Chapter 40 The Coward

As the world's No.1 most populous nation, Huaguo definitely has an advantage in terms of numbers. For this secret realm alone, Huaguo accounts for half of the number of people entering.

It was also those people from Hua Country who entered the secret realm who just wanted to lie flat, otherwise hundreds of people would gather on the first day.

It's just that the picture that those foreigners expected didn't happen. They thought they could kill as many Huaguo players as possible by breaking them one by one, but they didn't know that the built-in spectator attribute made Huaguo players gather instinctively, and found that they were the ones being bullied. After the opponent, they shot one after another. Not only did the foreign players fail to eliminate him, but they also lost a level for nothing.

Afterwards, things were out of their control, and the news spread among the people of Hua Country that a certain country would unite to send them back to their hometown, which made all the people of Hua Country extremely wary.

It's less than thirty hours away, not only to deal with the disaster, but also to prevent those people from attacking from behind. Even if they don't want to unite, the Huaguo players are still united. In order to survive, no one but our own rest assured.

They acted in batches, some made escape tools, some patrolled, and some resisted foreign attacks in the dark. The progress was quickly completed, but there were only rafts. After all, it was a bit crude. They are all better than those in foreign countries, so umbrellas and raincoats made of various weeds came out, ropes made of rattan are durable, and they even process the original rafts into small wooden boats, which are feasible and defensible.

Those foreign players are envious of watching, but their hands-on ability is not good enough, so they can only watch. Of course, some people want to imitate. Unfortunately, the gap in racial talent makes them a waste of materials.

The first shock is coming soon.

The Huaguo players gather together and use rattan rope as a knot to tie a person together, so that when the shock caused by the impact is too large, the rescue will not be delayed due to dispersion.


The tsunami slammed into the small island where the secret realm was located with a force of destruction. Everyone was shocked because they could clearly feel that the mountain under their feet had moved.

This is very bad. They are only halfway up the mountain at this time. Once the mountain is soft and a landslide occurs, none of them can run away.

But in this forest, apart from trees, there is soil.

There are players who are proficient in geological research, and immediately make a decision, transfer, and transfer to a more stable geological side.

Without further ado, the Huaguo players packed up their things and left in line. In order to prevent some players from falling behind, they arranged every 20 people into a team and left in an orderly and fast manner.

And the team that took the lead in the front was Jiang Yuan's team. They were elected to be responsible for their strength. They were disobedient at first, but because of their excessive force value, they obediently obeyed.

Compared with Huahua Country’s vigilance in times of peace, foreign players seem to be a bit indifferent. They have an adventurous spirit. To put it bluntly, they are loyal to doing some behaviors that seek death. They seem to believe that they can survive the landslide. After the Chinese left, they couldn't help laughing.

"Look at these cowards, it was just a small collision, and they were scared away!"

"Aren't they always like this? They only dare to back down when they encounter danger, unlike our country. Dangerous? Oh, as long as it has nothing to do with life, it is not dangerous!"

It wasn't just one or two who laughed, but the Huaguo players simply ignored them and looked at them with a look they couldn't understand.

Oh, Huaguo people explained, that look is perfect for me to pretend to be watching you quietly.

It's fine if you like courting death, but you still want to jump in front of natural disasters. Very good, your name has been stamped by the King of Hades.

Due to the large number of players gathered in the live broadcast room at this time, the screens are combined, and outsiders can manually adjust the angle of view to watch players from different places.

"Sure enough, these people still like to court death!"

"After all, it's something that's engraved in their bones. If you don't die for a day, your whole body will itch!"

"Hmph, is it wrong to say that you are cowardly? Just a small landslide scares you away. Unlike our country, landslides are trivial!"

"Eating melons for decades, old man, I will quietly watch you pretend!"

"I used to think that the most you could do was to die on the roof. It turned out that it was just the minimum standard. I wish you good luck. Don't run when the next tsunami comes. Let you experience the impact of nature!"

"You people of Hua Country, don't be eccentric here. Players in our country must be strong and resourceful, and we must be the first in the contribution list!"

"Hey, I just can't stand your big talk. Although our Huaguo has entered hundreds of millions of people, there are still more than a billion people left. Who didn't grow up from a small melon? Voting is an easy thing. The ending It's not decided yet, just be proud here, and don't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!"

Although there are many old men and women left behind, don't forget, in this age of information development, who wouldn't go online to vote?Even some old people can play better than young people. They just learned how to maintain their health, and they are not dead. How can those foreign old men and women come to provoke them?
At the same time, the first voting program was born in the live broadcast room.

Flower Country No. [-] vs Pretty Country No. [-].

Why is it a beautiful country? Because the players of the beautiful country are faster, they feel that if they can do it, they must be able to represent other countries other than other flower countries.

As for the voting mechanism, the system will then issue an announcement.

'Game announcement: The voting mechanism is open. Both parties start with equal resources. Each person has one vote. The time limit ends until the end of the secret realm. The winning party will get the corresponding resources of the other party, and a random resource rewarded by the system! '

After all, it is a survival system, and everything is related to materials. Therefore, the rewards are resources, which is also expected by everyone.

Maybe it was just a joke before, but once it touches the national level, everyone will be serious. Huaguo has opened up the following voting channels for minors. In terms of the number of people, they are sure to win. Now just look at the game, Huaguo Can the player be stronger?

Because of the restrictions on voting for the contribution list in the game, you must watch it for more than three days to be eligible. All the many onlookers who have been watching for less than three days cannot be counted, and the proportion is too large. It won't make too much distance, after all, the number one in the contribution list has already exceeded [-] points, how many people have been killed!

The ranking of Huaguo people is not high. The player named Zhang Zhicheng is relatively high, and he is only more than 300. As for how he got it, no one cares. They are all murderers anyway, and no one is more noble than anyone else.

But Huaguo executives dared to open this gamble, and they were more inclined to Jiang Duoduo. The place where she was located could not even be detected by the system, and the game did not state that the contribution value could not be obtained from other sources, did it?

(End of this chapter)

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