Feeding humans, she's serious

Chapter 117 The Legendary "Fake Death"

Qian Qiuxue was the first to rush forward when she heard the noise: "..."

The little girl stared wide-eyed at the scene inside, and called "Fairy Fanyin" in a daze, and finally said dryly: "Is this also your hobby..."

The bell on Qian Qiuxue's head stopped turning, and she stood in the front in a daze, only to be pulled back by Lu Nian next to her.

Gu Fanyin was helpless: "Just treat me as a suspended animation, can you let me go now?"

"suspended animation……?"

The crowd of onlookers became commotion again, Gu Fanyin frowned, already faintly beginning to feel a little impatient.

Seeing this scene, Wu He hesitated for a few seconds, and chose to squeeze into the crowd to smooth things over.

He was not used to being stared at by so many people, and he stumbled a bit: "Fairy Fanyin should have entered a state of suspended animation before..."

His explanation was a bit forced, but it seemed to make sense just after thinking about it casually, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and finally walked back under Yuezhi's guidance.

However, although Gu Fanyin has a lot of prestige, there are always people who think they are noble and can't understand her actions. Just as the crowd was about to retreat, Yue Qinian caught a yin and yang strange sentence from it:

"Really, since it's a feigned death to post something...it's really bad luck."

"What's the bad luck?" He pulled him out of the crowd with a cold face. He was not from a major sect, and he didn't have the clothes of other sects. On the contrary, he looked very strange.

"Which family are you from?"

"I..." The old man with a stance widened his eyes, as if he felt extremely offended by this question, "You junior, you don't even know the identity of this old man..."

"That belongs to the Gu family," at this moment, a voice with a bit of a smile came over, and Yue Qinian turned his head, just in time to meet the woman who was walking slowly.

He has an impression of this person, Gu Jingque, who is a well-known craftsman in the dark.

Yue Qinian nodded at her, and his tone became better: "Fairy Zhimei, do you know this person?"

Yue Qinian perfectly filtered out the words that revealed his identity, and directly grabbed the collar in an extremely disrespectful manner and grabbed him in place.

The old man's face darkened from the moment he saw Gu Jingque, and he didn't even care that he was being carried. He pointed at her tremblingly, obviously out of anger.

"Gu Jingque! How dare you appear in front of this old man!"

"Why don't you dare?" Gu Jingque stopped a foot away from him, looked up at the bearded and staring old man with a smile, and said in a contemptuous tone: "It's you... I have been defecting from the Gu family for so long, Why are you still just a little Nascent Soul?"

"Gu Jingque!" The old man was poked at the sore spot, his wrinkled face flushed red, his brows were tightly frowned, like a chrysanthemum blooming badly, "You are an actor who makes fun of others... What a shame! I've ruined my family's reputation!"

The old man's words were really too harsh. Yue Qinian frowned, and with all his strength, he directly pressed the man to the ground, his dark red eyes sank, and his voice was extremely cold: "If you dare to act wild in Yunqiong Palace, It’s not enough to compensate the weak Fanyin Fairy even if all of your Gu family lined up and knelt!”

"How dare you! I'm from the Gu family..."

Gu Fanyin who happened to be mentioned while sitting on the coffin: "...?"

However, Yue Qinian's posture was very pleasing to her, so Gu Fanyin simply followed suit and waded into the muddy water.

"What reputation does your Gu family have? If you want to threaten others, you have to say it yourself first." Gu Fanyin tilted her head, not only did she have no intention of stopping Yue Qinian, but she backed him as it should be, "Otherwise, We people in Yunqiong Palace cannot be bullied... Seeing that this old man is old and praying for the new year, you should wake him up."

"Okay," Yue Qinian turned his head and responded obediently, but the actions of his subordinates were really ineffective, and the "popping" sounded non-stop.

The stupefaction made the group of people who originally wanted to stay away from the dispute couldn't help but turn their heads.

Sect Master Chi Xiao still had a straight temper. After listening for a few seconds, he couldn't help but look at Gu Fanyin who was watching the show.

Next to Gu Fanyin lay Ning Zhi who had been watching her all the time. Feeling this gaze, a dangerous aura emanated from his body instantly.

"Be quiet," Gu Fanyin patted the backs of the people around him, and turned his gaze back to Sect Master Chi Xiao who spoke.

"Gu Fanyin, feigning death is wrong, and the Gu family took too long to come here... Don't make the scene so ugly!"

There was a hint of warning in his words, but unfortunately, none of the people in Yunqiong Palace would accept this.

Mo Chouzhou raised his eyebrows and stood up from the corner without looking at Sect Master Chi Xiao. He pointed at the overwhelmed old man and said, "What time did the Gu family waste? You are a hermit family of craftsmen... ...It seems that no one has received orders except for one or two juniors, right?"

After finishing speaking, Mo Chouzhou impromptuly grabbed the disciple of Yuqimen next to him, and continued to reply: "Yuqimen is full of talents, and finally you..."

"It's interesting to say that your Gu family actually kicked out the most talented people on their own initiative."


The old man still had blood clots in his mouth, and his voice was indistinct, but the resentment in his eyes did not seem to be fake, half of them were directed at Mo Shouzhou, and half were directed at Gu Jingque, who had successfully stayed out of the matter.

Gu Jingque applauded, like a big cat teasing a mouse, with a casual sarcasm on his brows and eyes, and said: "It's not a day or two for the Gu family to be blind—maybe, their group is almost out of control."

"That's it!" Mo Chouzhou patted the old man's shoulder, and said directly: "When I posted the post, I included a lot of spirit stones!"

It was to prepare for Gu Fanyin's sudden fraud!

"Eat and drink here for a day and still get things, I have never done such a loss-making business—"

Mo Chouzhou sighed, these words were like a big slap in the face, slapped the old man hard, and the slap slap made the Sect Master Chi Xiao who was speaking for him embarrass.

Upon seeing this, Gu Fanyin immediately praised Mo Chouzhou, and then deliberately squinted his eyes and asked, "How many people are here in the Gu family?"

"Except for those juniors, almost all the others have come, and they may have taken away the most spirit stones..."

The old man of the Gu family stopped talking, he got up angrily from the ground, deliberately pretended not to care about the younger generation, and walked out, his dusty robe trembled, like a clown who hastily exited after the opening.

Gu Fanyin looked at the figure from behind, and deliberately waited until he was about to cross the threshold before elongating his tone: "Is that so—"

"Since the old man said he was wasting time, then you can put the spiritual stones given to the Gu family into your own private treasury."

As soon as the words were finished, the old man almost stumbled when he stepped over the threshold. Before he could speak, Mo Chouzhou wrote it down with an expectant face.

After such an encounter, he could see that this so-called Gu family was not only not doing well, but also had internal problems.

Obviously watching his family members being retaliated against, but those Gu family members who were supposed to be his companions chose to leave with the crowd at the first moment.

"That's how the Gu family is." Seeing his expression, Gu Jingque explained happily, "It's been rotten from the root."

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