Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 224 224 He Saved You Many Times

Chapter 224 224. He Saved You Many Times

Shen Qing shrugged innocently, "What can I do."

The brother was speechless, endured it, and finally couldn't hold back and said, "You are too bold."

He didn't say clearly what was going on, but it was obvious that he was guarding against the wall.

Shen Qing understood what he meant instantly.She blinked and spread her hands helplessly, "When I went down, I asked the Third Master for his opinion. It was not my fault."

The brother was stunned and said, "Third Master allowed it?"


The brother suddenly didn't understand.Logically speaking, the third master knew about the fishery in this tea room, so how could he still let Shen Qing continue to make trouble.

The brother's eyebrows were tangled, and he really didn't know what to say at this moment.

I heard that the third master favored Shen Qing the most. Why did he not tell Shen Qing about this situation?

Shen Qing seemed to see through his thoughts and couldn't help but smile and patted his shoulder, "Stop thinking nonsense. Third Master gave me a hint before I left."

Just didn't say it clearly.

Shen Qing guessed that it might be inconvenient to talk about the season banquet at that time.

There are Japanese Japs everywhere in the tea room. My actions just now have attracted a large number of Japanese Japs out. At this moment, there are probably not many Japanese Japs gathered in the tea room on the second floor.

The brother touched his forehead and said with a smile, "You are still smart. No wonder the third master trusts you the most."

If it were them, if they didn't say it clearly, hints would be useless.

Shen Qing couldn't laugh or cry.

The brother chatted with Shen Qing for a few words and then went to do other things.

Shen Qing waited at the door for a while.

Ji Yanli was still talking to others in the room. Shen Qing had a good ear and stood close enough to hear occasional voices coming from inside.

in the room.

Shen Yuan held the letter of introduction from the season banquet, with a complicated face, "Can I trust you?"

"Believe it or not, it all depends on Mr. Shen's wish. I'm just delivering this seal on your behalf."

The banquet was expressionless, as if the letter really meant nothing to him.

Shen Yuan's eyes showed a complicated expression.

This Third Master Ji is very different from the rumored Third Master Ji.

This letter was written by a senior member of the domestic resistance faction. The words in the letter were sincere, hoping that Shen Yuan could join the anti-war faction's research institute and contribute to this devastated country.

To be honest, he was very excited.


Shen Yuan raised his eyes slightly, "Thank you, Third Master, for your kindness. However, to be honest with you, Third Master, Shen has also been attracted by other forces before."

"Shen only hopes that the country will be peaceful and the people are safe, but he does not want to see his compatriots hurt each other. Shen's worry is the reason why Shen has been reluctant to make up his mind."

Just as he was talking about this, a soft and suppressed cough came from outside.

Ji Yanli's eyes moved, he glanced in the direction of the door, and said in a deep voice, "Come in."

Shen Yuan was stunned.

Is there someone outside?

Soon.The door was opened a crack from the outside, and a head poked its head in through the crack.

He is a handsome little man.

The man glanced at Ji Yanli with a guilty conscience, and then said flatteringly, "Third Master, please continue. I just couldn't help coughing, so I didn't interrupt your conversation."

Ji Yanli frowned and glanced at her, then said, "Come in and stay here."


Shen Qing didn't delay, and immediately opened the door and went in with a smile.

When she poked her head in just now, she didn't see clearly. Now that she came in, she realized that the person talking to Ji Banquet seemed a bit familiar.Fuck!

Isn't this the man below who was about to retort about Mr. Shu, but she stopped him in time?

Did he know Season Banquet?
Shen Qing glanced at him with a subtle expression.

Shen Yuan didn't know why, and looked at Shen Qing looking at him intently, with an unpredictable expression, and couldn't help but be stunned, "You know me?"

"do not know."

Shen Qing shook his head.

Shen Qing had changed her voice when she spoke, and her disguise had been removed. Now that Shen Qing was standing in front of him, he really couldn't recognize her.

Shen Yuan felt even more baffled.

I didn't know what she was doing looking at him with that look.

Shen Yuan did not dwell on the matter. Instead, he turned around and had a formal talk with Ji Yanli.

"Ji Sanye, I think I still need to think about this matter. Although I really want to enter the research institute to contribute to the country, but in the current domestic situation, I am afraid that my efforts will become a bargaining chip for the people of the country to fight for power."

"I want to see again. If they are really serving the country and the people, Shen should contribute this strength to the country."

The banquet ceremony's fingers tapped on the table without saying a word.

Shen Qing sitting beside him suddenly sat upright and looked at Shen Yuan with wide eyes.

Shen, surnamed Shen?
Something is not quite right about Listener Shen.

The banquet hit the table for a moment, then turned to look at her, "What's wrong?"

Shen Qing blinked, "Nothing, I just want to confirm something."

As she spoke, she couldn't help but looked at Shen Yuan again with a strange expression, and suddenly asked, "Are you Shen Yuan?"

Shen Yuan felt even more baffled, "I am, I wonder who this little brother is?"

Shen Qing's eyes lit up. "I am Shen Qing, the farmer who stopped you just now."


Shen Yuan squirted out a sip of tea.

He stared at Shen Qing in astonishment, his face full of disbelief.

Is the fair-skinned man in front of me with fairly good features the same person as the man with big yellow teeth and slovenly hair just now?

Ji Yanli frowned slightly and looked at Shen Yuan calmly.There was something special about this kid, and he deserved to be so excited when she saw him.

Shen Qing noticed that Ji Yanli was not very happy, so she coughed lightly, restrained the smile on her face, and turned serious.

After Shen Yuan was shocked, he calmly wiped the tea stains from the corner of his mouth and said, "Thank you for your help."

Shen Qing smiled and said, "You shouldn't thank me, you should thank my third master. If my third master hadn't agreed, I wouldn't have done anything unnecessary."

Shen Qing said it was unnecessary and would not argue with the storyteller.But Shen Yuan obviously misunderstood what Shen Qing meant.

He looked at Ji Yanli again and said seriously, "Thank you, Third Master."

Ji Yanli pursed his lips and nodded lightly.

Shen Qing felt that he was probably still a little unhappy. After thinking about it, she quietly reached out and scratched the palm of his hand.

Ji Yanli's eyebrows moved, but there wasn't much expression on his face.

Shen Qing raised his eyebrows and scratched again reluctantly. This time, Ji Yanli directly grabbed Shen Qing's hand and said lightly, "Don't make trouble!"

Shen Qing: "!!!"

Shen Yuan was dumbfounded.

Shen Qing was too embarrassed.

But she remembered the business again, so she said to Shen Yuan, "Mr. Shen, in fact, my third master has saved you more than once."

"When you returned to China, many forces had already started to stare at you. With so many forces, if you joined one of them, the other forces would definitely try their best to chase and kill you in order to prevent one of them from growing stronger. The third master doesn't want Only when you see a talent fall will you ask someone to save you."

(End of this chapter)

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