Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 214 Chapter 214

I don't know if Shen Qing's words just now pleased Ji Yanli, but he actually relaxed.

As soon as Ji Yanli agreed, Shen Qing quickly sat up from her seat, for fear that Ji Yanli would suddenly regret it and arrest her for painting again.

Jin glanced at the drawing paper she placed on the table, and immediately twitched the corner of his mouth.

Good guy, this painter is even better than her. The third master has never seen anyone ugly, no wonder the third master wants to restrain her from painting.

It can be seen that Gu Linglong has specially dressed up today. She is wearing a western dress and her hair is also permed and curly. She is extremely beautiful.

When she saw Ji Yanli, she never took her eyes away from him.

Seeing Ji Yanli approaching, she smiled and got up, "Third Master, don't come here without any problems."

Ji Yanli only glanced at her, but didn't reach out her hand.Seeing Ji Yanli's frown, Jinyi hurriedly resisted his fist with his hand, and coughed lightly, "Miss Gu, don't blame me, my third master likes to be clean, and he is not used to shaking hands with people he doesn't know well."

Shen Qing pursed her lips and snickered beside her, Jinyi's words could be regarded as being blunt.This is almost pointing his nose at her unclean hands.

Gu Linglong's smile remained unchanged, knowing that she was in the territory of the season banquet, she did not dare to explode.

"It doesn't matter. I know what kind of person the third master is. "

Gu Linglong smiled, looked around again, and her eyes fell on Ji Yanli, "Third Lord, I wonder if I can give you a little noodle, and I have something important to discuss."

talking.She glanced at Shen Qing without a trace.As soon as she knows, she has been staying by Ji Yanli's side before.

But the thin and small man next to Ji Yanli, she had never seen it before when she came here, maybe he was the latest to be promoted.

It was this kid who kept choking on her last time.Gu Linglong was very impressed with Shen Qing.

Gu Linglong's hint was obvious.

If he was a little more sensible, he would probably have proposed to go out by now.However, Shen Qing was originally wary of Gu Linglong's rhetoric to win the trust of the season banquet, so naturally he would not leave easily at this moment.

Shen Qing will not leave, and Ji Yanli will not drive her away either.She still has some self-knowledge.


Ji Yanli didn't even frown, and said directly, "They are all my people, so just say what you have to say."

There was a hint of impatience in his tone.

Gu Linglong took a deep breath, "Master, I'm here today not as the director of the special zone, but as a Chinese to discuss cooperation with him."

Ji Yanli spoke between his brows, without even bothering to lift his eyelids.

The scene became cold again for a while.

Jin on the side saw that Ji Yanli did not respond, and was not sure what he meant.

On the other hand, Shen Qing tilted his head and asked curiously, "What does Miss Gu mean by that?"

Even Jinyi didn't dare to speak, but the thin and small man in front of him could.

Gu Linglong probably thought about Shen Qing's position in Ji Yanli's heart.

She didn't dare to accuse Shen Qingke like last time. Instead, she took a look at Ji Yanli and saw that she didn't respond, so she said, "Nowadays, the Japanese are running rampant in the country and invading our country. As a Chinese, I also have an opinion Patriotic and enthusiastic. It's a pity that my personal strength is limited. I want to join forces with the third master and be the knife in the third master's hand to chop the Japanese..."

Shen Qing couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

After all, doesn't the heroine just want to join the season banquet?She said such big words without shame, if she hadn't read the original text, at this moment, she probably wouldn't believe what this woman said.This time, Ji Yanli still didn't speak, and it was Shen Qing who spoke.

"Miss Gu is really interesting. As the director of the special area, you are now asking the third master to cooperate with you."

"If Ms. Gu really has that patriotic enthusiasm, why don't you join the rebels? What's the point of you coming to talk to the third master about this?"

"Don't say that Third Master has no intention of fighting against the Japanese. Even if he did, do you think Third Master will believe you? Who knows if you will suddenly bite back when the time comes."

Gu Linglong's expression didn't change, she just smiled and said, "Don't you understand yet. The third master knows who Xue Yu is."

"It is said that whoever the common people in Yuncheng hate the most must be Xue Yu. Xue Yu is the most loyal dog around the Japanese."

"And Xue Yu's current fate is the sincerity of my coming to the Ji mansion today. I have the ability to make Xue Yu carry the rebels on his back, and naturally I also have the ability to be the help of the third master. I don't know what the third master wants?"

Gu Linglong stared at the third master with burning eyes.

Hearing this, Shen Qing suddenly laughed out loud.

Gu Linglong was slightly displeased in her heart, but her face showed a puzzled look, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing."

Shen Qing restrained her smile, and said seriously, "I don't know the evidence that Xue Yu colluded with the rebels, where did Miss Gu get it?"

"Those evidences, of course, I worked hard to obtain."

Shen Qing couldn't hold back anymore, she smiled and said, "Miss Gu, haven't you ever doubted why you found the evidence about Xue Yu's collusion with the rebels?"

When Shen Qing said this, Ji Yanli looked up at her in surprise, with smiles in his eyes.

She's smart, I guessed it all.

Gu Linglong's expression changed, "What do you mean?"

Shen Qing smiled and said, "I guess, in fact, you are not sure whether Xue Yu is an accomplice of the rebels at all, right? That day when Third Master went to the Secrecy Bureau, you were convinced that Xue Yu was not an accomplice of the rebels. As for The evidence..."

Gu Linglong reacted immediately. She suddenly looked at Ji Yanli and said suddenly, "It turns out that the evidence was deliberately forged by the third master."

Shen Qing frowned, and said with a smile on the back of his lips, "Miss Gu, you can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. What is the evidence forged by the third master? Those evidences are all true. The third master is also in the You don’t need to say thank you for such a small matter, since the special area is named.”

In fact, Shen Qing had only figured out these things in the past few days.

Xue Yu is just a dog of the Japanese, and it is impossible for him to collude with the rebels.The heroine had stayed in Ji's mansion and later went to Xue Yu's place. It was not difficult to find the so-called evidence.

But where does the evidence come from?

Gu Linglong also returned to China not long ago, her foundation in Yuncheng is not deep, she can do all this without anyone noticing, and she can hide it from Zuo Tianyize.

Shen Qing could only think of the Ji Banquet.

Xue Yu suspected Ji Yanli, so Ji Yanli used Gu Linglong's hand to get rid of him.

Perhaps Ji Yanli had already noticed Gu Linglong's purpose, so he arranged this move.

Gu Linglong also figured out the key at this moment, knowing that she was being used by the season banquet.

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