Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 128 Chapter 128

Shen Qing followed the season banquet and lived in the temple for three days, until the fourth day, which was the memorial day for the adoptive father of the season banquet.

There are not many things used in the temple, and Jin Er and Shen Qing are short of the season banquet to buy them.

The two went down the mountain, and then returned to the mountain. Suddenly, a beautiful girl with short hair appeared in the temple.

"It's not bad inside, but a little small."

The girl wandered around the courtyard of the temple, rolled her eyes and asked, "Which room does my brother live in?"

The one next to the girl was a brother from the gang, and he only respectfully said, "My subordinates don't know much about the third master's room."

The girl didn't say much when she heard the words, she just pouted and said, "As my brother's subordinate, I don't even know such a small thing. You are not doing your best to take care of my brother."

"Missy said yes."

The eldest lady took a few steps, "Why is there still a table here, it's too abrupt here."

He explained to the person next to him, "Occasionally, the third master would discuss scriptures with the abbot in the temple, so he ordered someone to set up a table here."

The table is placed under the big tree in the yard, which is not particularly obtrusive to say the least.The eldest lady is purely in a bad mood, and nothing is pleasing to the eye.

In the eyes of the eldest lady, except for the season banquet, it is estimated that everyone else is not pleasing to the eye.

When the eldest lady heard that it was arranged by the season banquet, she immediately changed her words, "It's a little bit abrupt, but it also complements the plants and trees in the yard. It looks very beautiful."

The crisp voice became clearer as Shen Qing and Jin Er approached.

Shen Qing's eyes locked on the short-haired girl, and she couldn't help frowning and asked, "Isn't there all the pilgrims in the temple these days? Why are there other pilgrims coming here?"

And this female doll looks like a spoiled young lady.

Ever since what happened to Cheng Min, Shen Qing kept a respectful distance from such carefree dolls.

There is no way, once bitten by a snake for ten years, I am afraid of well ropes.

The short-haired girl walked the yard, probably because she was in a bad mood, and ransacked everything in the yard.

It's true, there is no one who doesn't hate the air.

Shen Qing smiled, seeing the person behind the short-haired girl, she narrowed her eyes slightly, "Why do I look at the person behind her, he looks like our brother."

"She is no ordinary pilgrim."

Jin Er lowered his voice, "She is Ji Yingxue, the righteous sister of the third master. She has been studying in a girls' school before. Whenever she has free time, she likes to run to Ji's mansion. Today is her father's memorial day, so it is normal for her to come here .”

Third Master's adopted sister?
Shen Qing thought for a while, it seems that this character was never mentioned in the original book.

Jin Er reminded, "This eldest lady is not easy to mess with, don't look at her delicate and tender, her stalking skills are very troublesome, except for the third master who is fierce to her, everyone else can do something about her No, you're fine and don't provoke her."

Shen Qing nodded seriously.

With Cheng Min's lessons learned, how would she dare to provoke such a savage lady.

The two were talking, but Miss Ji suddenly turned her head at this moment and saw Jin Er and Shen Qing.

Seeing Shen Qing, Miss Ji frowned slightly with her beautiful and delicate eyebrows.

Shen Qing was baffled, and he didn't know where he had offended this young lady.

Fortunately, the eldest lady's eyes only stayed on Shen Qing for a few years, then she turned her eyes and fell on Jin Er who was with Shen Qing.

"Sincere two."

When Miss Ji saw Jin Er, her eyes lit up, and she smiled instantly, "I was looking for you, but you came here unexpectedly."

Jin Er's heart shrank, and he didn't show it on his face, he just said politely, "What does Missy want me for?"

"These idiots don't know where my brother lives. It's just in time for you to come back. Take me to my brother's place quickly."

Miss Ji's tone was cheerful, and she didn't feel at all how embarrassing her request was.

Jin Er immediately shrank his neck, lifted the things in his hand and showed the eldest lady, "Miss, it's not that I don't want to take you there, it's just that I can't go away. These things are all explained by the third master." All the things I bought are for use now, and I have to return them.”

Ji Yingxue slenderly pointed at Shen Qing, raised her neck high, "Can't you let him deliver it, why do you have to deliver it?"

Both Shen Qing and Ji Yanli were carrying a lot of things, and Shen Qing had already spoken, "Miss, I can't carry so much by myself."

Ji Yingxue choked directly.

She didn't know Shen Qing, and Shen Qing didn't know her either.

Ji Yingxue thought that Shen Qing was an ordinary brother in Longmen, and instantly became angry, "Who are you, why do you interrupt when I'm talking?"

Shen Qing had an innocent face, "I am Shen Qing."

"Which onion is Shen Qing?"

Shen Qing's face remained unchanged, "I don't know which onion I am. But I really can't carry so many things."

Miss Ji was furious.

Where did this kid come from? Why did she say a word, and she had to talk back.

Ji Yingxue was so angry that she walked over, pointed at Shen Qing's nose and said, "You, you, you, if you have the ability, try again!"

Seeing that he was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

Jin Er had a headache, for fear that Shen Qing would really anger this young lady.

He hurriedly stood up to smooth things over, "Miss, Shen Qing, he is not trying to quarrel with you, he always speaks straightforwardly, very frankly. Look at the pile of things in her hand, this is indeed a big deal. It's not moving."

Ji Yingxue raised her eyebrows coldly, "You actually helped her speak!"

Jin Er smiled helplessly, "My eldest lady, I'm not helping her to speak. Besides, Shen Qing is also on duty by the third master's side anyway, and is responsible for serving the third master closely. You are making things difficult for her , wouldn't it mean that you don't care about the face of the third master."

When Ji Yingxue heard that Shen Qing was serving the third master closely, her eyes rolled and her expression changed instantly.

"Oh, it turns out that you are the person serving my brother, why didn't you say it earlier."

Ji Yingxue smiled brightly, "You are served by brother, how can you carry such a heavy thing."

As he spoke, he said to the man behind him, "What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and help carry things."

The speed of face-changing is comparable to the speed of light.

The corner of Shen Qing's mouth twitched, and Jin Er had an expression that I knew.

Soon, the person following her took what was in Shen Qing's hand.

Ji Yingxue looked at Jin Er with a smile, "Brother Jin, look, someone has already taken the things, you go and put them away, I will ask Shen Qing to accompany me around."

Shen Qing was stunned.

Miss, what are you doing.

Jin Er frowned, "Miss, this is inappropriate."

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