Feeding humans, she's serious

Chapter 153 To say or not to say, that is a question

"What, what...?"

Finally noticing something rolling down the side, the Demon Race was stunned, staring wide-eyed at the small night pearl, and then subconsciously touched his head with his backhand.

Fortunately, a hole hasn't been smashed yet.

He silently got up from the ground, and looked at the two people in front of him with eyes full of dodge, "Actually... something serious happened..."

Gu Fanyin raised his eyebrows and asked back, "Did a piece of the sky collapse and fall down?"

The demons didn't know why, and shook their heads honestly as they looked at the faintly oppressive gesture.

Gu Fanyin's eyes remained unchanged, and he continued to ask: "So, your demon clan was invaded by ancient demonic energy, and you are about to start a new chapter of cannibalism?"

Hearing some key words, the face of the Demon Race froze, and he shook his head vigorously, his sudden rapid breathing revealed some real emotions, "That's not the case!"

When the Mozu retorted, he subconsciously raised his voice. As a result, before continuing, he accidentally met Ning Zhi's deadly eyes.

Demon Race: "..."

The hand hanging by the side pinched the palm vigorously, his eyes drifted away stiffly like a ghost that had been discovered, and he pretended to be calm: "It's actually not a big deal..."

"Oh, then you can get out." Gu Fanyin answered without saying a word.

Demon Race: "..."

He opened his mouth, and under the collapse of not being able to bring out the topic, he couldn't even care about the oppressive feeling in Ning Zhi's eyes.

"That's not the case! It's Bai Zhu, Bai Zhu jumped down from Lianxu!"

The demons who shouted in one breath felt refreshed.

Gu Fanyin heard such a sentence after walking around for a long time: "..."

Slowly turning his head, his originally calm gaze gradually rose to another level.

Gu Fanyin looked at him like he was looking at the stone that she jumped out on the road to trip her up.

"That's it?" Gu Fanyin smiled lightly, and the words came out of his throat indifferently, "Don't come to me for this kind of thing next time."

next time?Where is the next time——?
The demons, who were caught off guard by the inexplicable development, slowly showed a huge question mark on their faces: "Wait—"

His eyes subconsciously bypassed Ning Zhi, and tried to jump to the shore again, "Don't you want to go and see him?"

"Definitely next time." Gu Fanyin slowly raised Ning Zhi's little finger beside him, with a perfunctory expression on his face.



The Mozu was completely stunned, his head turned into a paste after being hit by those four words. He looked at Gu Fanyin, then at Ning Zhi who was squinting and also not answering, and slowly raised his lowered hand.


It landed on his own forehead with a crisp sound.

Ning Zhi: "..."

Gu Fanyin: "..."

"Why don't you find someone else..." Gu Fanyin was amused by his magical writing, and looked at him with meaningful eyes, "I usually don't change what I say easily."

"Are you really not going to see Bai Zhu? He is the god of heaven..."

"No," Gu Fanyin smiled and shook her head, scratching Ning Zhi's palm with stretched fingers, successfully getting the latter's wholehearted attention.

"Gu Fanyin! Baizhu has run away - this trip today, you have to go, if you don't go -"

"How about not leaving?"

This time, it was Ning Zhi who interrupted him. He didn't feel sorry for the faintly broken spirit of the demons in front of him.

Just for a moment when the four eyes met, the demon who had been driven into a hurry suddenly broke out in cold sweat, was able to hold down his trembling right hand, and swallowed the remaining half of the sentence back into his throat without the slightest hesitation.

He even showed a flattering smile subconsciously. Under Ning Zhi's eyes, his tone was unbelievably gentle: "...If you don't leave, of course I beg you."

Ning Zhi snorted when he heard the answer, pinched Gu Fanyin's fidgeting fingers with his backhand, and pierced it with a smile on his face: "It's really not good for Bai Zhu to run away..."

"The devilish energy hidden in him has also been smuggled out—"

"How is it possible?!" The demon who heard this retorted subconsciously. It wasn't until the last syllable fell that he suddenly realized that he had said something that shouldn't be said.

The demons retracted their hands tremblingly, even their lips were trembling.

Totally screwed up--

This thought stayed in the demon's head for three or four seconds before it was replaced by another thought.

"Who came up with the idea..."

The poor Mozu stood under the tree trunk, once again unaware that he had spoken out again.

Ning Zhi: "..."

Ning Zhi: "..."

He leaned back a little bit, and for the first time, there was a very superficial questioning emotion in his deep pupils.


The subordinates of the demon clan in his previous life were not like this either...

"Cough," Gu Fanyin, who had seen enough of the bustle, finally chose to stop her. Facing the demon who was crazily scratching her hair in front of her, she couldn't help showing a pity-like expression on her face. After a pause, she reluctantly let go: " Seeing how much fun you've given me..."

"Lead the way."

Mozu, Mozu almost stood up their drooping hair. Hearing these words, a particularly dazzling light flashed in his eyes.

As for being discovered or something, it's up to him.

Mozu carefully guided the two of them, and silently accepted the last sentence in his heart.

...Bringing people to the place counts as completing the task, as for the others, he can't beat them anyway.

Presumably the companions can also understand.

The demons who are still waiting anxiously at the station: "..."

...No, they can't.

"Really let him run away with devilish energy?" Gu Fanyin turned his head and asked Ning Zhi beside him, with a look that was hard to describe.

Ning Zhi shook his head, and gently scratched her palm with his lowered hand.

That's what it doesn't mean.

Gu Fanyin touched it back confidently, and then showed his eyes watching the show again.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the mockery in the other's eyes. In the end, they didn't say anything along the way, and followed the demons directly to the station.

Along the way, I did not forget to say a few words.

Gu Fanyin: "This time I didn't make those crappy traps—"

Ning Zhi: "It should be because I gave up the trap."

"If they can hide it so well, they still can't do it."

Gu Fanyin nodded in agreement, and after a pause of two seconds, he asked the question again: "So will you use poison?"

Ning Zhi paused, and replied sincerely: "If they are smart enough, they won't."

"Maybe it's some unexpected trick?"

An unexpected trick...?
Hearing this, Gu Fanyin showed a little lack of interest. Obviously, he had no hope for what these demons could do.


Walking ahead, wishing that the imperceptible demons would be silent.

Mozu: ... To say or not to say, this is really a question worth thinking about.

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