As if he couldn't see Shen Qing's resentful eyes, Ji Yanli slightly curled his lips, got up slowly, and said casually, "I'm tired, you can go down."

Shen Qing stood still.

Going on now, wouldn't it be necessary to use money to compensate those precious flowers and plants?
I have only saved a few coins, so there is not enough to pay for it.

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows to look at her, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Shen Qing said seriously, "Third Master, I have thought about it, and I am willing to live in a side room to serve the Third Master."

Ji Yanli paused, and suddenly let out a muffled laugh.

He has seen countless people of all kinds and experienced countless things big and small, but he has never seen a girl like Shen Qing except Shen Qing.

It is said that she handles things smoothly, and she does not hide all her emotions, whether she is angry or dissatisfied, or anxious or cautious, they will all be frankly shown on her face.

It is said that she is simple, but that is not the case.She is tactful and knows how to be flexible, and she is smart and clever. It is said that she flatters dog legs, but she is a little less a philistine and a little more cunning.

Knowing the world but not the world, Li is smooth and naive, good at self-deprecating but not mocking others, probably referring to people like Shen Qing.

Ji Yanli restrained his smile, and said softly, "Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Shen Qing gritted his teeth silently.

Why did he change his mind? He didn't know in his heart!However, these words must never be said.

Shen Qing opened her big eyes and said sincerely, "Third Master, this subordinate has already figured it out. You are the person I admire most. If Third Master needs it, my subordinates will be willing to do it for him.

Thanks to the third master who didn't mind letting his subordinates live in a side room, it's too late for his subordinates to be grateful, so how can they refuse. "

The righteous words she said were upright and awe-inspiring, as if it wasn't her who just said the excuses.

The season banquet closed his lips and smiled: "Since you insist on serving, I will allow you to live in the side room."

Shen Qing sneered.

Is this what she insists on serving?It was clearly because of Ji Yanli threatening people with money that he was forced to deal with this matter.

This is clearly the exploitation of labor!

Thinking of this, Shen Qing had no choice but to shed tears of sympathy for herself.How could she be so miserable.

In Lehua Gate, Shen Qing originally shared a room with Ji Ying.However, her and Ji Ying's daily duty hours are staggered.

She rests when Jiying is on duty, and it is her turn to be on duty when Jiying is resting.Therefore, Shen Qing spends more time living alone on weekdays.

Now that she moved to Ji Yanli's side room, she and Ji Yanli looked up and looked down, and she had nowhere to hide if she wanted to be lazy.

early the next morning
Shen Qing reluctantly moved into the side room of the season banquet.After moving things out, Ji Yanli was just getting ready to get up.

Ji Ying had just ironed the clothes for the Ji Banquet and brought them in, before he had time to close the door.

Shen Qing couldn't help but glanced inside, and saw that Ji Yanli was meticulously buttoning the buttons of his white shirt, and by the way smoothed out the folds of the half-rolled clothes on his arms.

Shen Qing couldn't help pursing his lips.

There will be no obsessive-compulsive disorder in the season banquet!

After a while, she pursed her lips tightly and shook her head vigorously, as if she wanted to get rid of all the messy things in her head.

As a result, during her short stay, Ji Ying had already withdrawn from the room of the Ji Banquet.

Seeing Shen Qing, Ji Ying felt like seeing a ghost, "Why are you here?"

His voice was very low, because the voice was too loud, and the season banquet could hear it.

Seeing Ji Ying's frown, Shen Qing was actually happy.

She deliberately raised her eyebrows in surprise and said, "You don't know, the third master allowed me to live in his side room, so that I can serve him personally in his daily life in the future."

These were actually Ji Ying's tasks originally.

Sure enough, as soon as Shen Qing finished speaking, Ji Ying's face darkened, she looked her up and down and said, "It's a bright day, what are you talking nonsense about?"

Is this satirizing her daydreaming?
Shen Qing was also very angry.But thinking of Ji Ying's self-deception, she felt better.

She smiled viciously, "Believe it or not. Anyway, I moved my things to the third master's side room this morning. If you don't believe me, go in and ask the third master."

Naturally, Ji Ying couldn't be so stupid as to ask Ji Yanli.but……

This Shen Qing is so favored?
The third master not only promoted him, but also let him live in the side room of the master bedroom?The third master has never given such an honor to any subordinate.

Seeing his silence, Shen Qing thought he was upset.

She couldn't help being speechless, and muttered, "How can a big man be so stingy. I just fell into the eyes of the third master and was appreciated and promoted by the third master. As for such a small belly, I have to be jealous."

The corners of Ji Ying's eyes twitched, and she gritted her teeth and gave her a look, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Is not it?"

Shen Qing retorted with a smile, "You are very angry that I have been appreciated and promoted by the third master, and now you are still angry."

Ji Ying has been with Ji Yanli for a long time, and she has never seen a boy who can turn black and white like Shen Qing.

Immediately, his face turned blue and red from anger, and his fists were clenched, "If you talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Shen Qing said again, "Look, just because the third master appreciates and promotes me, you are so angry that you want to beat someone."

Ji Ying's nose was crooked with anger.

There are many confidantes around the third master, but why is this Shen Qing's mouth so irritating.

But the angry people don't know it yet!

Seeing that Ji Ying didn't respond for a long time, Shen Qing was a little afraid to show her anger.

She walked over and patted Ji Ying on the shoulder, and comforted him kindly, "Brother Ji, don't be angry either. Let me tell you the truth. In fact, it is false that the third master favored me and promoted me, but it is true that he beat and squeezed me intentionally." .”

Ji Ying was dumbfounded by Shen Qing's words, but hearing her comforting words at this time, she really couldn't laugh or cry.

The corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching, and he glanced calmly at the door of the season banquet.Did Shen Qing realize that she was standing at the door of the third master now?

Shen Qing naturally didn't realize that she had finally come across an opportunity to confide, how could she let it go.

"Let me tell you, the third master is so stingy. Yesterday I accidentally cut the flowers and plants of the third master, and the third master punished me to be on duty day and night, squeezing my labor. Don't look at my appearance, but in fact It's because I offended the third master that the third master deliberately tricked me."

Shen Qing became more and more energetic as he spoke, and he didn't notice when there was an extra person at the door.

Ji Ying looked at her with sympathy.

Shen Qing thought that what she said had worked, so she struck while the iron was hot, taking a few steps closer to Ji Ying, and lowered her voice.

"Think about it, you have been on duty with the third master for so long, but have you ever seen someone live in the side room of the third master. The third master allowed me to live in the side room. On the surface, it seems to be flattering me, but in fact it is to make you jealous, and then unite Get up and bully me, the third master is so heartbroken."

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