"Everyone, our strength is not weak. It is impossible to defeat even a mere zombie. If you want me to say, everyone should take out their weapons and be able to kill one or one."

Only relying on those players who have learned the ability will not last long.

After all, the majority of players have never learned abilities. Although they don't have abilities, they have been transformed by the game. Their strength and speed are already higher than ordinary humans. It is absolutely no problem to fight a mere zombie.

Those who did not have supernatural powers found weapons they could use one after another, and rushed up without any urging. A large number of players joined, and players with supernatural powers had a breathing space.

The game announcement was long overdue.

'Game announcement: Good evening, players, welcome to the doomsday world, where the zombies are, the danger is there, pick up your weapons, the more you fight, the better the rewards, the survival period is five days, pay attention, the zombie world, It's dangerous day or night!If you are injured by zombies and become the same kind, you will not be able to leave the secret realm!

The contribution list is based on the number of zombies killed by players. No.1 is still the red box and resource investment. Keep up the good work. By the way, no cannibalism is allowed in this secret realm, and there is no live broadcast, but it will be based on the number of players who survived at the end. The corresponding country issues resource rewards. '

Today's system is a bit special.

It's a pity that the players don't have time to listen to it. The zombies in front of them can't be beaten. Most of them are exhausted. The zombies in the middle of the night are extremely active, and the slightest movement will attract the attention of the surrounding zombies. There seems to be no other way but to hide .

"Go up to the roof over there!"

The only intact high-rise in the distance came into view. After the players saw it, they began to retreat in batches. After resting, the first batch that had just finished the battle entered.

It is rare that at this time no one is arguing about who should enter and who should not enter.

An orderly retreat saves a lot of time. The inner door of the building is still good. After they retreated in, they closed the doors and windows immediately. There are also many zombies in the building, but compared to the outside, I don’t know how much less it is. Quick clean up.

Everyone was exhausted, and it was rare to rest at ease. After a while, they fell asleep. It was already late at night when they entered the game. After fighting the zombies, they were both mentally and physically exhausted, so they completely let themselves go. Sleeping in the dark.

Those players with abilities are even worse, with a splitting headache. It is obvious that the abilities are overused, but the benefits are not without, at least the proficiency of abilities has improved a lot. , most of them have been promoted to the second level.

As dawn approaches, a heavy rain washes over the ruined city.

The zombies stood in the rain one by one, with their heads up and their mouths wide open. The players who had just woken up after seeing such a weird scene were stunned in place.

"What are they doing?"

There seemed to be some ominous atmosphere in the air. He originally wanted to go out for convenience, but such a strange scene made him retreat quickly.

"Hey, wake up, look outside!"

He woke up the players around him. Those who were forced out of sleep wanted to curse, but they were stunned when they saw the scene outside.

"They seem to be evolving!"

Someone saw a zombie that was not killed in the early morning. The lost parts of its body had grown back now, and the zombie seemed to have noticed him, and the blank eye sockets suddenly looked over. That feeling of shock, Even worse than last night.

"Is this rain good for zombies? How do you play this secret realm! If it lasts for five days, the robot will be scrapped, and it seems that there is no food here. If we want to survive, we can only go out and look for it. Knowing how long it has been abandoned, whether or not food can be found is a big problem.”

There is no so-called safety period for the five-day survival period, and injuries must be prevented. However, in the early morning, many people were injured by zombies. After one night, I don't know if they will mutate.

Thinking of this, all players began to deliberately isolate those injured players.

"I wasn't injured by a zombie. Why did I get assigned to that team? The people around me at the time can testify that I accidentally touched a sharp object and got scratched!"

"Sorry, because I can't tell whether it was a zombie injury, so all injured people must be quarantined. People who want to come to your country don't want to be wiped out because of you!"

"But I'm really not injured by zombies. You put me in this group of people, don't you just let me die?"

There are more than one such cases, but who can rest assured when it is impossible to determine why the injured were injured?
"Isn't there a healing department in the team? Let them treat me, as long as I'm cured, don't I know whether it will mutate or not?"

The onlookers couldn't help shaking their heads. This person is really whimsical. After the battle in the early morning, who still has supernatural powers?There are not many people in the healing department, and they were all exhausted yesterday, so how could they be wasted here!
They can't be blamed for their cruelty. The announcement said that once injured, they can't leave. They would rather kill by mistake than let them go. Not to mention who is not selfish?
The number of surviving players determines the resource allocation of the country. Who wouldn't want to be able to send away people from a hostile country in this way!And it's not that the group of zombies who were kicked out are all capable people. If there are mutations around, just kill them directly. Isn't this the best way to prove it?
"Okay, since that's the case, I don't want to stay here anymore, everyone, did you leave with me?"

The players who were driven to quarantine had a few responses, but most of them were hesitant.

"It's so dangerous outside, it's better to stay here, and it's still raining now, who knows if the rain will be harmful to the human body, I don't want to go!"

There was more than one player who had this idea, and that person didn't care, just opened the door and went out.

Surprisingly, those rain-drenched zombies did not attack them, even the rain was very comfortable for them, and there was a person with supernatural abilities among them, and she felt that the supernatural abilities tended to increase.

But these words were not spoken, but after finding another relatively safe place, they spoke to their team of twenty or so people.

"I'll try it too!"

There was more than one supernatural being in the team, and everyone ran to the roof and stood in the rain.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, but no one flinched.

"I seem to have a power! Haha, I have a power!"

"I have it too!"

"I feel it too. It seems that the rain is not only good for zombies, but also good for humans!"

These people were so happy that they couldn't help complaining about their ignorance when they got together.

"Huh, do you think it's great to have so many people? Let's get a few more rains, and the power will surpass the tallest of them, and we won't kill them in seconds!"

"Yes, when the ability is upgraded, we will take revenge. This revenge will not last overnight!"

These people in the rain were not separated by the hazy rain, and none of them noticed that their skin was changing, exactly the same as the zombies before the initial mutation.

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