Chapter 188
Gu Fanyin raised her eyebrows and smiled casually, but did not use this topic to continue talking.

She closed her eyes slightly, as if she didn't care at all about the person standing behind her, and yawned sleepily.

Now it was time to take a rest, Gu Fanyin put her on the chair, and not long after, she felt a pair of hands gently hug her up, and went into the house.


Ning Zhi pursed his lips tightly and couldn't help but glance at her peaceful brows. Even the sharpest thorns fell down.

He put the man on the bed, squeezed a cleansing spell, and then lay down on it himself.

After a while, a faint word came from my ears.

"Go down—"

Gu Fanyin, who still had her eyes closed, lazily elongated her tone. It didn't look like scolding, but an extremely flat narration.

Ning Zhi was stunned for a moment, but didn't say anything. When he was pushed by the hand in front of him, he rolled away with his force.

The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground awakened Gu Fanyin a little. The latter raised his eyes and turned sideways to meet those foggy eyes that were stunned and extremely aggrieved.

He doesn't have the dignity of the new Demon Lord at all.

She smiled, looked at Ning Zhi for a moment, then rolled up the quilt next to her and fell asleep on the other side.

Ning Zhi: "..."

Ning Zhi: "...Oh."

He rubbed his brows, sat on the ground and looked at the distant figure, glanced at the dark and gloomy environment around him, found a place quietly, curled up and fell asleep.

The sound of breathing gradually becomes shallower.

But Gu Fanyin, who was leaning against the other side, could still clearly feel the anxious sight, which did not disappear, but intensified with the calmer breathing.

Gu Fanyin: ...

She decided not to.

The next day, Gu Fanyin, who didn't remember when she fell asleep, opened her eyes. She turned around and got up, but she didn't see Ning Zhi's figure underneath.

Instead, there was a smell of food coming from outside.

Gu Fanyin rubbed his brows lazily, slowly got dressed and walked out. As soon as he stepped out the door, he bumped into the figure busy in the yard.

It is Ning Zhi.

He still didn't look like a demon king, and he was putting hot soup on the table in his hand.


"Wait a minute," Gu Fanyin interrupted him clearly. After a pause, she walked over and took a few glances with a suspicious look on her face, "Are you finally going to poison me?"

This taste... no matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem to match the taste?
Ning Zhi: "..."

Ning Zhi stepped forward and tried to explain: "I did this, it's not poisonous."

Gu Fanyin: "..."

Gu Fanyin smiled and said, "Oh, that's it - so you have finally found a direction that suits you in the Demon Realm?"

"But you can go to Wu He to practice this taste."

Ning Zhi: "..."

He looked at the things in front of him that were only for show, drooping his head, a little frustrated: "I just want to be with you all the time."

"I don't lack chefs here," Gu Fanyin said calmly.

Instead, he sat down next to him, and said lazily, "There is no shortage of people who will run away casually—"

"Sanskrit sounds," Ning Zhi finally couldn't listen any more. He lowered his eyes and focused on the soup, silently blacklisting Fuyu who had come up with the idea.

"What do you want to say?" Gu Fanyin was playing with the empty teacup in his hand, leaning his face to the side, staring at Ning Zhi, and slowly raised the corners of his flattened lips.Ning paused for a moment, rolled his Adam's apple, and sat down beside her in silence.

Lowering his eyes, his emotions were obscure: "Fanyin, don't treat me like this."

His voice was light and airy, as if he was about to disappear in the wind the next second: "You can do whatever you want to me...but don't-"


The sound of blood penetrated her eardrums.

Gu Fanyin froze, her movements were faster than her emotions, she raised her hand and forcibly turned Ning Zhi's head away, then raised her eyelids, staring straight at the blood spilling from the corner of her lips.

She quietly grabbed the hand that Ning Zhi was trying to avoid, and slowly separated it from the knuckles bit by bit. What she saw was the palm that was also soaked in blood.

Gu Fanyin heard his own voice floating in his ears, cold but with a stormy calm: "Is there anything you want to tell me now? Ning Zhi."

"Sanskrit..." Ning Zhi let himself be manipulated in a daze. He raised his head, and the blood fell down again regardless of his master's wishes.

"...just a little accident."

After a while, he coughed dryly, and his eyes that had been dazed turned into sobriety: "It's just a trivial sequelae."

"Ning Zhi," Gu Fanyin laughed completely out of anger. She let go of her hand, suppressed the emotions that were about to burst out, and calmed down again. She glanced at his obviously suppressed expression and said lightly: "What if at this time? Say something, maybe I’ll be soft-hearted?”

Ning Zhi: "..."

Ning Zhi once again returned to the silence he was good at.

He could keenly sense that the person in front of him had different emotions, but at this time, he still couldn't express those words.

Whether it's frailty or unavoidable sequelae...these should be the price he bears alone, not the weight for Gu Fanyin to make any decision.

At least not now.

"It seems that you are determined to hide it to the end?"

Gu Fanyin sighed softly, and the blood-stained hand slowly moved up, past his line of sight, and pinched the fragile neck in front of him very gently, as if it could be broken at a single break. The two looked at each other, Ning Zhi lowered his eyes, even if Life was held in the hands of another person without any struggle.

This is undoubtedly the final acquiescence.

Gu Fanyin smiled, and the hand that was originally loose on the neck suddenly exerted force. In just a few seconds, Ning Zhi's already pale complexion quickly oozes cold sweat.

"Since you want to die so much, then you can die in my hands."

"rest assured--"

Gu Fanyin tilted her head and smiled, with a perfunctory reassurance on her face, "You will stay with me."

"As a body that cannot speak or move."

Ning Zhi's constricted breathing became even more rapid, and his dark pupils stared straight at the extremely gorgeous person in front of him, as if he wanted to carve her into his bones bit by bit.

No struggle, no pain, no hesitation.

Even at the last moment when his breath was about to be exhausted, there was still an extremely gentle smile on his face.

"No, leave it, I'm gone."

The intermittent voice was very shallow and faint, mixed with a fishy smell and fell into Gu Fanyin's eyes, but it was no less than an extremely fast tsunami.

It completely disrupted her original emotions into chaos.

"Ah, that's it..." Gu Fanyin let go of his hand, and the complex emotions were suppressed in his eyes, but they calmed down again after just a moment.

She turned around to leave, but before she could take a few steps, she was pulled by the small force behind her.

It is Ning Zhi.

He just got his breath and fell half down on the ground, holding the corner of his clothes tightly with his hands, refusing to let go.

(End of this chapter)

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