Feeding humans, she's serious

Chapter 133 Dirty Desires

Soon, the sky darkened.

Before the black mist continued to swallow, Ning Zhi's group was finally brought in.

The black mist gradually swirled in front of his eyes, revealing several imperceptible restrictions.

At the moment when he passed the restriction, his vision was blurred for a moment, Ning Zhi lowered his head, calmly suppressing the blood gushing out of his throat.

It's too close.

The ray of ancient devil energy left on his body even reacted.

Can't, can't let her find out——

Ning Zhi lowered his eyes, gloomy emotions kept rolling in his heart, his wrists tucked into his cuffs were pinched bruises, he skillfully suppressed the emotions in his eyes, but the expression on his face never wavered.

It's just that the pace of walking forward is faintly eager.

Naturally, this kind of abnormality couldn't be concealed from Gu Fanyin, who was always paying attention to him. His floating soul paused for a moment, then suddenly floated down, leaning directly on Ning Zhi's back.


Although he had expected it, Ning Zhi still couldn't help but take a step back when he really felt the ancient magic energy in his body being slightly suppressed.

"who are you?"

The surrounding wind froze for a moment, Ning Zhi slowly raised his head, just in time to meet the impatient Mozu.

The demon was still holding a spear with a fishy smell in his hand, his rough brows were furiously twisted into a Sichuan character, and the eyes that fell on Ning Zhi were full of unkindness.

"Who sent you here?"

Ning Zhi lowered his head, deliberately paused for a moment before speaking: "I'm here to serve the Lord, is there any place where I can't come here?"

Hearing the slight weakness in his tone, the originally impatient demons also calmed down, pointed to the hidden stele next to it, and explained: "This is the place where the Lord sleeps."

"You are lucky to have met me. If you take two steps forward, no one will continue to listen to your explanation."

What Moxiu said was not a lie.

Ning Zhi withdrew his outstretched foot, looked at the arrogant demon in front of him, and continued to find something to say in a perfunctory manner.

While thanking him, he praised him smoothly.

Adhering to the meaning of inquiring about news, Ning Zhiren let the topic that should have ended long ago drag on longer and longer.

Until, that Moxiu tried to step forward and hug his shoulder.

Gu Fanyin who was yawning boredly: "?"

Those narrow eyes narrowed slowly, Gu Fanyin sneered, as if he would stamp his paws if he dared to reach out.

Keenly aware of the murderous aura in the air, Ning Zhi's eyes flashed a trace of helplessness, he sideways avoided, but was forced to continue to perfunctory the demons in order not to startle the snake.

And the end result of being perfunctory... Ning Zhi was invited to a wine tasting.

Ning Zhi: ...I have already started to regret it.

As soon as the invitation came out, he could clearly feel the wind around him becoming noisy.

It's really not hidden at all...

At this moment, the emotion in his eyes turned into a deep smile, Ning Zhi suppressed his urge to pick people out of the wind, and comforted the overly enthusiastic demon who rejected the compliment in front of him.

Ning Zhi, who finally got rid of it, walked alone on the rugged mountain road. Unlike the bustling scene around him, this road became sharper and darker the further he went.

Fortunately, although this road is difficult, the distance is not long.

Ning Zhi quickly saw the end of the road.

There are many demon cultivators stationed outside the stone gate that is vaguely engraved with heavy characters, Ning Zhi secretly remembered all the guards around him, and returned the same way when no one found out.

In the low night without stars, Ning Zhi felt the familiar wave of demonic energy in the air, and his expression became a little loose.

He subconsciously found a remote place and sat down, leaning against a big rugged tree, and slowly rubbed the dark red gemstone on the dagger with his fingertips.

The black robe was blown up by the wind, making his figure even thinner.

Even in his sleep, Ning Zhi never eased his expression, and after midnight, there were a few hoarse cries of pain from his lips.

Gu Fanyin, who was not asleep, opened her eyes, stared at Ning Zhi's slightly shrunken fingers, and felt something was wrong again.

Gu Fanyin got as close to Ning Zhi as possible, and the hand that fell from the void slowly became firmer, gently stroking the center of Ning Zhi's frowning brows, "I'm here..."

She is not good at coaxing people, so she can only use the simplest words to comfort his ears.

If that doesn't work...

Gu Fanyin decided to fall asleep manually.

As far as the eye can see, the light is extremely dim.

Ning Zhi, who was originally dazed and unable to sleep soundly, was slowly smoothed away from the sun knot between his brows, and his drooping head was gently supported by the other hand.

"Fortunately..." Gu Fanyin breathed a sigh of relief, before the words fell, Ning Zhi naturally rubbed against her palm.


There is still such a surprise——

Gu Fanyin pressed the corners of her lips, and without hesitation narrowed the distance between the two of them again, and they hugged each other thoroughly.

Until the morning light woke up the next day.

Ning Zhi woke up from his sleep, and the person who was holding him tightly had disappeared again, and the leaves above his head fell on his shoulders, as if calmly representing another person's greeting.

"Is it gone?"

Ning Zhi's voice was a little ethereal and dry.

Thoughts were still a little scattered, Ning Zhi stood up, made a cleansing formula, and headed towards the demon clan's residence.

There were a lot of people scattered there, tall or short, fat or thin, the only similarity was that they all had the most sincere respect in their eyes.

This kind of respect was not for the elders of the demon clan who were walking towards them. Ning Zhizang could clearly see it among the crowd. When the elders came over, their respectful eyes all shifted for a moment.

Oh, Ning Zhi scoffed lightly.

No matter how well those people hide, the dirty desire in their hearts will come out through their eyes.

On the top of the mountain shrouded in black mist, the sharp rocks along the way also began to emit light blue fluorescence, hiding in the breath of the bottomless abyss, like a monster buried deep below suddenly opened up. eyes.

"You, you, you, follow me."

At this moment, the leader of the old man ordered a few people in the demon clan, Ning Zhi pressed his hood and walked out following his line of sight.

The originally calm atmosphere became tense again, Ning Zhi reduced his sense of existence, but his eyes hidden in the darkness narrowed in disgust.

"Boom boom boom——"

Several clear and crisp sounds came from the wind, Ning Zhi looked sideways, and saw that those who had been staring at him had grim expressions, each of them bent down with their knees covered, and there were a few smashed rocks beside them.

"What's going on?" The elder who hadn't chosen anyone was a little displeased. He didn't think anyone could attack in this place, so he was even more displeased when he saw these people trying to attract attention.

With a wave of his hand, he directly picked the person to the most troublesome place. Ning Zhi followed the predecessors and left. Hearing the movement of the quarrel behind him, the corners of his lips could not help but evoke a slight smile.

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