Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 260 Chapter 263 They are afraid of you

Chapter 260 263. They are afraid of you

At this time, the man no longer cared about catching Shen Qing. Shen Qing took this opportunity to turn around and run away.

The man subconsciously grabbed the rope that tied Shen Qing.

Shen Qing: "..."

Mad is retarded!

"You idiot, why are you standing there, run away."

Shen Qing had no choice but to remind him verbally.

When the man reacted, he ignored Shen Qing and turned to the other side before her.Shen Qing gritted his teeth, cursed angrily, and could only follow him.

The crowd behind him chased after her, and Shen Qing's hands and feet were tied again.As she ran, she got the rope that bound her hands.

In fact, when she was tied to the alley, the rope had already been loosened by her. If she hadn't been afraid of being discovered, she would have broken free of the rope by now.

Shen Qing broke free from the rope and ran in one direction.When she ran to a place, she already opened a door and entered with ease.


Someone in the room noticed a stranger coming in and pulled out a gun.When she saw who it was, she was startled.

"Shen Qing, why is it you?"

He looked Shen Qing up and down and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with you? Why are you dressed like this?"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, there were already chaotic footsteps outside.

Shen Qing's expression changed instantly and he replied, "It's too late to explain. I'll use your place to hide for a while."

The man also realized that something was wrong and quickly took Shen Qing to a room in the backyard to hide.

"You stay here and don't move. I'll go take a look. If anything happens, there's a small door at the back. You can go out from there. There are extra clothes in the room. You can change into them first to avoid being recognized by them. .”

Shen Qing looked like he was running for his life.The man didn't ask any questions and quickly arranged everything.

Shen Qing was also taken to the backyard. She quickly changed out of her eye-catching coat and shoes, then pricked up her ears to listen to what was going on outside.

She should really thank those people for tying her to the place she had arranged in advance.

As early as he knew that he was suspected, Shen Qing had already started to make plans.

She used her time at the newspaper office to contact Yu Yuanrang in advance, who already had a place in the north. Yu Yuanrang gave her available people, and she was able to make arrangements in advance.

While Shen Qing pricked up his ears to listen to what was going on outside, he also focused on thinking about the current situation.

She thought she wouldn't be able to stay in Yuncheng any longer.

As soon as Jin openly started arresting people today, it meant that Ji Yanli had found the so-called conclusive evidence. If she returned to Ji's mansion, it would be equivalent to throwing herself into a trap.

Or perhaps, Ji Yanli let her go in the first place just to catch out a few other betrayers.

I have to say that the quarterly banquet is really a good plan.

Although they are not sure why they are so sure in their hearts that they are traitors like them, things have become like this, and Shen Qing cannot afford to think too much now.

There was less movement outside.Shen Qing seemed to hear the sound of the door opening and voices coming from outside.

Her heart was in her throat.

Yu Xian was the man who was talking to her in the yard just now, nicknamed Red Tail Fish.

Although Yu Yuanrang said that this person could be trusted, Shen Qing was still a little uneasy, so she was extra careful now.He kept his ears open to listen to what he said to the people outside the door.It's not that she doesn't trust people, it's mainly because the time she spent with Yu Xian was too short. Her trust in this person stems from Yu Yuanrang, and she knows very little about this person herself.

Shen Qing's nerves were tense for a while, and when she found that the people led by Jin Yi and others outside had left, Shen Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Xian dismissed the people and then came into the backyard to see Shen Qing.

He felt a little strange in his heart and said, "Those people outside look like the people around Third Master."

He knew that Shen Qing was working next to Ji Yanli, so he was surprised to know that the person chasing Shen Qing outside was from Ji's mansion.

Shen Qing looked at his surprised expression and couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "You read that right, it is indeed the Third Master's people who are chasing me. As for the reason, they seem to have definite evidence that I am a spy."

Yu Xian was stunned.

Shen Qing spread his hands and said, "As you can see, if I were really a spy, I wouldn't have come to join you. Yu Yuanrang is a hero who fought against the Japanese. There is no way I would have thrown myself into a trap."

Yu Xian smiled and said, "You don't have to explain. Marshal Yu believes you, and I will naturally believe you too. Moreover, the data you gave to Marshal Yu before has been handed over to the research institute."

"Based on your data, the doctor has developed a weapon that can compete with the Japanese devils. I believe it will be put into use soon."


Shen Qing couldn't suppress the joy on her face. After a moment, the smile on her face fell, "Just develop it, so that Yuncheng can have a better chance of winning."

Yu Xian was also sighing.

"Looking at the current situation, I'm afraid you won't be able to stay at the Mansion this season. What are your plans next?"

"do not know."

Shen Qing shook his head, "This Yuncheng extends in all directions, and the Japanese war preparation materials all pass through here. If the Japanese want to occupy our territory, they will definitely ruthlessly seize the Yuncheng land, and Yuncheng will inevitably have a fierce battle. If If these things hadn't happened, I would have liked to stay and fight the little devils openly. It's a pity..."

The latter words are self-evident.

Yu Xian was silent for a while.

After a long while, he said, "If you are willing, you can go and join General Yu. The doctor from the Research Institute appreciates your data, and you can ask Marshal Yu to recommend you to the institute. I heard that you are also good at writing articles. You can also go to the newspaper office over there, or if that doesn't work, you can stay with Marshal Yu as an adjutant."

Competent people are welcome wherever they go.

Shen Qing was in a state of confusion.

Two days later, the security in Yuncheng was tighter than before.The spy who pointed a gun at Shen Qing that day was also caught. Only Shen Qing was left. Ji Yanli sent people to search for him with all his strength.

After Yu Xian came back after inquiring about the news, his expression became solemn, "Shen Qing, I don't think you can stay in Yuncheng any longer."


When Shen Qing asked, she felt a little stupid.

Isn’t this obvious? Sure enough——

Yu Xian said, "Recently, the whole city of Yuncheng has been under martial law, and Ji Yanli has sent people to search for your whereabouts. To be honest, if he hadn't provided so many things to the institute without reservation, he would have arrested Ji Yanli for this. I would also suspect that there is something wrong with you based on your posture.”

Shen Qing's heart sank.

She smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, I don't quite understand how a Chinese with upright roots could become a traitor."

Yu Xian said, "Isn't it obvious? You are the person next to Ji Yanli. You can write articles and know some scientific research knowledge. If you get it, you will get a big help. Those people will focus on you, but because of you His abilities only make them fearful."

(End of this chapter)

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