It took Zhang Zirui some effort to find people, all of them were worse than them, and he collapsed.

After he told the matter, those people really didn't believe it, the green grass in his hand was just flashing in front of their eyes, who would doubt it?
One by one, they got up and followed behind him. When they reached the exit, two hours had passed. Afraid that Jiang Duoduo was waiting anxiously, but found that after pulling the rope, he was the one who responded. teammates.

"Where's Jiang Duoduo?"

"Ah, she said she was going to take a look around, and she has been gone for more than an hour!"

All right, let's go out first.

Pulling everyone out of the volcano, everyone fell to the ground, and the feeling of being exposed to the sun again is amazing!
"Are they all out?"

It was Jiang Duoduo who came back.

Zhang Zirui rolled over like a carp, straightened his body, took a deep breath, and said, "Everyone, all came out, thank you!"

Jiang Duoduo waved his hands and said, "In this case, let's leave quickly!"

She went to check it out just now and found that this is not a good place, the volcano is definitely an active volcano, judging by the appearance of no grass, it is no wonder that there is no major problem!

"What's the situation with you down there?"

As soon as this was mentioned, dozens of people lost their vitality in an instant.

"Boss, you don't know how scary it is down there. Not only is there magma, but there are also mazes and illusions. You see, there are so few people left now because of the illusions!"

Jiang Duoduo thought they were just trapped below and couldn't find a way out, but she didn't expect that there were so many inside stories.

No wonder these people look sluggish, malnourished, disgraced, and lifeless one by one!
No wonder her interface had only shown one person before, but the rest were all underground. She just said, the game didn't have the kindness to put her alone in a secret territory. Isn't this a free reward?

Not only was she having doubts, those who came out of the underground were also full of doubts. Before, everyone was together, and they probably counted, thinking that there were really 100 people. Now it seems, but it should be 99.

Because Jiang Duoduo was alone, they were assigned to Secret Realm [-]. After going through so many things, many people felt dissatisfied with her, but they were also afraid of her strength and did not dare to show their faces clearly, but it is not difficult to see a I don't know how many times I rolled my eyes behind my back.

Jiang Duoduo will not ask for trouble because of these people, if he can form a group, he will form a group, if he can't, he will break up.
She looked at the hole below thoughtfully, could the heart of the secret realm be there?
"I'll go down and have a look, you guys be careful!"

"Huh? Boss, do you want to go down?" Zhang Zirui looked at her in surprise.

A boss is a boss, they are afraid to avoid it, but she wants to go down to find out, this is the gap!
"Don't call me a boss, just call me by my name! I have to go down and look, I searched all over, but I found nothing. By the way, you must be careful of the white mist at night. You can't touch it. If you see it, run away." , or it will turn into ashes directly, and after night, those trees, flowers and plants are all untouchable, don't climb the tree, remember!"

After explaining, he jumped down directly.

It's just a distance from the entrance of a cave, but it's a world of difference.

As soon as she entered, she felt the blasting heat. The clothes on her body automatically adjusted the temperature, but she didn't feel too hot, but her face couldn't be avoided, and her whole face was smoky red.

It's a pity that the treasure hunting mouse can't sense the heart of the secret realm, otherwise I don't know how much trouble it would save!

"Do you think it will be here?" Qing Yi moved his body under his clothes, hissing, the inside of this volcano is really hot!

"I can't find it on the ground, nor in the sky, so it's only underground!"

Not long ago, she climbed up the tallest tree, pointed towards the direction of the sky, opened her eyes, looked for several directions, looked and looked, and was basically sure that there was nothing above.

When she came here, she was chasing the direction in which Bai Wu retreated.

After being chased for several days, she still couldn't find a way to overcome it. The only abnormality was in the volcano. She had some doubts before, but after those people came out, she felt that there must be something inside.

Sure enough, as those people said, the terrain below is extremely complicated. Often after passing one place, and then looking back, the sight will be covered by the white mist that rises after the magma cools, making it difficult to see the way when you came.

It's no wonder that at night, there are so many white mist on the ground, and it seems to have a spiritual wisdom.

In fact, they originated from this sweltering environment, and after being released, they instinctively cover all places, especially where heat sources appear, which is their first target.

Just by looking at the countless caves and bends, you can tell how big this volcano is, and it probably covers the entire jungle.

When Jiang Duoduo went to explore below, the players above had a dispute, and it was her who started it.

"You can't do this, she saved us, you can't do ungrateful things, not to mention the live broadcast is on, do you think that no one will know what you did? No one will spread it?"

"Get up, you are the biggest traitor. How come, hugging Jiang Duoduo's thigh, you really think you are superior? Heh, why don't you ask her if she recognizes you as a little brother?"

Zhang Zirui was trembling with anger, he was pressed to the ground by several people, what made him even more disappointed was that those people who followed him to find a way out before lowered their heads and did not speak, and ignored what the captain did.

"At least she saved you, but you want to trap her below. Guess, if she comes out, will she just send you all away!"

As soon as these words came out, a few people flinched, but more people felt that what they went through was all because of Jiang Duoduo.

"We didn't say we didn't deny the grace of saving our lives. At worst, wait until she dies and burn more paper so that she can live a better life down here. Isn't this an idea?"

"You demons, bastards, people are doing what the sky is watching, when I go out, you must make public what you have done, so that other players in Huaguo will remember your faces, otherwise the next time you encounter danger , I saved you, but I will be stabbed in the back!"

The captain winked at the person who was pressing Zhang Zirui. After they tied him to a tree, they blocked the hole that Jiang Duoduo had smashed before, and then a group of people left here in a big way.

Zhang Zirui was so angry that he kept yelling, not only was he not relieved, but even more angry.

When those people blocked the entrance of the cave, Jiang Duoduo knew that Qingyi's spiritual consciousness was very powerful, and the entire volcano was in his eyes, and of course the small actions of those people above couldn't escape his eyes, so, the first Shi Shi told Jiang Duoduo what happened above.

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