As soon as Jiang Yuan heard it, he knew that this girl had never met a player along the way, so he shared his experience of the day.

After all the game players put in, he started to explore around. After all, the secret realm is only so big, but there are not a few players who enter, almost within a kilometer, there will always be three or two people. Joining forces, Jiang avoided far away. In fact, he wanted to try his luck to find his comrades. Unexpectedly, a group of monkeys was accidentally alarmed somewhere.

He drove away instinctively, and it was this action that annoyed the animals in the forest. Next, let alone looking for teammates, he dared not stop for a moment. Once he stopped, he would be attacked by those animals. With time to breathe.

Jiang Duoduo looked at him with complicated eyes. This man is really a bit of a backer. Don't you know that this kind of creature of the kings can not be provoked without being provoked?
How could Jiang Yuan not know, he just forgot for a while, in this secret realm, not only people have to guard against people, but also these native animals.

"Do you know that those animals have become sperm? I just provoked a monkey. As a result, those monkeys notified all the animals in the jungle. I will be attacked wherever I go. The most terrible thing is that there are wild boars. When the wild boar sees I, who was still attacking other players, turned my head and came at me, I was so scared that I ran away, and I can only rest when I come to you!"

At this time, Jiang Duoduo was still sitting on the hammock, and Jiang Yuan was sitting under the tree where she tied the hammock, and said while devouring food.

Look at torturing children!

"This game is too thieves. If I hadn't been arranging supplies at the time, I would never have time to hold food and water in my arms. I can't believe it. If I didn't have water and food, I would go into the water to catch fish!"

"It's too miserable, do you know? Ever since I entered the game, I have never had anything to do with luck. Even the few buns in my hand are the only ones left, and the others were lost when I ran away!"

"Miss Duoduo, you are really well-prepared. You even have a hammock and a backpack on your back. There is no problem in surviving for a few days!"

If you let him know that she still has a tent, I don't know if this young man will be blackened directly!

"what is that?"

Jiang Yuan walked quickly behind the tree, and just now he found something behind it.

"Fuck, Miss Jiang, is this yours? You still have a tent with you?"

The envious and wronged eyes made Jiang Duoduo feel a little uncomfortable, but she didn't feel disgusted. After all, it was rare to meet someone in the game, but this person had nothing wrong with him except talking a lot.

"Miss Dodo, tell me the truth, I won't tell others!"

Jiang Duoduo:? ? ?

"Speaking of the truth?" The heartbroken thing is what can't be said?Could it be that her identity as the chosen koi was exposed?
"Are you a romantic daughter? Isn't it? Right? With your equipment, in this secret realm, with a wave of your arm, someone will definitely follow you, and what's the matter with those white and black people!"

Jiang Duoduo:
Seeing that she didn't respond, Jiang Yuan drooped.

"Do you think I talk too much? I know it's okay. After all, my comrades-in-arms also think I talk too much. When you talk about me, a good person opens his mouth, but don't let me say it. I feel uncomfortable. No one talks in the game. I shout at the system every day, I hope someone can understand me, I finally met someone, I can't control my mouth, forgive me!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled his finger around his mouth, and there was complete silence.

Jiang Duoduo secretly heaved a sigh of relief, she really couldn't stand this kind of enthusiasm and familiarity, she might be a little bit unbearable!

"The tent will be used by you tonight. At night, the forest will be flooded with water. You can't lie on the ground!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan was not polite, and opened the tent directly, and the two rooms and one living room were right in front of his eyes. Apart from shock and envy, he completely lay flat.

Forget it, let's just hang on like this!
Jiang Duoduo lowered her eyes and noticed that Qing Yi was looking at a certain place in the forest. The feeling of being watched disappeared immediately. It seemed that the animals who had been waiting had disappeared.

There are indeed many animals in this forest, and this is their territory. They may have often fought in the past, fighting to the death for the territory, but once alien species invade, those animals will unite. There is one more species. I am here It's fine to hit at home, but outsiders just can't move.

Since last night, she has been feeling that there are things watching her in the dark forest, waiting for an opportunity to move, but she is afraid of Qing Yi's coercion and dare not act. When she stops, they stop not far away, and they don't She will approach, she walks, they follow at a distance, in short, she is always within their sight range.

"Did you meet anyone from our country along the way?"

"Of course I did!"

In the darkness, Jiang Yuan's expression was a bit indescribable.

"Those people are swindling and abducting, but they don't know that the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole are behind them. They are waiting for him to take the bait. I originally wanted to remind him, but the person saw me approaching and thought he wanted to take his position. The angry The look in my eyes made me think I did something outrageous, so I just left!"

At that time, he was really a person of his own country, and he had such an idea to save someone, but people still thought he was here to pick up the leak.

Sure enough, it's hard to persuade a ghost who wants to die!

Jiang Duoduo didn't think too much when she heard the words. After all, the game has been played for so long, and the human nature has almost disappeared. She has never regarded human nature as the last thing a person can't lose.

"Are you going to find someone else?"

These words made Jiang Yuan a little silent.

Since he entered the game, he has been running non-stop, and finally got some time to breathe, but it is not in line with his character to keep him stable like this.

"I'll leave at dawn, can you do it alone?"

As soon as he asked this, he felt stupid, Jiang Duoduo would be fine even if he was not good!

Looking at this configuration, it's no different from a full-level boss entering Novice Village. I'm afraid the game put her here to experience life!
Jiang Duoduo nodded, she really didn't feel any danger, as long as she didn't meet anyone.

"That's fine. I'll leave tomorrow. Remember to run away immediately when you see people. Even if they are people from our country, don't approach them. Human nature is worthless in front of interests."

She also agrees with this.

"I'll leave a sign along the way."

Jiang Yuan drew the symbol on the ground. He had no choice but to have no pen and paper in his hand, and it was still night.

"This is the contact method between me and my comrades. If you pass by and see this kind of symbol, if you are tired, go chat with them. As long as you say your name, they will definitely not ignore you!"

Jiang Duoduo has never been in contact with other people, and she doesn't know that her name is the contribution value of walking in the eyes of others. Who wouldn't want to replace her?

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