Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 256 Chapter 259 caught the current situation

The name he mentioned was a list of spies' names provided by the Japanese.

They have already uncovered many of the disguised rebels above, and there is indeed something wrong with those people.

At this moment, even the secretary fell silent.

When no one was in the room, the secretary asked, "What on earth is going on?"

He couldn't believe that someone who could write such a high-level and in-depth article could actually be a spy.

Her articles are full of refreshing and enlightening words between the lines. Those advanced thoughts are surprising and shocking when you first read them, but when you read them again, they suddenly become enlightened.

He didn't believe that such a talented person could be a spy.

Mr. Qiu frowned, "There is indeed Shen Qing's name in that list. We all believe that Shen Qing is innocent. However, now that the inner culprit has not been found out, we dare not take it lightly. We can only pretend to believe that list and keep it to the outside world. Treat Shen Qing like a traitor."

The secretary was silent again.

"Does Shen Qing know?"

Mr. Qiu said, "In order to protect Comrade Shen Qing's safety, we did not tell Comrade Shen Qing the truth of the matter."

The secretary took a sip of tea and said no more.

Shen Qing has been quietly staying in her room these past few days, writing, reading newspapers and practicing calligraphy.Except when she was exercising, she basically didn't leave the door of her room all day.

The situation outside is getting more and more tense, and she will read newspapers every day to pay attention to the situation in various places.Especially when she saw the news that Yu Yuanrang had become the commander-in-chief of the north, she finally felt relieved.

It won't be long before a fight breaks out here.

At that time, I didn't know how she would be dealt with after she was already under suspicion.

Shen Qing sighed.She has already thought about it. If there is no room for her here, then she will go to the north to join Yu Yuanrang.

I just don’t know if Yu Yuanrang, who has now become the commander-in-chief, still remembers that he saved him from the siege.If she didn't remember, then she would have to plan carefully.

Shen Qing had just decided to plan something carefully, but Jin Yi had already started a massive arrest operation over there.

There is a list of spies lurking in Cloud City, both in the hands of Ji Yanli and the rebels.They checked the names on the list one by one and arrested many spies.

The quarterly banquet spent a lot of money to encourage insiders to provide clues. In addition, many people in Yuncheng hated spies. Not many spies lurking in Yuncheng had been caught.

Jinyi's actions were, firstly, to prepare for the subsequent war of resistance, and secondly, to catch those lurking spies off guard.

For a time, all the spies lurking in Ji Mansion were panic-stricken and uneasy. They heard that many spies had been secretly executed.

On this day, Shen Qing was exercising. On his way back after training, he was bumped into unexpectedly.Shen Qing didn't see the person clearly, but there was a note in his hand.

She glanced quickly and saw that the man had disappeared. Shen Qing wanted to catch up, but unexpectedly ran into Jin Yi who came with a group of brothers to arrest him.

Jinyi looked at his strange expression and asked, "Shen Qing, why are you here?"

Shen Qing looked innocent, "I just finished exercising."

She wasn't lying.She will come here to exercise at this time and at this time every day.This is something everyone knows.

Jin paused, but there was a hint of suspicion in his tone unconsciously, "Then did you see anyone else passing by here?"

Shen Qing looked at the way he looked at her, paused, then spread his hand, revealing a note.

Jinyi's pupils shrank, his gaze paused, he raised his eyes and asked, "What is this?"

Shen Qing answered truthfully, "When I just passed by here, a brother bumped into me, and then the note came into my hand. I planned to chase after you, but I bumped into you. I returned this note. I didn't have time to read it." Shen Qing showed the note so openly, but Jin Yi couldn't handle it.

Shouldn't a normal person hide the note first in order to clear away suspicion? How could she do something different from others?

As soon as Jin unfolded the note and took a look, he immediately looked at Shen Qing with a subtle look.

Shen Qing spread his hands with an innocent expression, "Look at what I did, I didn't do anything bad."

Jinyi frowned slightly.

He believed that what Shen Qing said was true. He originally wanted to let Shen Qing go, but then he thought of what Ji Yanli had told him before.

His expression changed suddenly, and he suddenly said in a cold voice, "It's not up to you to decide whether you do bad things or not. You can explain it to the third master."

After saying that, he told the brothers in a cold voice, "Take them away."

Shen Qing was stunned for a moment, then gave a wry smile, "You don't need to take me with me, I will leave on my own."

At this point, if she didn't know that she was being plotted, then she would be really a fool.

Jin Yi brought Shen Qing directly to the quarterly banquet ceremony, along with the unknown note.

Ji Yanli's eyebrows are light.

He never looked at the note, but instead stared at Shen Qing's face.

Shen Qing lowered his eyes, concealed all the expressions on his face, and remained silent.No one knows what she is thinking at this moment.

"Shen Qing."

The banquet ceremony suddenly spoke, "Whose are you?"

Shen Qing said, "This subordinate belongs to Third Master."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled, "How do I treat you on weekdays?"

Shen Qing forced a smile and replied, "The third master treats his subordinates very well, and I can't thank him enough."


The banquet raised his lips and smiled, rubbing the jade ring in his hand with his fingers, "Since I am grateful, why should I betray you?"


He actually believed that she was a traitor?
Shen Qing looked up at him in disbelief. Seeing his cold expression, her heart skipped a beat.

The quarterly banquet ceremony at this time is like the legendary living king of hell.I really didn't expect that now she would be lucky enough to see such a terrifying side of Ji Yanli.

Shen Qing twitched the corners of her lips, raised her eyes and looked directly at him, "Third Master said that I betrayed you, do you have any evidence?"

This time, Ji Yanli opened his eyes.Instead, Jin Yi said coldly, "Shen Qing, aren't you ready to explain? In fact, your name was on the list provided by the Japanese before, and the third master has been targeting you for a long time. Now you, together with others, I caught you conspiring to resist, do you still want to quibble?"

Shen Qing smiled sarcastically, "The list can be falsified, and the conspiracy can be framed. If you want to incriminate, there is no need to hesitate."

She glanced at Ji Yanli with some disappointment, "I always thought that Third Master was a wise man, but I didn't know that you would be so arbitrary."

Jin's eyes twitched, and he did not dare to look into Ji Yanli's eyes. He only said with a sharp expression, "I really can't cry without seeing the coffin. We have not only found these evidences."

Shen Qing glanced at Jinyi coldly, and Jinyi almost broke his guard at that look.

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