Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 185 Chapter 185

Shen Qing thought about it.

Didn't Ji Fan write these new notes on purpose to help him understand?The more Shen Qing thought about it, the more it seemed possible.

The annotations in this book are comprehensive, especially those newly marked things, which reflect the author's intentions everywhere.

Shen Qing accepted this kindness.Then I thought about what and how to return the gift.

After much deliberation, I thought it would be better to give him a gift as well, but I didn't know what to give as a gift, so I thought about asking the brothers about Ji Fan's preferences.

Ji Fan's popularity in the Ji mansion was very good, and when Shen Qing asked about it, the brothers in the Ji mansion immediately shared what they knew.

Shen Qing had inquired about it, and after Ji Fan cut off contact with his family, he never came to contact him again.On the contrary, their family members knew that he had come here several times to lick his face when he was doing business in Ji's mansion, but Ji Fan never saw him.

Moreover, Ji Fan has been working under the third master for several years, never messing around outside, and never looking for women or visiting brothels.

At any rate, the third master sent a few beauties over to be kept in the courtyard before, but Ji Fan didn't even have a good girl.

Shen Ting nodded repeatedly, feeling a little moved in her heart.

There is a brother who is a chatterbox, knows a lot of gossip, and has a good relationship with Shen Qing.

"Hey, you said Ji Fan. Let me tell you, that man is a gourd. A brother took him to visit a brothel before, but he just sat still. It made the girl cry."

"Later when the brothers were chatting, I also heard others say that Ji Fan planned to have only one wife in his life. Do you think he is stupid?"

The brother touched Shen Qing with his elbow when he mentioned the excitement.

Shen Qing dodged in disgust, glanced at him, and sighed leisurely, "I don't think Ji Fan is stupid, but you are."

The brother couldn't listen anymore, and stared at him and said, "It's nothing to call it. I'm like this, besides my wife, I also have a concubine at home. Ji Fan——"

"Is it great to have an aunt?"

Shen Qing squinted at him, "Those fat and big-eared high-ranking officials with rich salary, there are not many concubines in their families. In my opinion, a person like Ji Fan who is a couple for life is an admirable existence. A breath of fresh air in the world.”

The brother was speechless for a while.

Which man doesn't love a beautiful wife and beautiful concubine, any man who doesn't love loves all of them!
From his point of view, he still thinks Shen Qing and Ji Fan are strange.

Poor brother, he doesn't know at all that the person he calls brother and brother in front of him is not a real man at all.

Shen Qing inquired for a long time and heard a bunch of messy news, but she still had no clue.

However, Shen Qing didn't think about it for a long time, and Ji Fan came to the door by himself.He said that he had seen the kind of small crossbow made by Shen Qing for Ji Yanli before, and he was very interested, and asked Shen Qing to make one for him.

This is very simple.

Shen Qing agreed without even thinking about it, and after returning to the room, she began to dump the wood.

When the season banquet came back, Shen Qing was still dumping those things in the room without even showing his face.

"Where's Shen Qing?"

Ji Yanli looked around, but didn't see Shen Qing's person, so he asked casually.

Jin took a look, and quickly stood up, "My subordinates go down and ask."

I would like to go quickly and come back quickly.

"Third Master, my subordinates have asked the two wives. The wives said that Shen Qing has been dumping wood in the room for the past few days."

Ji Yanli frowned slightly, "Is she in better health?"

Jinyi didn't know how to reply, he really didn't ask this question.

Fortunately, the season banquet seemed to be just a casual talk, and didn't ask much.After thinking for a while, he said, "Forget it, the left and right are just idle, let her toss, and she is happy."

I would like to be silent.

The third master's heart is also out of bounds, Shen Qing has been resting for several days in total.

If you change to other brothers, you will start working after a few days of rest.Shen dumping is good, and there is still leisure and elegance to dump wood in one day.

But the third master still indulges her like this.

Ji Yanli still had something to do when he came back, knowing that Shen Qing was making wood, he didn't pay much attention to it.

Ji Yanli is such a smart person, he naturally knew that Shen Qing was avoiding him on purpose.He also happily gave her space to think about it.

In this way, Shen Qing'an spent two days in peace.

During the meal, Ji Yanli didn't come to eat with her anymore, which made Shen Qing heave a sigh of relief.

It's a good time not to come, and she is also happy and leisurely.

On the third day, Shen Qing approached Ji Fan with some ready-made bows and crossbows.

When it passed, Ji Fan was eating.

Shen Qing happened to be in time, and she happened to not have eaten when she came.

She usually eats later, but she never expected that Ji Fan would eat so early.

When Ji Fan saw Shen Qing, he was quite surprised, "Why are you here?"

With that said, Shen Qing was invited in.

"This house is a little tricky, you can sit as you please. Ji Fei, who lives with me, is on a mission, so he just isn't here right now."

Shen Qing nodded, and took out the bow and crossbow that she had made, "I'm here to send you the crossbow. I also made other things for you, I hope you like it."

While she was speaking, she took out a series of small things and stuffed them all over to Ji Fan, "These are all for you."

Ji Fan seemed to be very interested in what Shen Qing made, and he couldn't put it down.

"Shen Qing, thank you. I like all the things you made."

Shen Qing chuckled, "As long as you like it."

After Ji Fan put away his things, he asked Shen Qing out loud, "By the way, have you eaten yet?"


Shen Qing took a look at the food on Ji Fan's table, it just happened to be enough for one person.

She came suddenly, met Ji Fan for dinner, and thought of leaving with a bow and crossbow, but she didn't expect her stomach to growl unbearably just after she denied it.

Xu Shi smelled the aroma of food, and Shen Qing felt a little hungry for no reason.

Shen Qing was too embarrassed.

She touched her nose uncomfortably, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Ji Fan clenched his fist tightly with one hand and pursed his lips into a snicker.

He smiled and said, "If you're hungry, stay here and eat. I'll ask the kitchen to bring some more."

"No, no, it's the same when I go back to eat." Shen Qing quickly refused.

Ji Fan said, "I happen to have some questions about the bows and crossbows you made. I just want to ask you about some things that I don't understand. You are always by the side of the third master on weekdays, and I don't have much time to see you. You just came here today, and I will explain all the doubts. And ask, so as not to find opportunities in the future.”

After Ji Fan said so, Shen Qing naturally didn't have the nerve to refuse, so he could only stay.

After thinking about it, she suddenly felt that it would be good to stay.When she goes back to the season banquet, she will also be allowed to eat with him, it seems that it is the same wherever she eats.

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