Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 167 Chapter 167 How Can You Like It

When the brothers heard that the season banquet was still inside, their expressions changed immediately.

Originally, there were a few brothers who were going to visit Shen Qing in private, but now they heard that the Ji Banquet was here, how could they dare to go in.

"Hey, it's normal for brothers to worry about Shen Qing, but with the third master here, we can rest assured."

A crowd of people came, but after a while, the brothers gathered in front of the room left in twos and threes, never mentioning that they wanted to go in to see Shen Qing.

Ji Ying: "..."

What about worrying about Shen Qing?

When the Ji Banquet came out, Ji Ying was the only one left at the door.

Ji Yanli glanced at Ji Ying indifferently, and asked casually, "Who came here just now?"

Ji Ying: "..."

The third master won't even eat the jealousy of his brothers.

When Ji Ying hesitated, Ji Yanli glanced at him again.Ji Ying organized the words in her mind and was about to speak, but Ji Yanli stepped forward with long legs and left directly.

Ji Ying: "???"

Did he think too much?

When Shen Qing woke up, she found herself lying on the bed of the season banquet.

The bed for the Season Banquet is different from other beds, even the old ones. The overall style is simple and elegant, and it was specially given to him by someone else from abroad.

It is very comfortable to sleep, which is very different from other beds.

Shen Qing made a circle and sat up.

As a result, the body did not sit up straight, and there was a burst of dizziness in front of his eyes.She had to fall back to sleep with a soft sound.

The movement alarmed Ji Ying who was standing at the door.

When Ji Ying came in, Shen Qing was already lying down, holding his forehead with one hand, looking very painful.

Shen Qing still wanted to struggle, but was stopped by Ji Ying's voice, "I advise you not to move. The doctor said that you have been poisoned by tiger wolf medicine, and you need to lie quietly in bed to recuperate these two days. Get your body back quickly."

"Tiger wolf... medicine?"

The Shen listener was a little unbelievable, but felt even more confused.

It seems that she guessed right, it really is those prostitutes.

Shen Qing understood the cause and effect, and immediately gritted her teeth with hatred, wishing to beat up those women one by one.

I am still a teenager, my grandma is a bear, those girls can really do it.

Shen Qing looked around, but there was no sign of the season banquet, and then asked aloud, "Why am I in the third master's room, who brought me here?"

The corners of Ji Ying's eyes twitched, "Do you think, besides the third master, who would dare to take you into the third master's room?"

Shen Qing was startled.

"It turned out that the third master brought me back."

Shen Qing was moved to tears, "It's still the third master who treats us best. We are so happy to have such a good leader."

Ji Ying's eyebrows were almost knotted, she didn't like Shen Qing's hypocritical flattery the most.I endured it and endured it, but I couldn't bear it in the end.

"Come on, the third master is not here, so you don't need to boast."

This said.

Shen Qing was not willing to listen.

She explained, "I am sincerely sighing, and I didn't say it to the third master. What you said, it seems that the things I usually say are all for the third master. I am that kind of person ?"

Ji Ying glanced at her silently, without speaking.

Whether she is such a person or not is not based on what she said.

Shen Qing pouted, "Where is the third master?"


Ji Ying replied with a blank face.

Shen Qing was a little surprised, "You just came back and went out?"

"just came back?"

Ji Ying's lips moved, "You have been in a coma for two days and two nights, how could you just come back."

Shen Qing was stunned, "I've been in a coma for two days?"

After all, she was a little embarrassed, raised her eyes to look at Ji Ying, and said gratefully, "I have troubled you these days, and thank you for taking care of me."

"It doesn't have to be."

Ji Yingdao, "The third master has taken care of you personally these past few days. Today the third master has something to do, so he let me guard the door."

Shen Qing was taken aback.

Ji Yingdao, "The doctor said that your physique is inherently poor. Taking that medicine will also damage the vitality of ordinary men. It will take some time to recuperate. Your physique is much worse than that of ordinary men. Because of long-term malnutrition, taking that medicine Drugs, the side effects are greater, and adequate rest is needed."

Shen Qingxin was grateful, "Thank you Brother Ji for telling me this."

Ji Ying was unmoved, "You don't have to thank me, the person you should thank is the third master. For your health, the third master invited many well-known old Chinese doctors to come here, and in the past two days, the third master, in order to take care of you, Almost never got a full night's sleep."

Shen Qing was stunned.

It seems that Ji Yanli's kindness to himself has surpassed the attitude towards a subordinate.

Is it...

"Third Master got angry this time, and those prostitutes were given the same amount of drugs by Third Master. The president of the chamber of commerce was lucky, and the Ye Mingzhu he gave you caught your eyes, and you escaped by luck."

Shen Qing lowered her eyes silently.

Ji Yanli doesn't really have other thoughts about himself.

But how is this possible.

How can a man like Ji Yanli, who is like a god, like himself like this.

He must be thinking too much.

Shen Qing couldn't help but patted his forehead.Is it because I was sleepy and confused, how could such unrealistic fantasies appear?

Shen Qing didn't want to think too much, looked around, and asked, "Why didn't you see Jinyi?"

Ji Ying said, "I would like to go out with the third master."


Shen Qing replied, staring at the ceiling.

During Shen Qing's coma, many things happened.First, Hong Jun came back from the north and was injured.Later, Jin Er came back again, and brought another person with him.

Shen Qing knew this person.

No, it should be said that it was not Shen Qing who knew it, but the original owner.

Ji Yanli should be busy with something, since she woke up, she hasn't seen anyone, but Jin Er, Shen Qing saw someone while exercising.

Still caught by Shen Qing's bag.

"Sincere two."

Shen Qing clasped Jin Er's shoulder with one hand, "What are you hiding from, all sneaky?"

Jin Er blushed, his eyes flickered, and he shouted, "Who is hiding."


Shen Qing let go of her hand and looked him up and down.This time Jin Er went out a lot darker, but also a lot stronger.

When Shen Qing looked at him, his eyes looked away, as if he didn't dare to look at Shen Qing.

Shen Qing didn't know why, so he muttered, "Why is a big man so coy. He said you dodged and still refused to admit it."

Hearing this, Jin Er looked embarrassed, but soon returned to normal.

He hesitated for a moment, then took out a burnt clay figurine from his pocket, "It's for you, it's a gift for this business trip."

Shen Qing reached out to take it and took a look.


The clay figure turned out to be herself.

The little man is dressed in black clothes and black trousers, with curved eyebrows and eyes like a little fox. This is the miniature version of Shen Qing.

Shen Qing couldn't put it down, and couldn't help asking, "Where did you get such a clay figurine?"

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