Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 206 Chapter 206 will keep you worry-free

Chapter 206 206. I Will Protect You From Worry

The quarterly banquet was full of smiles and a bad expression. Shen Qing had not yet brewed many emotions in her heart, but now she was already a little timid.

She walked over slowly, lowering her eyes to hide the emotions in her eyes. When she raised her eyes again, her expression had returned to normal.

As soon as she walked over, she was pulled by Ji Yanli and sat directly in his arms.

Shen Qing: "..."

Stinking rogue!
Don't be cowardly right now.

Originally, the season banquet was wrong, she was afraid of a ball of wool!

She was thinking like this, but when she really looked at the last season's banquet, she was instantly frightened.

Ji Yanli's black eyes were dark and bright, staring at her for a while, with a gentle tone and a smile, "Who do you want to marry?"

The tone sounded inexplicably wrong.

Shen Qing paused for a moment, swallowed her saliva, and started to be cowardly here, "I, I don't want to marry anyone. I just thought, it's not suitable for us to live in the same room with single men and widows. on."

As Shen Qing spoke, she felt a little lack of confidence for some reason, and her voice gradually dropped.

After hearing her words, Ji Yanli didn't feel annoyed, he just looked at her weakening and timid appearance with deep satisfaction, and the smile on his face remained unchanged for a while, with a look of connivance.

"You keep talking."

Shen Qing swallowed, and secretly glanced at Ji Yanli, "If I keep talking, I'm afraid you will get angry."

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows, "When did I get angry?"

Shen Qing couldn't help but rolled his eyes secretly, and couldn't help but pucker his mouth.

Just now she said something about how she could marry someone else, and he became angry.

Don't think she can't hear it!

Seeing her angry look, Ji Yanli couldn't help but laugh.So he reached out and pinched her slightly bulging cheeks.

Shen Qing was pinched for a second and couldn't help but slap his hand away.

After the filming, she felt a little belatedly aware of it.


Did he actually slap Ji Yanli's hand away just now?
Shen Qing looked at her hand, and then went to see the reaction of the season banquet in a strange way.

As a result, he just raised his eyes, and happened to meet Ji Yanli's gaze.

Shen Qing was stunned for a moment, then gave a doggy smile, and said cautiously, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Third Master, you hurt me just now."

His tone was timid and a little pitiful.

Ji Yanli gave a half-smile, stared at her and sneered slightly, "I won't blame you, what are you doing so nervous."

Shen Qing exhaled, and said with a dog-legged smile, "Third Master, you are really magnanimous."

She had never seen such a dog-legged expression before at the quarterly banquet.Seeing each other now, I felt that her expression was quite pleasing to the eye, and I laughed out loud for a while.

"Your mouth is really eloquent. You are good at flattering, ten of them are not as good as you."

I don't know if this is a compliment or a sarcasm.

Shen Qing fell silent.

After a while, she smiled and said, "Third Master, you are flattering me. My flattery is just for what I like. If you don't like to hear these things, this subordinate will pick up what you like next time."

Looking at the smiling one, but listening to the neither soft nor hard tone, it is obviously a little uncomfortable.

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows slightly, and chuckled, "How can I say I don't want to hear it."

Shen tilted his head and glanced at him secretly.

This guy is a scumbag.

Even if I have ten mouths, I may not be able to get cheap from him.

Shen Qing was ready to be vague.

However, before Shen Qing could speak, Ji Yanli said unhurriedly, "But there is one sentence that I really don't like to hear."

Shen Qing clicked his tongue lightly.

He knows it!

Ji Yanli sat up again, staring at her with a meaningful smile on his lips.

"Did you never listen to me?"

Shen Qing blinked, "Which sentence did the third master say?"

Ji Yanli said seriously, "I said it, this matter is over, I will marry you as a serious wife, and I will never marry anyone else except you."

Shen Qing pursed his lips.

The season banquet honored her promise, and she naturally believed what he said.

However, her original intention to discuss these matters with him tonight was also to allow Ji Yanli to go back to his own room to sleep.

In her previous life, she had been single for ten thousand years. During the graduation exam and doing tasks, she had a boyfriend and she was addicted to it. At other times, she didn't even hold a man's hand.

For a while, she had to accept someone at the level of a big boss by her side, and she couldn't even sleep well in her dreams.

Not to mention anything else, except for the time when she was drunk, as long as Ji Yanli slept in the same bed with her at other times, she never slept soundly.

Shen Qing rolled his eyes slightly and suddenly raised his lips and said with a smile, "What the Third Master said is really clever. According to the Third Master's ability, if you really want to marry, why wait until this happens? I'm stupid and can't figure it out. Is this the third master’s excuse?”

Ji Yanli's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled meaningfully.

Shen Qing shrank her neck involuntarily, and said bravely, "I, it's not that I don't believe in the third master. That's right, the third master and I are not married after all, and the third master treats me like this, just in case..."

Facing Ji Yanli's substantive gaze, Shen Qing couldn't help swallowing, and emphasized again, "I mean what if! What if the third master suddenly doesn't like me, or there is something more special? Now that I have chosen my wife at that time, who will dare to marry me in the future."


Ji Yanli chuckled, lowered his head and played with the jade wrench in his hand, "You're implying me. I'm very happy that you want to marry me so urgently."

Shen Qing: "!!!"

Shen Qing raised her eyes and stared at Ji Yanli.How come I didn't notice this guy's thick skin before.

Shen Qing also frowned, "It's as long as the third master is happy."

Ji Yanli suddenly smiled.

After a moment of silence, Ji Yanli straightened his expression and said in a low voice, "Yuncheng is not peaceful now. In such a position, my every move will be watched by so many eyes from outside. If I marry you now, I will It’s hurting you.”

Shen Qing instantly understood what he meant.

As the leader of Yuncheng, Ji Yanli is surrounded by dangers and wolves.If Ji Yanli really married her, he would put her on the cusp of the storm.

Ji Yanli said again, "What if one day I suddenly disappear and leave you alone, I won't be able to walk safely."

Shen Ting was inexplicably uncomfortable.

This also confirmed from the side that the situation of the Season Banquet is indeed in danger.

Shen Qing couldn't help but said, "I know what's going on outside now, but Third Master still doesn't believe me. If Third Master believes in me, then he should let me be by your side. I'm not afraid of danger."

Ji Yanli's eyes moved slightly.

"I know you're not afraid, and it's not that you don't believe in you. But in such a position, many things can't be controlled by yourself. I won't marry you because I don't want to involve you in it."

Ji Yanli patted her head.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm alive, I will protect you from worries for the rest of your life. If one day I die, I will also arrange your affairs properly and keep you carefree for the rest of your life."

(End of this chapter)

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