Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 172 Chapter 172

Ji Yanli looked at him, and said in a neutral voice, "I want you to inquire about something, why hasn't anyone been seen for a long time."

Jin lowered his eyes and listened, seeing that Ji Yanli's expression was the same, he said, "Third Lord, my subordinates have already inquired clearly."

Ji Yanli glanced at him, then raised his eyebrows and said, "What did you find out?"

Jin Yi took a step forward, "Third Lord, my subordinates have asked. Shen Qing doesn't seem to know Shen Yuan."


I would like to say, "This subordinate said Shen Yuan's name, and also deliberately paid attention to Shen Qing's reaction. She really doesn't know Shen Yuan."

"And the subordinate also mentioned about Shen Yuan being chased and killed by the special zone halfway, but the subordinate didn't respond when he looked at her. It must be that he really can't remember Shen Yuan."


Ji Yanli's mood obviously improved, he picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip slowly before opening his mouth.

"Shen Yuan and his childhood sweetheart played together when they were young, she really doesn't have the slightest impression."

I would like to be careless. When did the third master care so much about a person's past? Only this deep indifference can make the third master treat him differently.

Jin said, "Shen Qing said that when she was young, she remembered having a neighbor playmate, who was a few years older than her, and whose nickname was Mao Dan. Later, she was sent to the city by her family, and she never met again."

Ji Yanli snorted lightly, "She remembers clearly."

The corner of Jin's mouth twitched fiercely, and he added, "It was my subordinate who mentioned it, and Shen Qing recalled it for a long time before I remembered it. Looking at it from my subordinates, she doesn't seem to remember it very clearly."


Ji Yanli frowned slightly, and said lightly, "If Shen Yuan comes back to Yuncheng in the future, don't let him hang around in front of Shen Qing."

Jin was silent for a moment, nodded in response, "Yes, my subordinates have written it down."

Seeing that there were no other orders at the Ji Banquet, I was ready to go out as soon as I knew the situation.

As a result, before leaving, Ji Yanli asked again in a deep voice, "She is in better spirits, did she rest?"

"The subordinates look much better."

Jin turned around and said respectfully, "Third Master, do you want your subordinates to call Shen Qing over?"

Ji Yanli's eyes flickered, and he played with the jade wrench in his hand. After a while, he shook his head and said, "No, her body hasn't recovered yet."

When I heard it, I felt a sigh of relief.

The third master is obviously interested in Shen.

He rolled his eyes, and said calmly, "Third Master, looking at Shen Qing, this subordinate seems to like the house that Third Master bestowed on her. I remember that there is another vacant house next to this place of Third Master's." with.

I remember that it was used as a spare main room for the third master to live in.Later, the third master chose this place, but no one lived in that place.Otherwise, the subordinates will clean up that place and let Shen Qing move in, so that it will be convenient for Shen Qing to serve the third master at that time. "

Ji Yanli glanced up at him, pursed his lips and took a sip of tea.Jinyi waited beside him, watching him rubbing the jade wrench.

I don't know how long it took before I heard Ji Yanli say unhurriedly, "She doesn't seem to like to move out, you can find a compromise reason, just don't make it too obvious."

I was taken aback for a moment.

He just raised his mouth on a whim.He thought it was impossible to agree with the third master's temperament.

did not expect……

I was secretly surprised, and hurriedly agreed to this matter.

Early the next morning, Shen Qing found that the room next to her was being repaired.It is said that something inside is broken, and there is a crack in the wall, which needs to be repaired.

Shen Qing's room was connected to this room, the wall on this side was smashed, and the wall connecting Shen Qing's room to this room also needed to be repaired.

Shen Qing blinked her eyes, looked at the room in front of her that had already started to be repaired, and heard the clanging sound in her ears, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

"This...just tear down the wall of the house?"

Shen Qing looked at the room with a big hole, controlled his temper, and asked, "You demolished the wall, where will I live in the future?"

As soon as Jin was far away, he heard Shen Qing's aggrieved voice, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and quickly walked a few steps, considering his tone in his heart.


Shen Qing saw that Jin Yi had come, and immediately had an outlet to vent.She pointed to the big hole in her room, "Look, my room has become like this now, I can't even live in it."

Jinyi was inexplicably guilty, he lowered his head to hide the emotion in his eyes, raised his eyes and said calmly, "Shen Qing, there's nothing I can do about it. In the past few days, I have been in charge of spilling and there have been reports that there are cracks here. At first we didn't pay much attention to it. The cracks are getting bigger and bigger. I was also worried about something wrong with this room, so I hurriedly found someone to come over and repair it."

Shen Qing nodded to show her understanding, and looked at Jinyi with downcast eyes and guilt, and then calmed down a bit, "This house is right to be repaired. But I think the repair will take a long time.

If it's a day or two, I can settle here for a few nights, but if it takes a long time, it won't be a problem for me to live in this kind of house all the time. "

Jin showed a look of embarrassment, "You are right. But now it has become like this, you see, why don't you settle down with other brothers for a while?"


Shen Qing refused without thinking.

She is a fake man disguised as a man. If she moves to sleep with other brothers, she might as well sleep in this holed room.

Shen Qing frowned and thought for a while, and finally looked at Jinyi, "Is there no other room for me to live in?"

I would like to show my embarrassment, "There is a house, but that house was used as a backup for the third master before. You..."

"Then I'll ask the third master."

Jinyi blocked Shen Qing, "Forget it, you haven't recovered yet, why don't I ask the third master. If the third master agrees, you can live there first."

"it is good."

Jinyi moved quickly.The front foot said to ask for instructions on the Ji Banquet, and the back foot resolved the matter.

I heard that the season banquet agreed.

Shen Qing had no choice but to reluctantly prepare to move out.

When Shen Qing got the new room, she was secretly happy, and praised Ji Yanli in her heart that she was a good person.As a result, when she saw where the room was, she felt a little bad.

Who can tell her that this room is next door to the Ji Banquet House!

Moreover, how could this house be so hidden.

She also came here before, why didn't she find that there is another house next door.

Shen Qing's whole body is not well.

If she knew that this house was next to Ji Banquet, she might as well... just, having a private room is better than not having one.

Jinyi also said that after the house is repaired, he can move back to live.

So, Shen Qing watched as Jinyi took a few brothers and moved her things quickly and quickly to the new room.

And the room she used to live in soon became an empty small house with no one in it.And there was a hole in the wall inside.

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