Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 216 Chapter 216

Yuncheng is the economic lifeline of the entire Hua Country.Waterways in all directions pass through Yuncheng.Especially ships from abroad, no matter where they go, they must pass through Yuncheng.

Although the Marshal is nominally in charge of several major provinces, in fact Yuncheng is not under his control.This is why he has been trying so hard to win over Ji Banli.

The next day, Ji Yanli went to the mansion where the marshal lived temporarily.

Shen Qing was a little worried.Because the marshal's temporary residence happened to be on the territory of the Japanese.

The season banquet didn't take it seriously, and asked Jinyi to arrange a vehicle for travel.

Shen Qing frowned and said, "Third Master, this subordinate always feels that this handsome man has no good intentions in asking you to come over. Why don't Third Master find an excuse to leave."

The past few days have not been peaceful in Yuncheng, and people in the special zone are even more panicked.The marshal's mansion is in the special zone.

Let Ji Yanli go to his temporary mansion at this time, there must be no good intentions.

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Are you concerned about me?"

Shen Qing blinked, "Is it because my concern is not obvious enough?"

The season banquet suddenly laughed out loud.

Shen Qing took the opportunity to persuade, "Third Master, the situation in Yuncheng these days is like this, and the situation in the special zone is worse than before. It is inevitable that along the way you will meet those radicals who want to assassinate you, Third Master."

"This handsome man's invitation can be postponed. If the third master is injured because of this, it will be more of a loss than a gain."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

As Ji Yanli said, he looked up at her again, "If you are worried, you can go there with me."

Shen Qing originally planned to rest today.But now Ji Yanli proposed to let her go with him, she thought for a moment, rolled her eyes, and her face was obviously a little emotional.

Ji Yanli said again, "The commander-in-chief has always been lustful, and he treats guests very generously, and his mansion has many beauties, if you don't follow..."

Shen Qing's heart itched unbearably, and when she heard that she was as beautiful as a flower, she immediately slapped her thigh, "I'm going to change my clothes now."

Looking at it, there is a bit of excitement.

Ji Yanli froze for a moment, pursed the corners of his lips and stopped talking.

Jinyi made a rare joke, "When the third master mentions that there are beauties, Shen Qing runs faster than a rabbit. This is because he intends to watch the third master all the time."

When a woman disguises herself as a man, she is a character who refuses to admit defeat. If she becomes married with the third master in the future, she must treat the third master to death.

The marshal's residence is not far from the administrative office building of the special zone.The administrative area is heavily guarded at the moment, and Japanese people pass by on the road from time to time.

There were several men with guns standing in front of the Marshal's mansion.When the season banquet entered the mansion, the Marshal came out to greet him in person.

"Haha, I've heard of the name of Third Master Ji for a long time, but I haven't been in Yuncheng before, and I haven't seen you again."

The marshal seemed very happy about the arrival of the quarterly banquet, "Third Master, please."

Ji Yanli smiled lightly, "You are very polite."

The two entered the front hall together.

The Marshal's mansion is really full of beauties, just walking over, Shen Qing saw several beautiful girls serving tea and water.

The people who came to serve tea and water were all beautiful girls.

But those girls are also well-behaved. I don't know if they know that the commander-in-chief is going to discuss matters with the season banquet, and they go out after serving tea and water.

Seeing that everyone was going out, the commander-in-chief also got straight to the point.

"I'm new here. I invited the third master over today. Firstly, I wanted to come to see you, and secondly, I wanted to introduce my daughter to the third master."

The marshal smiled and said, "My daughter has lived abroad with her mother since she was a child. After her mother died, she was adopted by kind people. I only recognized her not long ago."

For some reason, after hearing what the commander said, Shen Qing inexplicably had a bad premonition.


The commander waved his hand, and Gu Linglong walked out from behind the lobby.Ji Yanli's eyes were fixed on Gu Linglong. He really didn't expect that Gu Linglong would be the handsome daughter.

Shen Qing was also dumbfounded.

The original text only stated that the heroine grew up in country M, and seemed to be adopted by people from country M, but it never said that the heroine was the daughter of the commander.

Huh, this is interesting.

The commander is a pro-Japanese faction, and Gu Linglong is a spy of Country M.The hostess is a family of reactionaries.

Shen Qing sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, every heroine has a bizarre life experience.Proper heroine standard.

The marshal said, "This is my daughter Gu Linglong, who is now the director of the special zone. I want to give my daughter to the third master as his concubine. I don't know what the third master wants?"

Shen Qing pursed her lips secretly when she heard the words.

Sure enough, she was a picked-up daughter, and she was given to someone else so casually to be a concubine.

Of course, this may also be the wish of the heroine, after all, the heroine has always wanted to get close to the season banquet.

If there is no butterfly effect caused by her variable, I am afraid that the heroine is already fighting wits and courage with the hero, and subtly making the hero look at her differently.

However, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the commander-in-chief proposed to send Gu Linglong to the Ji Banquet.If the season banquet is agreed, it is tantamount to marrying the commander-in-chief. If he does not agree, it will undoubtedly refute the commander-in-chief's face.

After all, the commander-in-chief is someone who controls several provinces. It would not be good if the season banquet offended him now.This is no different from persecution.

The commander-in-chief intends to win over Ji Yanli, and the heroine secretly wants to get close to Ji Yanli.With such a calculation, it seems that it is beneficial to them for the heroine to marry the season banquet.

Hehe, the wishful thinking is good.

Shen Qing pursed her lips, her expression tensed, and she glanced secretly at Gu Linglong.Gu Linglong on the other side also raised her eyes to look at her, and the corners of her lips curled slightly.

Shen Qing: "!!!"


The heroine is so blatantly provocative.

Shen Qing gritted his teeth.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ji Yanli turned his head around, "Shen Qing, what do you think?"

The action of the season banquet made the commander's eyes sink for an instant.

Shen Qing blinked.

"Why are you so dumb." Ji Yanli chuckled, "There is a shortage of people serving tea and water in your room, the commander is kind, would you like it?"

The handsome man's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. He looked at Ji Yanli and said, "What does the third master mean by this?"

Ji Yanli put down the teacup lightly, "It's not interesting. Since you want a concubine, you will naturally have to honor the head mistress when you enter the door. Naturally, you have to ask the head mistress what she means."

The handsome man's expression dropped.

He felt that the actions of the season banquet were extremely absurd.

How can a man marry another man as the housewife.Even the commander-in-chief was well-informed, and he was taken aback by Ji Yanli's shocking move.

Gu Linglong's complexion was even worse.

She really didn't expect that she even asked her cheap father to come forward, and even condescended to take the status of a concubine, and Ji Yanli still refused to agree to her.

Shen Qing almost died laughing.

She blinked and smiled deliberately, "Third Master, you forgot that the four concubines sent by the commander-in-chief before are still in the Ji mansion. I have them enough to serve me."

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