Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 163 Chapter 163

The president of the Chamber of Commerce praised, "The third master is really kind to his subordinates."


Ji Yanli had a flat expression and didn't answer.

Seeing Ji Yanli's expression, the president of the Chamber of Commerce knew that his flattery was on the horse's hoof, so he didn't dare to say more.

During the season banquet, they did not look at the president of the Chamber of Commerce, but only looked at Shen Qing with their eyes. Seeing that she really liked that Ye Mingzhu, she was also happy.

Seeing this, the president of the Chamber of Commerce rolled his eyes, "There are many different gadgets at the Chamber of Commerce. If Mr. Xiao likes it, I will send someone to deliver those gadgets to the Ji Mansion someday."

It is said to be a gadget, and it is estimated to be of great value.Ordinary things will not catch the eyes of the president of the chamber of commerce.

Shen Qing's eyes were a little hot, but he didn't reply casually.

The president of the chamber of commerce was apparently asking her, but he was actually watching the season banquet.Giving yourself something is not for the sake of the season banquet.

The season banquet was not too polite, knowing that Shen Qing liked it, he immediately agreed, "I'm going to trouble the president over there."

The simple sentence of the season banquet made the president of the Chamber of Commerce flattered.

"No trouble, no trouble at all."

The president of the chamber of commerce was overwhelmed, and personally delivered the season banquet and others to leave.

Shen Qing had never seen Ye Mingzhu before, and now she was holding the Ye Mingzhu in her hand, and she couldn't close her mouth.

Ji Yanli glanced at her lightly, and immediately smiled, "Look at your promise, you're just as happy as a night pearl."

Shen Qing grinned, "It was given to the subordinates in the name of the third master by someone else's love for the third master. In short, it was given to the subordinates by the third master. Naturally, the subordinates are happy."

Shen Qing was very happy at the moment, and she didn't need to spend money on flattering words.

Ji Yanli pursed his lips and smiled, "It's rare that you are so sensible, knowing that I treat you well, and you will repay me in the future."

"The third master said so."

Shen Qing put away the Ye Mingzhu, said with a smile with crooked eyebrows, "From now on, this subordinate's life will belong to the third master. Whatever the third master asks the subordinate to do, the subordinate will do."

Ji Ying whispered from the side, "These words came from Ji's mansion, and you don't know how many times you have said it."

Shen Qing's face froze, and he turned his head and gave Ji Ying a hard look in embarrassment and shame, "Brother Ji, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

Ji Yanli pressed his fist to his lips and coughed lightly, quite a bit uncontrollably.

Shen Qing restrained his embarrassment, turned his head and explained with a smile, "Third Master, although this subordinate has said this sentence many times, it is from the heart every time. The subordinate will also abide by his own rules." promise,"


Ji Yanli touched her head again, and said with a smile, "It's enough for you to have this kind of heart."

The corner of Shen Qing's mouth twitched, subconsciously avoiding the clutches of the season's banquet.

Like petting a dog's head, she is not a dog.

Shen Qing dodged, and Ji Yanli's hand was placed in the air.Shen Qing looked embarrassed for him, and felt a little guilty for no reason.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and directly grabbed Ji Yanli's hand.


Ji Yanli frowned, and glanced at her with doubts.

Shen Qing smiled, and took a closer look at the hands holding Ji Yanli, "It's nothing, the subordinates just think that the hands of the third master are really beautiful."

Ji Ying was startled, and subconsciously went to see the reaction of Ji Yanli.

Ji Yanli looked at Shen Qing with a smile in his eyes, quite interested, "Do you think my hands are pretty?"


Shen Qing praised sincerely, "I have never seen a hand more beautiful than the third master's hand."

Ji Yanli hooked his lips and smiled, "Do you like it?"

Shen Qing said, "Subordinates naturally like it."

Who doesn't want such a pair of perfect hands.In particular, Shen Qing is still a girl at heart, so she naturally hopes that she will be perfect everywhere.

Season Banquet smiled and said meaningfully, "If you like it, keep holding on there."

Shen Qing was taken aback for a moment.

Catch, catch... catch?

What are you holding?
The... hand of the season banquet?

Shen Qing was stunned for a moment as if struck by lightning.

"Third Master, did you hear me wrong, you asked me to hold your...hand?"

Shen Qing was stunned, and asked again uncertainly.

Ji Yanli Weiyehu raised his eyebrows, his expression was a little displeased, "Didn't you say that you like my hands?"

"This subordinate said that he likes your hand, Third Master, but you don't have to..."

take it.

What's the difference between holding and holding hands?
In the eyes of passers-by, they are two big men.It's kind of weird holding hands or something.

In the latter words, Shen Qing gradually faded away in Ji Yanli's dark eyes.

Staring at Ji Yanli's persuasive eyes, she couldn't say anything later.

Shen Qing grabbed Ji Yanli's hand, neither letting it go nor not letting it go.In the end, she thought of a compromise, and secretly changed the hand holding Ji Yanli to pulling Ji Banli's sleeve.

Ji Yanli noticed her movements and didn't pay attention, but looked indifferent, looking a little unhappy.

Passing by a vendor, the aunt selling wontons even raised her mouth enthusiastically, "Sir, your younger brother looks a little timid."

It is also rare to tug on my brother's sleeve when he is away from home.

The corners of Shen Qing's mouth twitched, really wishing he could just find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

Fuck his mother's younger brother, it's timid to go to Temiao.Is she timid? She is always forced to lie down.

Fortunately, she was pulling the sleeves. If she really held Ji Yanli's hand, wouldn't she be regarded as a mentally handicapped person who could easily get lost.

Following the aunt's question, Ji Yanli glanced back at Shen Qing, and then said with a light smile, "She is really timid."

While speaking, he held her hand behind his back, as if he was afraid that he would get lost.

Shen Qing: "..."

In this way, Shen Qing was dragged along by the season banquet for no reason.Shen Qing felt that the hand was almost not his own, and the whole person was dizzy.

Shen Qing thought about it all the way, but couldn't figure out why Ji Yanli let herself hold his hand.

Later, when Ji Ying came over, she raised her mouth seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, "The third master loves to be clean, but she has never let anyone touch her hand before, you are the first one."

Ji Ying's words enlightened Shen Qing.

That's right, Ji Yanli loves to be clean, no one has ever touched his hand, but today she grabbed his hand recklessly and praised him earnestly.

She reckoned that Ji Yanli made her hold his hand all the way because he was actually torturing her on purpose because he was angry.

The more Shen Qing thought about it, the more it seemed possible.He also secretly complained in his heart that the way of punishing people at this season's banquet is really getting more and more weird.

Compared to the punishment of holding his hand today, the previous punishment of chopping firewood and cooking, or sitting outside watching the moon, or giving her a woman is already very normal.

Shen Qing sighed deeply, and finally came to a conclusion faintly.In the future, if you provoke anyone, you can't provoke the season banquet.

It's true that this guy is good to his subordinates, but it's also true that he has a black belly.

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