Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 230 230 The Japanese are dead

Shen Qing slept extremely uneasily.

Especially in her sleep, she could vaguely hear someone talking, which was very disturbing.She kicked the quilt angrily, turned around and continued to sleep.

The sound of her kicking the quilt was not loud, but the banquet could be heard.

He immediately smiled and said, "He is not a big man, but he has a quite bad temper."

He called Ji Ying in again.

"Third Master."

When Ji Ying came in, Shen Qing muttered again, and the muttering tone sounded like he was cursing.

The banquet ceremony smiled helplessly.

Ji Ying immediately twitched the corner of her mouth and glanced towards the room without leaving any trace.

Ji Yanli suppressed his smile and gave him a few more careful instructions.Ji Ying also knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately made a solemn face and calmly promised.

On the day when the commander-in-chief met with the Japanese to sign a contract, the commander-in-chief was unwell and did not show up. Instead, he sent Cheng Yunting over.

The next day, he made another appointment with the Japanese at the most famous restaurant in Yuncheng.

In order to express his apology, the commander also promised the Japanese to release the Japanese criminals detained in the prison.

Most of those people came from the Japanese country. These people were arrogant and ran rampant in Yuncheng, robbing women from good families, and acted like a winner.

Once, a Japanese man wanted to do something inappropriate to a girl in public. Cheng Yunting happened to be passing by, so he shot the Japanese man dead.

This incident aroused dissatisfaction among the people in the special zone, who repeatedly accused Cheng Yunting of undermining diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Although Cheng Yunting is not a good person, he does not disdain to do the kind of thing that flatters the Japanese.

He directly took out his gun, pointed it at the special area's nose, and said with a strong attitude that whenever he saw people and things like this in the future, he would have a gun and a gun.

The Japanese were naturally unwilling and thought Cheng Yunting was overbearing, so they later went to talk to the commander-in-chief.The commander-in-chief was already pro-Japanese, and he had already given in three points before they even started talking.

At that time, Cheng Yunting had some hope for the commander-in-chief, but after seeing the commander-in-chief's attitude, he gave up completely, and the matter was finally settled.

As soon as this incident came out, the Japanese became more and more domineering, and their attitude towards the Chinese people became even more arrogant.Later, someone at the Ji Banquet reported the matter in the newspapers, making the matter bigger.

It is well known to the public that some radicals will choose the most direct way to vent their anger by killing Japanese people.

During that period, Japanese people could often drag out several Japanese corpses in alleys.The Japanese were very angry at that time.Cheng Yunting's methods are tyrannical and he can ask the commander to intervene.

But Ji Yanli was a local emperor in Yuncheng, and they really couldn't do anything about him.

In desperation, the Japanese came forward and issued regulations for a few days. Anyone who violated the relevant regulations, whether they were Japanese or Chinese, would be arrested and imprisoned.

Once the order came out, the matter calmed down.

And those imprisoned Japanese were in the prison where they were detained for violating these regulations.

Now, the commander-in-chief wants to release all the Japanese in order to kneel down and lick them.Not only that, in order to make amends, he also invited those people to have dinner together in the largest and most luxurious restaurant in Yuncheng.

How disappointing it would be if the Chinese people who had been persecuted by them knew this.

Because this was Ji Yanli's restaurant, the Japanese also called Ji Yanli in order to make friends with Ji Yanli. Shen Qing followed Ji Yanli with a frighteningly cold face.

If she didn't know that the Japanese who were imprisoned were okay today, but now that she knew, she felt as sick and uncomfortable as if she had eaten Xiang.

Ma De, I have seen people kneeling and licking, but I have never seen anyone kneeling and licking like this.A dignified commander with such a virtuous character.Shen Qing gritted his teeth and looked forward to Ji Ying's mission going smoothly.

It's getting dark.

It was almost time for dinner, but the group of people the commander had promised to release had yet to arrive.

Over there, Zuo Tianyize had a smile on his face, chatting with the commander-in-chief, Ji Yanli and Cheng Yunting.Most of the time, Ji Yanli pursed his lips and said nothing, and only occasionally gave a symbolic reply.

From beginning to end, his expression never changed.

Jin Yi and Shen Qing stood beside him on the left and right, both of them looking intently. The occasional eye contact was also very cautious.

I don’t know how Ji Ying and the others are doing.

It's very strange. The person responsible for this matter has obviously gone to the prison where the prisoners are detained. Logically speaking, the Japanese who were released should also be here.

But after waiting for a long time, no one came.Others didn't know what was going on, but Ji Yanli and others knew in their hearts that Ji Ying and the others were probably the ones who had succeeded.

Sure enough, not long after, a Japanese soldier ran in in a panic and whispered something into Zuo Tian Yize's ear.

Zuo Tian Yize's expression suddenly changed and he stood up from his seat.He stood up so violently that he accidentally knocked over the tea bowl on the table.

Seeing Zuo Tian Yize standing up, the commander hurriedly stood up and asked in a panic, "Mr. Zuo Tian, ​​what's wrong?"

Yesterday, Yize's face was already ashen.However, Ji Yanli and Cheng Yunting were both sitting motionless, not even losing the smile on their lips.

At this moment, another soldier wearing national uniform hurriedly ran in.His purpose was to come towards the marshal, and he seemed to have something to say to the marshal. However, seeing the expressions of Zuo Tian Yize and the marshal, he was too sensible to say anything.

His expression was somewhat concealed of panic and surprise.

Zuo Tian Yize was furious at the moment. Seeing the suspicious soldier's hesitant expression, he asked in broken Chinese.

Facing Zuo Tian Yize's gaze, Xiao Bing stammered, "I...I'll come to my commander to report."

When the commander saw the soldier like this, he frowned and asked directly, "What's going on? Didn't I ask you to go to the prison to pick up the person? Where is the person?"

The soldier was even more panicked this time, "There is no one left."

The handsome man was also confused.

What does it mean that people are gone?

He was extremely anxious, "Please explain clearly what is going on."

The soldier was startled. He glanced at Zuo Tian Yize in panic, and then hesitantly said, "Commander, all the Japanese who were released are dead."

The handsome man's head froze on the spot.

What does it mean to be completely dead? How did you die?

The commander didn't dare to look at Zuo Tian's face, he just yelled at the soldier, "What's going on?"

The soldier said, "Those Japanese had just been released and met the robbers on the mountain. The Japanese had a conflict with the robbers, and then they were beaten to death."

The handsome man's eyelids twitched.

It was dark all day. A robber appeared out of nowhere and said there was nothing fishy going on. He wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

At this time, Zuo Tianyize glanced over with a cold gaze, "Commander, this happened on your territory. Please give me an explanation. Otherwise, I have reason to doubt whether you were involved in this matter." Manipulation from behind.”

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