Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 191 Chapter 191 Walk With Me 1 Walk

Ji Yanli glanced at her.Seeing her flattering appearance, her eyes moved slightly, "Walk with me?"

Shen Qing was taken aback, "Does the third master want to go?"


Hearing Ji Yanli's answer, Shen Qing was silent, and then said, "Then my subordinates can walk with the third master."

Just in time, find a suitable opportunity to find out what the season banquet thinks about me.

Unexpectedly, after walking all the way, Ji Yanli didn't say a word, and Shen Qing also followed behind him with downcast eyes, not daring to say more.

I don't know if it's because the weather is too cold today, or if Shen Qing's health is too poor.Before walking far, Shen Qing sneezed two times in succession.

Ji Yanli paused, frowned and asked, "Have you caught a cold?"

"No, it's just a sneeze, it's not in the way." Shen Qing hastily stopped, "Ah, sneeze..."

"Forget it, the weather is cold, and your body hasn't recovered yet. It's because I didn't think carefully."

Ji Yanli pursed her lips, turned and walked back.


Shen Qing was stunned for a moment, Ji Yanli had already gone a little farther, she hurriedly followed up.

Ji Yanli returned to his room.

When he went in, he turned his sideways eyes and ordered to the people behind him, "Come in."

Shen Qing could only follow him into the room.

The room of the Season Banquet is on the top floor. There is a large glass window where you live. Through the glass window, you can see the full moon outside at a glance.

There is a table in front of the glass window, and there are sofa seats.Ji Yanli sat down on the sofa, raised his eyes and said to Shen Qing, "You sit too."

Shen Qing sat down in fear.

She didn't know what medicine was sold in the gourd of the season banquet, so she could only bite the bullet and hold on.

If you ask something inexplicable at this moment, it will appear abrupt, and it is not a good time.

Shen Qing didn't speak, Ji Yanli looked at her.Seeing her cautious appearance, she smiled lightly and said, "Usually she is quite courageous and dares to challenge me, how can she be so cowardly now?"

Shen Qing was speechless, and explained, "Third Master, this subordinate is not cowardly, but just...doesn't know how to face Third Master."


Ji Yanli's tone was low, and he looked at her with deep eyes, "Why is this?"

Shen Qing moved her mouth, but wanted to ask out the confusion in her heart.However, when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again.

She didn't have the guts.

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows, and suddenly asked, "Like Ji Fan?"

Shen Qing was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "This subordinate doesn't like Ji Fan."

Ji Yanli stared at her with a half-smile, and didn't know how much she believed her words.

Facing the sight of last season's banquet, Shen Qing sighed, and replied truthfully, "Before this subordinate, I really wanted to get in touch with Ji Fan and wanted to cultivate a relationship with him. But since Ji Fan has a fiancée, my subordinate will naturally Nothing to do with him."

Ji Yanli lowered his eyes, rubbed the jade wrench finger in his hand, and asked, "Since you don't like it, why do you want to develop a relationship with him?"

Shen Qing replied honestly, "Ji Fan is a good person, and he only married one wife in his life, and he never married another aunt. He will be a couple for the rest of his life. The subordinates think this is the best about him."

Season Banquet looked weird, "Just because of this?"


Ji Yanli was silent and did not speak.

Shen Qing was slightly disappointed.

Look, this is the way of the world, which man doesn't like three wives and four concubines.

She is still her subordinate honestly and does not fantasize about things that do not belong to her.

She doesn't belong to this time and space, so how can she dream of finding someone who can join hands with each other.

Is it really too lonely?
Shen Qing was not very interested, and was feeling depressed, so she heard Ji Yanli say in a deep voice, "Don't think about it, if... I will allow you to be a couple for the rest of your life."

Shen Qing was completely stunned.

She stared wide-eyed, staring at Ji Yanli, and asked in disbelief, "What does the third master mean?"

Was he showing his heart to her?

"Just as you think."

Ji Yanli looked at her with dark eyes, "When this matter is over, I will marry you as a decent wife with three matchmakers and six recruits."


No, if you marry or not, don't you ask her wishes?

Shen Qing swallowed, and asked cowardly, "Third Master, didn't you ask my opinion before you said this?"

Ji Yanli looked up at her, raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not speak.

But Shen Qing understood the look in his eyes.

She works in Ji's mansion, as long as Ji Yanli disagrees, how can she marry someone else.

Not to mention that everyone in Yuncheng is watching Ji Yanli's face, as long as Ji Yanli doesn't say anything, who would dare to look at her more.Moreover, even if it wasn't in Yuncheng, according to Ji Banli's circle of influence, there were plenty of ways to force her to submit.

Unless she fled abroad.

Shen Qing was a little discouraged, and she simply broke the pot and said, "The third master wants to marry me, and I am happy to see it happen. But if the third master marries me in the future, if he marries another concubine in the future, can the third master divorce me?" Let me go?"


When Shen Qing heard this, her heart relaxed, and the corners of her lips curled up, "Third Master, you are really a good person."

After talking about the same season's banquet, Shen Qing thought that seeing the season's banquet later would inevitably feel awkward.

However, it was only after meeting her that she realized that her worries were unnecessary.

The way she gets along with Ji Yanli has not changed at all.It made her doubt whether the conversation yesterday was all imagined by herself.

Ji Yanli looked up at her, "What's wrong?"

Shen Qing shook his head, "It's nothing."

She just couldn't figure it out, the two of them talked about it yesterday, how could today's season banquet be so calm.

Sure enough, it's because I don't have enough concentration.

The season banquet was not as much as she thought. Seeing her lost in thought, she put down the book in her hand, "But are you bored?"

Shen Qing was flattered, and quickly shook his head, "No subordinate."

Season Banquet obviously didn't believe it, and stood up directly from his seat.

"Let's go, I'll take you to visit Yuncheng."

Go shopping again?

The scene of shopping last time was vivid in her memory. To be honest, she was a little reluctant to go.

"You don't want to go?"

Ji Yanli seemed to have seen through her thoughts, paused slightly, and stared at her with eyes like splashed ink.

Shen Qing felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by him. "Third Master, it's not that this subordinate doesn't want to go, it's just that nine out of ten of the rich and powerful in Yuncheng know you, Third Master. If this subordinate follows you out, I'm afraid it will attract attention."

Afraid of overthinking the season banquet, Shen Qing hurriedly explained, "I have nothing to do with my subordinates, I'm just afraid that some people who don't have eyes will come up and affect your interest, third master."

Ji Yanli pursed his lips and looked at her, and after a while he said leisurely, "You don't want to go out with me?"

Lying down?

What kind of genius logic is this!

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