Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 264 267 Heavy casualties

Not long after Shen Qing left, the Japanese army arrived near Yuncheng.

They established a simple stronghold near Yuncheng and established themselves near several provinces in Yuncheng.He also equipped the weapons transported by air and prepared them for war with several provinces in Yuncheng.

The enemy was well prepared this time and came with ferocity. It seemed that they wanted to take over several provinces in Yuncheng in one fell swoop.

The weather in May was just right, and the Japanese launched a large-scale air raid. Fortunately, Ji Yanli had prepared a team of people and equipped them with anti-aircraft cannons to shoot down enemy aircraft.

However, despite this, several provinces in Yuncheng still suffered heavy casualties.

What's even more terrible is that whenever there is an opportunity, the Japanese will launch air strikes and carry out large-scale shelling operations, and the Chinese people will suffer greatly.

Later, Ji Yanli sent ANBU people to sneak into the enemy's airfield and annihilate several enemy planes before the matter was stopped.

After the air raid, there was a large-scale battle. When the Japanese attacked, the Chinese people rose up to resist. Finally, half a month later, the enemies were driven back, and the Japanese and Chinese people temporarily stopped fighting.

However, those Japanese were particularly unwilling to give up and used dirty methods to poison the rivers leading to the junctions of several provinces in Yuncheng with the intention of poisoning the Chinese people.

Fortunately, some brave and insightful people risked their lives to escape and brought out the stained blood book from under the enemy's nose. However, before the blood book could be delivered, he was already shot several times.

Before he died, he hid the blood book in a corner.As for him, he was stabbed several times to death by the enemy who caught up.

The witness was an eight-year-old child. The child took the blood letter and told his grandfather about the incident.

Grandpa knew that the matter was serious, so he hid the blood letter and asked his grandson to flee to Yuncheng to deliver the message. However, he himself was mercilessly stabbed to death with a bayonet by the Japanese.

The child was luckier.He had been living in the mountains with his grandfather and wanted to escape the world.Unexpectedly, a sudden Japanese air raid destroyed his and his grandfather's home.

There were fierce Japs at the foot of the mountain, so he and his grandfather huddled on the mountain to eke out a living.That day, he was wandering around for fun, but he met a man covered in blood.

The man asked him to find a place to hide quickly, saying that the Japanese Japs were coming.

He knew about the Japanese and Japanese. I heard that they were monsters and ghosts that would eat anyone they saw. They were very scary.

He was frightened and found a place to hide.

The man died.

He was killed by the ferocious Japanese devils with bayonets.They also bayoneted the man several times and rummaged through the corners of his clothes.

He knew that the Japanese Japanese were looking for something.

He thought of the letter that the man had buried before he died.

He didn't know what he was thinking. After the Japanese Japs left, he dug out the letter and gave it to his grandfather.

Grandpa is literate, unlike him, who only knows how to kill wild boars and rabbits.

Later, grandpa hid the letter and asked him to go to the city at the foot of the mountain to find the seasonal banquet gift, saying that he had something important for him.

He didn't know who the quarter banquet was, nor who that person was.But since his grandfather asked him to go down the mountain to find it, he would go down the mountain to find it.

He met a young monk sneaking down the mountain.The young monk said that there was a war at the foot of the mountain, and he wanted to go down to fight the Japanese.

The young monk was very powerful. When they encountered several lone Japanese, they were all beaten to death by the young monk.

There was a Japanese who was about to attack the young monk. He followed the young monk's example and also killed a young Japanese.

The little devils are easy to kill, just as easy as killing wild boars and rabbits.The young monk also said that he had talent and wanted to accept him as his disciple.

But he didn't agree. It was enough for him to have his grandfather.

He went down the mountain and entered the city, asking everyone he met. Unexpectedly, everyone at the foot of the mountain knew about the seasonal banquet. As soon as he told him, someone took him to find the seasonal banquet.

He saw the seasonal banquet that his grandfather talked about.The man was wearing a military uniform, tall and good-looking.He asked him many questions and was given a lot of food, which he had never eaten before.

He has never eaten it, and neither has his grandfather.

He ate some and hid some. He wanted to take it back to his grandfather.


The blood letter was sent out, and dozens of anti-war elements lurking in Yuncheng were killed.

Ji Yanli knew that the content of the blood letter was of great importance and planned to retrieve the letter personally.

In order to prevent the Chinese from getting the blood books, the Japanese sent specially trained ninjas to intercept and kill those who went to get the blood books.

In late May, the people guarding the city became bystanders, and the seasonal banquet ceremony disappeared.

In the dense forest, a group of people walked forward quickly.They are agile and each one is fully armed.

The leader is clearly Ji Yanli.

Based on the children's description, they had already obtained the blood book before the Japanese.

When they arrived at the place, they saw the body of the grandfather the child talked about being exposed in the wilderness. The blood stains under the body were shocking and frightening.They buried the child's grandfather and let him rest in peace.

The contents of the blood letter were exposed, and the vicious intentions of the Japanese inside were clearly revealed.

"These Japanese devils are really not human beings!"

Thinking about the old man whose body was exposed in the wilderness, and then thinking about the corpses he had seen lying all over the field in recent days, several people immediately became angry and their eyes turned red, wishing they could kill a few more Japanese Japs.

Who said ANBU people are cold-hearted?
That's before they actually encounter anything outrageous.

The Japanese were so ruthless that they only wished they could not reach the sky with their hands and eyes and killed the Japanese in one fell swoop.In this way, even if you give your own life, it is worth it.

Ji Ying looked solemn, glanced at the person who spoke, and said cautiously, "If you have anything to say, I'll scold you later. We have already encountered several groups of people sent by the Japanese to assassinate us. I think the Japanese have also killed them this time, so we can't take it lightly." ."

It doesn't matter if they die, but they still carry the enemy's conspiracy. If they die, several people from Yuncheng provinces, or even more people, may suffer because of the poison of the Japanese devils.

The man's expression became solemn when he heard this, and he immediately did not dare to take it lightly, and even his footsteps became much softer.

Isn't it.

The Japanese devils wanted to achieve their goals of invasion by poisoning this time. They were daydreaming about the blue sky, and naturally they did not allow anyone to destroy their dreams.

But how is it possible.

How can we, the great and majestic country of China, allow such small countries to covet us?Their conspiracy will never succeed!
Thinking of the people sent by the Japanese to assassinate those few times, a group of people looked bad.

The enemy was also ruthless this time, and all the people they sent were specially trained people.If it was a one-on-one fight, they wouldn't be afraid.

However, there were many people on the other side, and they came one after another.It seemed that they would not give up until they were killed.

Ji Yanli looked indifferent, but didn't say anything.

He has always had this expression since Shen Qing left.His expression is always indifferent. He is taciturn and unsmiling all day long, which makes people feel oppressive.

Even the Japanese devils who came to assassinate him were a little afraid when they saw him.

(End of this chapter)

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