Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 134 Chapter 134

Probably because Shen Qing hugged her too tightly, Da Huang twisted her body restlessly.

Shen Qing suddenly pursed her lips in disgust.

"You dog, tell me why you have to pull me in every time you get into trouble. It was nothing more than biting the third master's trouser leg last time. Just now, you dared to break in while the third master was taking a bath. Isn't the dog fat? !"

"Wang Wang!"

Shen Qing glared at him, "How dare you talk back!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Rhubarb was not frightened by Shen Qing at all, but called out cheerfully a few times.

He was so angry that he pinched its dog's mouth up and down with his hands.

Seeing Da Huang sobbing and unable to cry out, Shen Qing was finally satisfied.

"Hey, you can't call out now."

Rhubarb struggled but did not struggle away, he could only stare at her with resentful eyes.

Shen Qing was amused by its small eyes, and couldn't help laughing, "Don't stare at me, who made you keep getting into trouble!"

As he said that, he released his hand from pinching its mouth.

Rhubarb seemed a little angry, and pointed his butt at her directly.

Shen Qing laughed out of anger in an instant.

This dog thing!

After a while, the season banquet came out of the greenhouse.

"Third Master."

Shen Qing didn't dare to tease Rhubarb any more, so she quickly stepped forward and followed Ji Yanli.

Seeing Ji Yanli, Rhubarb followed him aggrievedly, yelled at Shen Qing twice, and looked at Ji Yanli again, as if he was suing him.

Shen Qing immediately gave it a contemptuous look.

You dog, you have learned to sue, if you have the ability, you can speak human language.

Ji Yanli glanced at Rhubarb, pursed his lips and smiled, "What did you do to it?"

This wronged dog looks like he has been greatly wronged.

Shen Qing paused, "It's nothing, I just said a few words to it. Today Rhubarb dared to break into the third master's bathing room, and tomorrow he would dare to break into the third master's bedroom. If you don't teach it, it will turn the world upside down."

Shen Qing's angry appearance was very vivid, and it was very interesting to watch.

The season banquet smiles.

"well done."

Shen Qing was stunned.

Can you get a compliment for training a dog yourself?
It seems that the leader is in a good mood. Shen Qing wondered if he should remind him vaguely that he will be assassinated on Cheng Yunting's birthday during the season banquet.

Shen Qing was thinking about something, didn't pay attention to the road, and bumped into Ji Yanli directly.


This time she was stunned.

Shen Qing clutched her sore nose, raised her eyes with tears in her eyes, and looked at the last season's banquet with eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"You can bump into them wherever you go."

Ji Yanli snorted softly, but he didn't blame Shen Qing for walking carelessly.

Shen Qing covered her nose and laughed awkwardly, "The subordinates are stupid."

Ji Yanli didn't know what he thought of, and the smile on his face deepened, "It's really stupid."

Shen Qing was silent.

Hey, stupid is stupid.

But looking at the season banquet, you are really in a good mood right now?

Shen Qing rolled her eyes.

Ji Yanli stared at her rolling eyes, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "What are you thinking?"

Shen Qing waited for Ji Yanli to ask this question.

Asked by the season banquet, Shen Qing had a frowning look on his face, "Third Master, this subordinate is thinking about you."


The season banquet raised a little interest, "Tell me about it."

Shen Qing looked embarrassed, "This subordinate had a dream yesterday, and he dreamed of you, Third Master."

Ji Yanli was surprised, and motioned her to continue with his eyes.

Shen Qing said, "This subordinate dreamed that at Governor Cheng's birthday banquet, the third master was shot and his life was in danger."

In order to show the authenticity of what she said, Shen Qing deliberately made a panicked look.

Ji Yanli stared into her eyes.Seeing the panic in her eyes, she slightly hooked her lips, "Worried about me?"

"Yes, my subordinates are worried about the third master."

Ninety percent of what Shen Qing said this time is true, "Subordinates have rarely dreamed since they were young. Once they dream, [-]% of the scenes in the dream will come true. So..."

Ji Yanli understood what Shen Qing didn't blurt out, but he didn't take it to heart.

Seeing that Shen Qing turned pale with fright.

Ji Yanli chuckled and said, "It's just a nonsensical dream, and it's worth your fear."

"Third Master, my dream..."

Shen Qing wanted to say something more, but Ji Yanli had already taken a step forward, "Let's go, don't think too much."

Shen Qing silently swallowed the words she was about to blurt out, and sighed deeply.

When walking on the road, I was also downcast and unable to raise my spirits.

Ji Yanli looked at her sideways, "Are you really that worried?"


Shen Qing lowered her eyes and pursed her mouth secretly, "Third Master doesn't believe me, so it's useless for me to worry."

Ji Yanli laughed immediately, "I don't believe you, but you know how to play your temper?"

Shen Qing responded indifferently, "Return to the third master, my subordinates don't have one, and my subordinates dare not."

Shen Qing felt that Ji Yanli was a bit strange, and she didn't know if it was her illusion. He seemed to care about his emotions very much?

But why?

Shen Qing couldn't figure it out.However, this does not prevent her from being grateful to the Ji Banquet.

In this strange era, the person who took her in was Ji Yanli. Compared with other people, Ji Yanli was different.So she was extremely unwilling to see anything happen to Ji Yanli.

Shen Qing felt depressed.

After walking for a while, Ji Banquet suddenly said, "Cheng Yunting's birthday is full of rich and powerful people in Yuncheng. It's not surprising if someone chooses to do something at the birthday banquet. I don't believe you."

Shen Qing was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes widened, "Will the third master believe me?"


There was joy on Shen Qing's face.

She wiped her hands on the clothes, took out something from her pocket, and handed it over like a treasure.

Ji Yanli's eyes moved slightly, and he glanced at the thing.

"Third Master, this is the amulet I specially asked for from the temple, and it is for you."

"For me?"

Ji Yanli's eyes moved slightly, and he reached out to take his amulet.

"You have a heart."

Shen Qing frowned, "The third master is kind to me. In my heart, the third master is like my relatives."


Ji Yanli responded lightly, and his eyes fell on her face, "Nosebleed, wipe it off."

Shen Qing was taken aback for a moment, only then did he realize that his nose was itchy.

She stretched out her hand to touch it, and she really felt blood on her hand.

Hold the grass!

It must have bumped into Ji Yanli with his nose just now.

Shen Qing was too embarrassed.

"Third Master, can you allow me to go back and deal with it first?"


Shen Qing covered her nose and went back to her room.

On the way, I happened to meet Jin Yi and Jin Er.It's a pity that Shen Qing only cared about running away, and didn't pay attention to Jinyi and Jiner at all.

Shen Qing clutched her nose and ran over like a gust of wind, the two looked at each other.

Jin Er couldn't keep his mouth shut, Dang even started to mutter, "It's strange, why is Shen Qing holding his nose while running, is he crying?"

Jin stared at her back thoughtfully.

Jin Er continued to mutter, "This Shen Qing, holding his nose and running away just now, looks like a girl doll."

As soon as Jin heard the words, he immediately turned his head and glanced at him, and said seriously, "Be careful, be careful with your words."

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