Feeding humans, she's serious

Chapter 105 The Sealed Secret Realm?

Chapter 105 The Sealed Secret Realm?

After arranging Fuyu, Ning Zhi went back Shi Shiran. Just as he came out from behind the tree, he ran into Gu Fanyin's eyes, which were like blood, and he couldn't escape if he was targeted.

"Finish?" Gu Fanyin smiled lightly, walking towards him, the hem of his clothes fluttered a little bewitching, "Can you come with me now?"

"Is there something wrong with you?" Ning Zhi frowned, lowered his eyes and glanced at her, feeling a little ominous.

Gu Fanyin would not have made this gesture before, like... a charmer who suddenly fell into the human world.

"What's wrong?" Gu Fanyin laughed, "It's just because of the smell of blood."

The strong smell of blood evokes the devil's deepest desire - isn't it natural to subconsciously raise humans in captivity?
Ning Zhi was silent, not out of any kind of mentality, he let her hold his hand, and there was a smile in his lowered eyes.

The demon cultivators all over the ground fell to the ground, and Yuezhi stood aside. Because of Ning Zhi's ambiguous attitude, she only repaired the demon cultivators who were about to wake up, and did not directly kill them.

When Ning Zhi approached, he could feel the weak breath coming and going. He lifted Moxiu who had fallen in the middle of the road in disgust, and looked at Yuezhi with a little more appreciation: "Good job."

Yuezhi nodded, and the originally tense expression was slowly relieved.

There are many weirdnesses in this secret realm. Although it has an extremely rich aura, it cannot be directly used by them, as if blocked by some shallow barrier.

And the further you go, the more you can see the weapons hanging around at random.

There are broken knives, swords that have been broken in two... There are even countless very similar spears.

They are completely out of shape, and even suspicious, as long as they are dug out of the ground, they will be broken directly.

Gu Fanyin directly pressed the hand that Ning Zhi wanted to take, "These things are nothing fancy, I will give you whatever you want."

She is like raising a precious canary, afraid that the canary will go outside to pick up garbage.

Ning Zhi: "...I just want to check."

Weren't you quite normal before?
"That doesn't work either," Gu Fanyin said and glanced at the people around her. Yuezhi understood, and picked up the broken spear from the ground with her sword in one hand.

Not surprisingly, the long spear was turned into a pile of ashes in front of everyone within a short while when it came into contact with the air.

Yuezhi pursed her lips, looked at the other weapons in the same way, and finally successfully came to a conclusion:
"The more exquisite the workmanship of these things during life, the stronger they will be after death."

Yue Zhi thought about her words, and for some reason, she subconsciously attached life and death to these weapons.

It's as if... from the moment they were dug out, even the last trace of their souls died.

But why?

How can such a place with such a strong spiritual energy be accompanied by such a deep dead energy?
If these various weapons correspond to monks, there is no doubt that a huge war has taken place here.

"In the ancient books I read recently, there is no record of such a war."

Yue Qinian thought for a moment and opened his mouth. The white-haired and red-eyed boy stood on the gravel, his eyes swept over the broken weapons, and there was a bit of mourning in his eyes.

"No record?" Gu Fanyin raised his hand, raised the dust around him, buried the weapons back, and asked calmly: "Is it true that such a large-scale death is so ordinary that it will not be recorded?" ?”

"Of course not," Ning Zhi answered calmly. He had carefully searched his memory, and even in his previous life, he had never had any impression of this place.

A mysterious realm that pops up suddenly...

Judging by the extremely smooth application of Tiandao, it is by no means unknown.


"Unless this war is not within the realm of cultivating immortals."

"If that's the case, it makes perfect sense," Gu Fanyin said, "The spiritual energy here is more intense, but the breath is also more complicated."

"Maybe it's a more powerful place than the world of cultivating immortals."

"But it doesn't matter," Gu Fanyin waved his hands, walking casually, "I'm afraid no one survived that war."

Gu Fanyin tried to use her own strength to investigate, but just as she stretched out her hand, she felt a layer of restraint-like aura, and she instantly realized in her heart: "This is a sealed secret realm."

"Then..." Hearing such words, Wu He turned pale.

"What are you afraid of? With me here, you won't have the chance to be easily killed by others."

Gu Fanyin showed a flamboyant smile, her voice seemed to have a long-lasting deterrence, it seemed calm and calm, but in fact it was extremely fierce.

Ning Zhi raised his eyebrows, he didn't feel the slightest fear of this environment, but carefully observed his surroundings with great interest, trying to find more supporting evidence.

He was dressed in red, and his tone was indifferent and lazy: "There are many good things in a secret realm that no one has ever stepped into."

The reassuring breath exuded by the two at the same time made the people behind them all soothe their expressions. Yuezhi twisted the hilt of her sword, without any trace of cowardice on her face.

She looked at her weak brother and comforted her silently.

Yue Qinian was a little startled when he heard these words: "...ah, that seems to be a very good start."

"Of course, if there are other gains...then it will be even more impatient."

Ning Zhi's tone was always flat, but when he read a few words, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

After all, he is a demon cultivator who has been a demon king, and he has malicious blood in his bones, especially for enemies.

Let a Heavenly Dao who tried his best for Ning Jue finally watch him die in his own scheme... Just thinking about it can make the blood start to stir.

Reaching out to the demon world that I don't understand is the worst thing Tiandao did.

"What are you thinking?" Gu Fanyin suddenly leaned close to his ear and exhaled hot air, pulling the distance extremely close.

"It's nothing." Ning Zhi raised his head, casually raised his hand to push the person away, halfway through the push, he remembered that the person was having a convulsion, hesitated for a moment, and then pulled him back with his backhand.

Ning Zhi: ...It's much better to do it yourself than to come up with any weird methods.

Just like...

He had already seen Gu Fanyin trying to find Wu He's potion for shrinking several times.

"This is……?"

A half-person-high cave suddenly appeared in front of them. Although it was called a cave, it was actually more like a tunnel with no end in sight.

It's pitch black, and even a little closer can even see a faint blue light.

It is densely packed, and just one glance makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Could it be some inlaid spirit stone..."

Seeing that the distance was getting closer, at this moment, the content of a book page suddenly appeared in Wu He's mind. When he looked forward again, his expression suddenly changed, and he loudly reminded those who wanted to go:

(End of this chapter)

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