Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 262 Chapter 265 You don’t believe me

The banquet ceremony was very calm about Shen Qing's reaction and even took a few steps closer.

He said with a smile, "If I don't let you go today, are you going to shoot me?"


Shen Qing took a few steps back and distanced herself from him.She twitched the corners of her lips, "My shooting skills were taught by Third Master. Does Third Master want to try my accuracy?"

Shen Qing stepped back step by step with the gun in his hand, his hands shaking a little.It wasn't that she couldn't hold the gun steady, but that she was nervous and scared.

If Ji Yanli really didn't want to let go, would she really want to shoot him.

The banquet ceremony was a bit slow, but he was not afraid.

After spending so long with her, how could he not understand her.He had been doing this for so long just to force her out of Yuncheng.

There will be a big war in Yuncheng soon. Even when victory is certain, he is not willing to let her take risks, let alone a war with no chance of winning.

He should have pretended not to know and let her go quietly, but he was unwilling to let her go like this today.

After a long while, Ji Yanli chuckled and said, "I have taught you your marksmanship. I naturally know what kind of accuracy you have. Shen Qing, what do you think?"

He took a few steps closer.

Shen Qing's hand on the gun tightened, and she said with a stern expression, "Don't come any closer. If you take another step closer, don't blame my gun for being rude to you."


Ji Yanli took another step closer, and he smiled and said, "I remember you once said that I took you in and I was kind to you. Your life is mine. You are willing to go up the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire for me. This sentence , but really?”

Shen Qing said without hesitation, "Of course it's true."

After saying that, she fell silent first.

What she is doing now seems to be exactly the opposite of what she promised before.

Shen Qing opened his mouth and lowered his eyes to hide the emotion in his eyes, "I also want to fulfill my promise, but it's a pity that Third Master you don't believe me and want to arrest me."

In fact, Shen Qing had a lot to say, but for some reason, now that she was having a banquet, her head seemed to be dull.

Shen Qing was secretly annoyed. When she raised her eyes, her hand holding the gun tightened.

Ji Yanli sighed, "If you really wanted to leave, you could have shot me just now. With your skills, it is not difficult to escape to the ship at this crowded pier. When you get to the north, you are protected by Marshal Yu. They I can’t do anything to you.”

Shen Qing's eyelids trembled, her heart tightened, and her face pretended to be calm.

It turned out that he knew all about it.

Ji Yanli raised his eyes and looked at her intently, with a faint smile on his lips, "Why didn't you shoot just now? That was your best chance to escape?"

Shen Qing fell silent.

He knew very well why she didn't shoot.

Dog men ask questions knowingly.

Shen Qing paused, raised his eyes and said, "I won't kill you just because you are a hero. You have done many good things that benefit the country and the people. Maybe you are sorry for me, but you are worthy of millions of people in Li. That’s why I won’t kill you.”

Another point is, naturally, because of reluctance.

But she could never say these words in this stalemate.

Ji Yanli sighed, the expression in his eyes was complicated and difficult to distinguish, "Shen Qing, you are not suitable for killing, nor are you suitable for being a spy."

There was a fog in Shen Qing's heart, and for a moment, it seemed that she was about to clear away the fog and see the truth.However, because of Ji Yanli's spies, Shen Qing broke through her defense instantly.

She raised her eyes and stared at him coldly, "Even now, do you still think I'm a spy?"

Ji Yanli said, "The evidence is conclusive, I have to believe it."

OK, that's great.

What a solid piece of evidence!
Shen Qing sneered in her heart. She suddenly raised her gun and put it against his forehead, "Ji Yanli, I hate spies the most in my life, and I hate others who wrongly accuse me of being a spy. Believe it or not, I will shoot you right now." ." Jinyi was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Ma De, this Shen Qing is a real tiger, how dare she.

She didn't have to think about it with her rusty head. If the third master really wanted to do something to her, how would she have the chance to stand here with a gun to the third master's head.

Jin Yi was heartbroken, and now he hoped that Shen Qing would be smarter and figure out the key.

Unfortunately, Shen Qing seemed to be stunned by anger at this moment, and the wound left a mark on the third master's forehead.

Only Shen Qing dared to act so boldly.

If it had been anyone else, let alone putting a mark on Third Master's forehead, even if he had pointed a gun at Third Master, he would have died countless times.

During the confrontation between the two, Ji Yanli took another step forward. Shen Qing held the gun without moving, and the muzzle of the gun was pressed against his forehead.Shen Qing saw the mark and stepped back slightly, leaving some distance between the muzzle of the gun and his forehead.

The banquet ceremony said with a determined smile, "Shen Qing, you won't do anything."

Shen Qing pursed her lips and held the gun calmly.

"If you take another step forward, see if I will shoot."

"You will not."

"I can!"

Ji Yanli took another step forward, and Shen Qing was heartbroken. Suddenly the gun tip tilted, and the bullet grazed Ji Yanli's cheek, and hit the abandoned stranded ship behind him with a bang.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, it felt like the whole world was quiet.

Shen Qing was inexplicably flustered, with red eyes, "I told you, if you take one more step, I will shoot."

The banquet was silent for a moment.

After a moment, he smiled and said, "Sure enough, he acted vigorously and resolutely."

Shen Qing didn't know whether this was sarcasm or praise.

She pursed her lips and remained silent.

Ji Yanli suddenly asked again, "Shen Qing, do you still like this gun?"

Shen Qing's heart palpitated.

This is the gun given to her as a seasonal banquet gift. It is the latest gun imported from country D.She used it very smoothly, and it was specially brought back by Ji Banli.

"You are the only person I promoted without any assessment. You are also the person with the highest salary around me."

Shen Qing was silent for a while.

"You are the only person I have hugged. When you were injured, I carried you to the room and called a doctor to take care of your injury."

He seemed to be deep in thought, "Speaking of which, you are the only person I have ever tried so hard to please."

His eyes fell on Shen Qing, "Do you still like those wooden gifts?"

His expression was indifferent, as if he was hurt, "I've treated you like this, and you're going to point a gun at me today?"

Shen Qing was stunned.

The banquet was really nice to her.However, he was the one who suspected her first and wanted to take her away.

"The third master really treats me well, and I have never thought about betraying the third master." Shen Qing's tone was urgent and angry, with a hint of grievance, "You didn't believe me first, you suspected that I was spy."

Shen Qing paused, "The third master can't tell the truth from other people's instigation, so I don't blame the third master. It's just that the third master never believed my excuse from beginning to end."

Shen Qing lowered his eyes.

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