduo's hands. After seeing the fruit, Qingyi, who was still rotten, seemed to be bewitched and couldn't move her eyes away.

"Give it to me! Give it to me!"

It couldn't wait to step forward and swallowed the fruit in one gulp.

This is a divine beast fruit, which was specially used to feed the divine beasts when they were young. It was opened together with the book of all things. Presumably, the game system detected that the pet she bound was a big bug, and Qiao Mimi compensated her.

Otherwise, if pets are used in the future, will her pets have to rely on their poisonous tongue to fight with others?It's a pity that there are only ten pieces, which is definitely not enough, but I don't know how long it will take for Xiao Qinglong to digest one fruit!
Sure enough, after eating the fruit just now, Qingyi said that it needs to sleep and digest, and the exact time to wake up is uncertain!
Jiang Duoduo placed it in the nest, and then carried the nest back into the house. She suddenly lost a person to chat with, and she was somewhat uncomfortable. After only half a day of being together, she actually forgot the feeling of being alone before.

After taking the booklet and collecting everything that can be included in the home, today's box can also be salvaged.

Still let those small fish bring the box, and record the small fish that appeared one by one in the book of all things. After all, it is because the range of her activities is too small, and there are very few creatures that can be recorded.

Wait, why wasn't bloodthirsty vine included?

(End of this chapter)

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