Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 121 1213 Lord Bad-hearted

Chapter 121

Shen Qing couldn't hold back, and stretched out her hand to touch the baby's small bald head.

Milk Baby's expression was bewildered, and her face blushed.

Shen Qing bent the corners of her lips, imitating the baby's appearance and said seriously, "What the little master said is that I will definitely listen to the little master's advice, and never waste food again.

The milk doll showed an old father-like expression of satisfaction, "I'm very happy that you think so."

Shen Qing paused, trying hard to hold back a smile.

It's not that she doesn't respect the little milk baby, it's just that the milk baby's young and mature appearance is really interesting.

The milk doll stayed for a while, and left soon because of early practice.

After the milk baby left, Shen Qing also entered the room where the season banquet was located, carrying the freshly prepared fried rice with eggs.

Someone was already in the room of the season banquet, and it was Ji Wu who came to deliver the food box.

At this moment, the food in the food box is being brought out plate by plate. It smells delicious and looks delicious.

Shen Qing was stunned.

Compared with the few dishes brought by Ji Wu, my egg fried rice was instantly compared with not even scum left.

A big square table, a few delicious meals, if there is a plate of homemade egg fried rice in the middle, it looks somewhat shabby, and the status and people of the banquet of the same season are not acceptable.

Shen Qing was a bit hesitant to take it out, but he brought it all over, and it wouldn't look good to take it away.

Shen Qing bit the bullet and brought the not-so-good-looking fried rice with eggs to the table.

When Ji Wu saw the fried rice with eggs served by Shen Qing, he was taken aback, "You made it?"

Looking at the black ash stained on Shen Qing's face again, he was instantly happy.

However, Shen Qing didn't know it, and smiled a little embarrassedly, "I did it, but it didn't look very good."

Ji Wu smiled and said, "You are a man, it's already very good to do this."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but glanced at her face again, but after all, he didn't say a word to remind her.

Shen Qing didn't know why, looking at Ji Wu as if he was trying to endure something, he thought he was constipated.

It's the Ji Banquet, seeing the black ash stained on her face, Dang even smiled unkindly, "Let you cook a meal. The food you make doesn't look very good, but your face looks really good."

Shen Qing was taken aback for a moment, and didn't care about other things. He put his plate of fried rice with eggs on the table, and then stretched out his hand to wipe his face.

One touch, it's all black and ash.

The corner of Shen Qing's mouth twitched.

With such a dignified appearance, she has been praising her for a long time?

Shen Qing's expression was dull, with an expression of disbelief. After a long while, he stuttered and said, "Third Lord, can you allow me to wash my face first?"


With the approval of the season banquet, Shen Qing almost didn't want to rush out the door.

When Shen Qing came back, the season banquet had already started eating.Ji Wu was not there, and Ji Yanli was the only one in the room.

Shen Qing roughly took a look, and the food on the table basically showed signs of being touched, except for the plate of egg fried rice she made herself.

Shen Qing pursed her lips, feeling somewhat disappointed.

However, before he was lost for a long time, Ji Yanli's calm voice sounded in his ears.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and come over for dinner."

Shen Qing was startled, hurried over and sat down properly.

The food Ji Wu brought did not know where he bought it, it was delicious.Shen Qing took a few mouthfuls, but couldn't stop talking.

The plate of egg fried rice she made was completely ignored.

Shen Qing made fried rice with eggs for several days in a row, but every time it was either burnt or yellow due to the heat.

Every time she cooks egg fried rice, it will be put on the table together with the food sent by Ji Wu.

I don't know if it's because the appearance made by myself is too ugly, and the season banquet basically doesn't use chopsticks.

But the more times I cook it, Shen Qing's control over the heat is getting better and better, and the fried rice with eggs is more delicious than usual.

"Third Master, this is the egg fried rice made by my subordinates after trying many times. Do you want to try it, Third Master?"

Shen Qing came in with the egg fried rice he had made, staring at him with expectant eyes?
Ji Yanli's eyes moved slightly, and he asked, "Where's Ji Wu?"

On weekdays, when Shen Qing prepares fried rice with eggs and brings it in, it always takes a moment later than Ji Wu delivers the meal.

But Shen Qing practiced his cooking skills these few days, just to let Ji Yanli try his egg fried rice again.

So today she deliberately avoided Ji Wu, and brought her fried rice with eggs early.

With pearls and jade in front, who cares about tile stone.

Shen Qing deliberately came early to avoid the time when Ji Wu delivered the meal.

Maybe the third master is just hungry, so he will eat two bites of egg fried rice made by himself.Otherwise, making fried rice with eggs every day, wouldn't it be the same as winking at a blind man?
Shen Qing had a good plan, but she never expected that Ji Yanli would take the initiative to ask Ji Wu.

This is not asking Ji Wu, it is clearly thinking about Ji Wu's food.

Shen Qing was suddenly depressed.

"Third Master, this subordinate came early today, and now it's about a quarter of an hour before Ji Wu delivers the meal."

Ji Yanli nodded, and his eyes fell on the egg fried rice made by Shen Qing.

Shen Qing's eyes lit up immediately, and saw Ji Yanli picked up a piece of chopsticks and put it in his mouth, chewing it expressionlessly.

Shen Qing stared at him with burning eyes, "How?"

"It's okay."

As Ji Yanli said, he picked up another chopstick and put it in his mouth.

The move of the season banquet can be said to be a great affirmation of Shen Qing's culinary skills.

Shen Qing jumped for joy, grinning her mouth and said happily, "Third Master, if you like, you can eat more. What does Third Master like to eat, and my subordinates cook it for you every day?"

Shen Qing was also so happy that she didn't realize that what she said was ambiguous.

Ji Yanli glanced at her with a half-smile, "Really?"

Shen Qing patted her chest and promised, "Once a word is said, it is hard to follow, so naturally I will keep my word."

Shen Qing's words rarely pleased Ji Yanli.

The season banquet said meaningfully, "It seems that you are quite confident in your cooking skills?"

Shen Qing was a little complacent, "Third Master, my subordinates have already said that, whatever the Third Master needs, the subordinates can learn anything. The Third Master won me, it is not a loss."

Ji Yanli was in a good mood, and handed her a pair of chopsticks, "Try it?"

Shen Qing was flattered.

Although it was egg fried rice made by myself, this was the first time Ji Yanli invited herself to eat, and Shen Qing couldn't express her happiness.

Shen Qing put a chopstick of egg fried rice into his mouth with excitement.However, before she took a few bites, her expression changed slightly.

Hold the grass!

Did this mother beat the owner of the salt shop to death?
How did Ji Yanli put this egg fried rice into his mouth without expression?
Ji Yanli raised his lips slightly, and looked at her carefully, "How does it taste?"

Shen Qing took a look at Ji Yanli, with deep resentment in her heart.She was very suspicious that Ji Yanli deliberately tricked herself into eating this egg fried rice.


Is the season banquet so boring?
Shen Qing's tongue was numb, and her face was stiff, "The third master said the taste is okay, so the subordinates also think the taste is okay."

While Shen Qing was speaking, she swallowed the mouthful of fried rice with eggs in her mouth with difficulty.

(End of this chapter)

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