Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 161 Chapter 161

"Third Master, why don't you go down and see if the food is ready?"

Not wanting to face these people, Shen Qing found an excuse to go down to get some air.


I thought I could take a good stroll, but somehow met the president of the chamber of commerce, and was dragged to a restaurant for dinner out of nowhere.

Ji Yanli knew that she was impatient, so he patted her on the shoulder reassuringly, "Be patient and wait."

After the season banquet said so, Shen Qing could only sit down.

The dignified Third Master Ji, has never spoken to a person so patiently, and the other party is still a subordinate.

A group of people headed by the president of the chamber of commerce looked at Shen Qing in a changed way.

Shen Qing became more impatient and restless.

The good nanmu chopsticks in her hand were all deformed by her unconscious pinch
Ji Yanli glanced at her.

The president of the chamber of commerce was extremely winking, and knowing that Shen Qing was impatient, he offered to suggest, "There is a private room downstairs for guests to rest. If this little brother is tired, I will find someone to take you." Go down and rest."

"The private room has everything to eat, drink and play. If the little brother doesn't want to come up to eat, I will send someone to the private room for the little brother later."

Ji Yanli is still sitting here, but the president of the chamber of commerce is currying favor with Shen Qing, which sounds unreasonable.

However, they could all see clearly the attitude of the season banquet on the street towards this little brother just now.

Flattery has to hit the point.

Ji Yanli is a well-known figure in Yuncheng, there are many people who fawn on him on weekdays, and there is no shortage of courteous people around him.

The little brother in front of him is very unfamiliar. He probably won the favor of Third Master Ji not long ago.

Since he can be valued by Third Master Ji, it's better to curry favor with him than with Ji Banquet.

Shen Qing couldn't figure out the details of these people, so she didn't dare to agree, and turned around to watch the season banquet.

Ji Yanli nodded slightly.After receiving the instructions, Shen Qing smiled and said, "That's troublesome."

The president of the chamber of commerce sent someone over, ready to lead Shen Qing to the private room downstairs to rest.

Before leaving, Ji Yanli instructed, "Stay in the private room and don't run around."

Shen Qing complied obediently, and followed the person who came up to the private room on the first floor.

There was no one in the private room, and there were no noisy voices in her ears, and the irritability in Shen Qing's heart finally subsided a little.

After waiting in the private room for about half an hour, Ji Yanli and Ji Ying hadn't come down yet, but a few cute girl dolls came, saying that the president of the chamber of commerce called to accompany Shen Qing.

Looking at the tender female dolls in front of her who could pinch water, Shen Qing's eyelids twitched violently, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

"The president of the chamber of commerce called you here?"

Shen Qing raised his eyelids and asked aloud.

The one in the lead looked a little bigger, and replied crisply, "Yes, sir. Mr. Shang asked us to come and serve you, sir."


Shen Qing responded lightly and stopped talking.

The girls looked at each other, not sure what Shen Qing meant.

They can be regarded as people who have seen the world, but they have never seen a person like Shen Qing who does not play cards according to common sense.

After a stalemate for a while, the leading girl among them poured a cup of tea for Shen very naturally and handed it eagerly, "Sir, you drink tea."

Shen Qing gave up, but didn't pick up the cup of tea, "No need, I'm not thirsty, just put the water on the table."

The leading girl was slightly disappointed, but she still put down her teacup in disappointment, and sat obediently beside Shen Qing.

Shen Qing frowned slightly.

"Well, sister, can you sit down a little bit, I don't like people sitting next to me."

The main reason is that these delicate girl dolls came out of nowhere, and Shen Qing was very displeased.

If she was a real man, then maybe the president of the chamber of commerce's thoughts had been put to good use, but she was not a man, and the thoughts of the president of the chamber of commerce had turned into self-defeating.

With Shen Qing's reckless appearance, the leading female doll winked at another extremely beautiful girl.

The girl understood, she smiled and moved closer, "Sir, it's hard for me to come here, how could it be possible that I don't even drink hot tea."

As he spoke, he picked up the teacup on the table again, and stretched out his hand to pass it to Shen Qing.

Shen Qing remained unmoved, "I'm sorry, I'm really not thirsty. If you really have nothing to do, go out. I want to be alone for a while."

After Shen Qing said so, the woman who spoke didn't dare to force her, she could only put down her teacup resentfully, walked to a place and sat down quietly.

However, Jing Jing was quiet, but his eyes began to become restless.

A few girls didn't speak, and they used their eyes to hint at Shen Qing, and all of them were eager to speak, and some of them were about to cry, shy and timid.

Shen Qing couldn't bear it anymore, and pointed at a random person, "You, come here and beat my leg."

"You, come here and give me a shoulder squeeze."

She pointed to another person and said expressionlessly, "Pinch your arm."

One by one, it's still too busy.

Find something for them to do so they won't be bored.

Shen Qing laid her legs on the sofa, and casually picked up a newspaper and flipped through it.

However, the female doll with pinched legs is not right when pinched.

Shen Qing's face darkened.

Before the woman pinching her legs could react, she withdrew her legs and bounced off the sofa.

"what are you doing?"

With a cold face, Shen Qing stared at the woman pinching her leg.

The woman pinching her leg was taken aback by her, with an innocent expression on her face, "Sir, I didn't do anything."

Shen Qing pursed her lips and said coldly, "Go out, you don't need to wait here."

Several people's faces changed.

The leading woman hurriedly stood up and said, "Sir, what's the matter, but what did we serve that dissatisfied you, why did you get so angry?"

Saying that, he looked up at the woman who pinched her leg just now, and reprimanded, "What are you doing in the cold, why don't you hurry up and apologize to this gentleman, and you will lose your life if you offend him."

The woman's face changed when she heard that.

He almost knelt down on the ground with a plop, "I'm sorry sir, I was wrong."

"it's not your fault."

Shen Qing's eyebrows and eyes were cold, "I just don't like wind, snow, moon, and moon. You are people from Fengyuechang, so I naturally don't like it."

It's not that Shen Qing looks down on the people in Fengyuechang, it's just that these people are too utilitarian and purposeful to surround him, which makes Shen Qing very unhappy.

The face of the leading girl changed.

She bit her lower lip, with a timely look of humiliation on her face, "Sir, you look down on our sisters."

"I don't look down on anyone."

Shen Qing glanced at the girl who spoke, "I just don't like your ignorance. I think I've made it obvious that I don't like things, but you still want to get together to make me unhappy."

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