Feeding humans, she's serious

Chapter 160 The Unimportant White Bamboo

Ning Zhi: "..."

He was still resting his hand on the door frame, when he heard this, he used all his strength to smash the piece of wood to pieces.

Ning Zhi: "...Are you trying to pry into my corner?"

"How can this kind of thing be said to pry the corner of the wall..." Gu Jingque laughed, seeing the man in front of him suddenly showing a murderous look, he touched the tip of his nose unreasonably, trying to explain: "This..."

"Prying the corner of the wall is not so open and aboveboard..."

Gu Jingque lowered his voice, but now there are only the two of them left on the ground, no matter how small the voice is, it is infinitely magnified by the empty space.

Ning Zhi: "..."

Ning Zhi looked up at the woman standing on the steps, didn't say anything, just looked around lightly.

It's hard to tell from the eyes that they are just observing.

Gu Jingque quickly sounded the alarm in his mind, looked at him, and said in a hurried tone: "Wait——what are you trying to do?"

"Heh," Ning Zhi sneered, calmly and slowly took out a piece of talisman paper from his cuff, and then, in front of the person in front of him, he ignited it casually.

"Wait—" Seeing that the building he managed with great difficulty was about to be destroyed, Gu Jingque silently supported his forehead, and quickly compromised under the latter's half-smiling gaze.

"I see what you mean."

She looked at the extremely threatening spell, and her originally bright pupils were frightened by the sparks that came out and circled around.

Gu Jingque swallowed the words he wanted to curse with great difficulty, paused, and made another promise with extra sincerity.

"I give up……"

"Huh?" Ning Zhi narrowed his eyes, not intending to take back the spell at all.

Gu Jingque: "..."

Gu Jingque: "..."

"If I pry the corner of your wall, then I won't earn another spirit stone!"

Such a covenant undoubtedly had a huge impact on Gu Jingque, and even the tone of his words was dry and refusal.

Gu Jingque: ...

I can't imagine the days when I can't earn Lingshi...

"In that case, it would be a pleasure to cooperate."

Ning Zhi obviously also knew what she cared about, he circled the flaming talisman and put it back again, turned around, with a chicness of not caring about other people's life and death.

Gu Jingque: "..."

She silently cursed in her heart that this person was caught by Gu Fanyin as soon as he went out!

In fact, it is not enough to catch it directly.

But Gu Fanyin did get new information from the Yueshi brothers and sisters.

It's not about Ning Zhi himself, but it still has some relationship with him.

"...So, someone is looking for him?" Gu Fanyin sat behind the long table, watching the news handed in front of him, feeling a little pain in his head for the first time.

Especially, when the news is related to another person.

"Yes," Yue Qinian looked at her, a hint of worry flashed across his dark red pupils, "it's a person named Baizhu."

"I heard that he was the High God of the Heaven Realm before..."

"It's not important." Gu Fanyin waved his hand, preventing him from continuing to popularize the news about Baizhu.

"So the current situation is that Bai Zhu hooked up with the actual controller of the Demon Realm?"

Not only did he not die, but he hugged the golden thigh as soon as he landed?

Gu Fanyin felt that all this was extremely absurd.

"Well," it could be seen that her complexion was not good, Yue Qinian was silent for a moment, and reorganized the language again, "The controller of the demon world seems to have appeared only recently."

"The first thing he attacked was the chaotic Wuyue Lake. According to rumors... he controlled all the magicians inside."

Hearing this, Gu Fanyin's expression turned serious.

With her slender fingers bent and folded on the wooden table, Gu Fanyin leaned forward and her eyes fell on another scroll.

Wuyuetan can be regarded as an extremely chaotic place among the demons. It is full of blood, violence and killings everywhere. Even the famous demon generals in the demon world will not approach easily.

To control such a group of desperadoes...

Gu Fanyin let out a long sigh, and had a little idea of ​​the troubles he was going to face next.

"Three days..." She clenched the time secretly, remembering the vague premonition when she faced Gu Jingque, and felt a little indescribable helplessness in her heart.

Gu Fanyin was not worried about Ning Zhi's safety.

She has already carved countless marks on that person, and if it affects life, she will feel it immediately.

Other small actions... Gu Fanyin realized that he was not such an unreasonable devil.

"Well... three days is still a bit long," she tapped the table, a sly smile flashed in her eyes, "two days is fine."

"Add a spirit stone to Gu Jingque, presumably she will be a little looser within the rules."

"Fairy Sanskrit?" Yue Qinian, who suddenly heard a bunch of words, was stunned for a while, and quickly sensed the meaning of her words, and asked actively: "If you have already found the location, why hide it?"

"Probably because Ning Zhi likes it?"


"Well, the reason is actually not important." Gu Fanyin smiled, and continued the conversation with a calm face, with a light tone, like a meaningless sigh: "It's just that if he always behaves like this, he will still let me occasionally I feel a little troubled..."

I always feel like something bad is going to happen next.

Yue Qinian silently moved away from Gu Fanyin, who was showing displeasure all over his body. After thinking about it, he took the initiative to find the trace of Bai Zhu and went on.

Gu Fanyin was left sitting alone behind the table, looking at the pile of information that was uploaded, lost in thought.

As soon as Yue Qinian went out, he ran into Yue Zhi who also came to convey the news. The two siblings stood behind the door and looked at each other. In a silent understanding, the two went out along the path silently.

Their stronghold in the Demon Realm is not very prosperous, but it is extremely secretive and clean.

Being able to accomplish these things in a short period of time, even Gu Fanyin couldn't pick out the mistakes when he first saw it.

"What's going on?" Yue Zhi pointed to the tightly shut door, she lowered her voice subconsciously even though she was far away.

Yue Qinian shook his head, and only calmly recounted the conversation that had just happened, and finally he continued:
"...Don't bother Fairy Fanyin now."

Yuezhi: "..."

She looked at her brother who finally knew where to speak, and a strange gratification flashed in her eyes.

At least he knows not to get involved in the next topic!

Thinking of this, Yue Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, but the breath of relief has not yet fallen, and a few seconds later, this relief was instantly shattered in another sentence of the latter.

The white-haired and red-eyed Shenzi looked at her silently, blinked, and said innocently and earnestly: "Should I ask Wu He to get some useful medicine first?"

"I always feel that Sanskrit Fairy will need it."

Yuezhi: "..."

Jianxiu, who has never expressed much expression, twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at him, and suddenly squinted his eyes and asked, "You left at that time..."

Yue Qinian: "Because the follow-up will probably develop like this, it seems that it would be better if a plan can be given?"

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