Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 142 Chapter 142

Ji Yanli didn't know what to think, but actually stood up, and only looked at Shen Qing with a pair of dark eyes, the meaning of which was unclear.

Shen Qing was a little terrified.

She stood up in trepidation, and said in a stammering tone, "Third Master, you...do you want to go dancing?"

After asking this sentence, Shen Qing wanted to slap herself two big mouths.

Who is the season banquet, the leader of the underground forces in Yuncheng, the existence who can make Yuncheng tremble three times by stomping his feet!
How could such a person dance!

It's not to blame for Shen Qing's fuss, it's because the season banquet gave the impression of being too serious and serious.

She really couldn't imagine coming to Ji Banquet, what it would be like to dance with girls.

No, people like Ji Yanli don't know how to dance with girls at all!
Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you want to dance?" Looking at the posture, he actually wanted to take Shen Qing to dance in person.

Shen Qing was stunned.

When did she want to go dancing?

Shen Qing knew that Ji Yanli had misunderstood him, so he hurriedly explained, "Third Master, this subordinate just wants to be with him and protect his safety, and he doesn't want to dance."

Ji Yanli pursed her lips, not sure if she believed it or not.

But since Ji Yanli stood up, there was absolutely no reason to sit back.

He pursed his lips and glanced at Shen Qing, then sighed slightly, "Forget it, you don't want to dance, so stay here for now."

After all, he took a step with his long legs and walked out by himself.

The season banquet left, and Shen Qing also panicked, and quickly got up and followed.

"Third Master, where are you going, Third Master?"

Shen Qing was anxious, and she became more and more eager to move away from the crowd, especially when she saw the season banquet going towards the crystal chandelier on the ceiling, she felt panic for no reason.

Ji Yanli is a walking spotlight, wherever he goes, there will be people's eyes chasing him, let alone Shen Qing who is more anxious to chase people.

Those who didn't know thought that this was some kind of daring person who wanted the season's banquet and was stalking the season's banquet.

When Ji Yanli heard Shen Qing's voice, he deliberately slowed down, and when Shen Qing caught up, he said calmly, "Don't you want to dance, why are you here suddenly?"

The place where Ji Yanli and Shen Qing stayed now happened to be on the edge of the dance floor.

Shen Qing raised his eyes and scanned the surroundings, and his strange and complicated expression fell on Ji Yanli, "Third Master, do you want to dance?"


Shen Qing: "!!!"

Probably because Shen Qing's expression was too surprised, Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at her with a smile, "Are you that surprised?"

Shen Qing blinked, put away the surprised expression on his face, and smiled awkwardly, "This subordinate just thinks that a person like San Ye, who is like a banished fairy, would not like to join in the fun."

The season banquet paused, and chuckled, "I'm also human, so I can't be exempt."

It's true to say so, but Shen Qing really can't imagine that people like Ji Yanli would like to join in this kind of fun.

Shen Qing looked complicated.

After a long while, she said slowly, "Which family's daughter does the third master want to invite to dance?"

Sensing that her tone was slightly sour, Shen Qing was startled for a moment, then raised her spirits and praised, "The third master is extraordinary in appearance, celestial in appearance, dignified in appearance, and outstanding in ability. It can be regarded as the blessing of that woman's three generations of cultivation."

Ji Yanli has been staring at her expression.Seeing her slightly worried expression, she immediately relaxed.

He paused slightly, and smiled with his lips raised, "Am I that good?"

"Of course!"

Without even thinking about it, Shen Qing said, "Third Master, you are handsome and have outstanding abilities. Your subordinates have grown up so much. I have never seen such a good-looking and capable person as Third Master."

"If the third master really wants to invite some girl to dance, I guess no one will refuse. If someone does refuse, then someone must have lost their minds."


The corners of Ji Yanli's lips curled up, he looked her up and down, and said delicately, "If you were a woman, would you like it?"

"If the subordinate is a woman, the subordinate will naturally like the third master. The third master is very handsome and in full bloom, but it is difficult for a woman to resist the charm of the third master."

When Shen Qing said this, her face was not red and her heart was not empty.

At the end, he said in a serious manner, "It's a pity that the subordinate is a man. If the subordinate is a woman, I will definitely fall in love with the third master."

Ji Yanli didn't speak, but a pair of dark eyes stared at her with an unpredictable expression.

Shen Qing beat her heart and silently looked away.

Someone as smart as Ji Yanli, wouldn't be able to see anything.

Shen Qing swallowed.But Ji Yanli said lazily with a smile, "Let me just believe you once."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and said, "Dance with me."

Shen Qing: "!!!"

Shen Qing's expression froze instantly.

She was shocked, with a look of disbelief, "Third Master, my subordinate...the subordinate is a man."

What happened to the season banquet?

I am now a "man".

Shen Qing was heartbroken, and now she was a little suspicious of Ji Yanli's sexual orientation.

"What happened to the man?"

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows, and said expressionlessly, "Could it be that what you just said was all lies to fool me?"

Shen Qing hesitated for a second.

She shrank her neck and explained, "Third Master, what my subordinates say is from the bottom of their hearts. How can they say that they are fooling the Third Master."

Ji Yanli's expression relaxed, and he raised his lips and smiled, "Since you are talking about the heart, why don't you want to dance with me?"

Shen Qing's expression was indescribable.

She took a deep breath, "Third Master, it's not that my subordinates don't want to dance with you, it's fine if the third master dances with a woman, dancing with a man will definitely attract criticism from others?
Third Master, you are an upright and open-minded person. If you cause criticism because of these messy things, your subordinates will think it is not worth it, and your subordinates will also consider the reputation of Third Master. "

Ji Yanli smiled meaningfully, "So, you still think about me?"

"The subordinates are naturally thinking about the third master."

Shen Qing lowered his eyebrows, Ji Yanli took a serious look at her, and said suddenly, "In this Yuncheng, as long as I am still here, no one dares to criticize."

"I just want you to dance with me. If you don't want to, I can't force it. You should treat your previous promise as non-existent."

The tone of the season banquet was calm, but it made Shen Qing's heart cold.

She took a deep breath, "Third Master, my subordinates are not unwilling. I will keep my promises, and the promises I made will not be changed. As long as the third master says one thing, my subordinates will say nothing."

Ji Yanli raised his lips slightly, "If you don't want to, I won't force you."

How could Shen Qing dare to say that he didn't want to, and he immediately patted his chest to assure, "Third Master, my subordinates are willing. Isn't it just dancing, my subordinates can."

Ji Yanli coughed lightly, hiding his smile.

Governor Cheng's banquet was full of people, and there were also many men and women on the dance floor, but as Ji Yanli said, no one dared to look towards Ji Yanli blatantly.

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