After several months of running-in, I dare not say that I can completely control Wuzhuo, but it is enough to use Wuzhuo for normal combat.

Lu Yun, who regards Wuzhuo as a fly swatter, bursts out with great strength from her seemingly thin body.

A sword fell, full of ghostly aura.

The gift from Montenegro is revealed at this moment.

She is not afraid of what others think, she, Heishan, and Ali are both innocent.

All the way here, she, Lu Yun, came here by herself.

The eyes are clear and firm, like a rock, no matter the wind or rain, it will not shake.

Lu Yun went all out to face this enemy.

Bi Luo Huang Quan's killing intent fell, Wan Yun, who had to take the sword hard because he underestimated Lu Yun, heard the crisp sound of his shoulder bones.

The force of this blow was as heavy as a mountain, causing his arms to tremble.

Fortunately, he also knocked the epee away.

Wu Zhuo hit the ground, and the high platform trembled a few times. Before Wan Yun could be happy, Lu Yun's figure had arrived.

At some point, Han Jiangxue was taken by her again.

The long sword swept across, leaving a wound on Wan Yun's body. Wan Yun dodged in a panic, and then heard a lot of laughter, which faintly entered his ears.

Don't look at him now that he is not at a disadvantage.

But being forced to this point by a disciple of the Foundation Establishment Stage proved his failure.

Those people were laughing at him.

Wan Yun gritted his teeth, his eyes full of malice, he stared at Lu Yun, wishing he could tear her apart.

And he did.

Five fingers formed a grip, and when Lu Yun's sword fell, he still grabbed Han Jiangxue, but made a feint, and the left and right nails became longer, hard and sharp.

There was still a faint blue light shining on the nails.


The word floated across her mind, and Lu Yun stepped forward instead of retreating.

The cold air froze Wan Yun's hand and Han Jiangxue together, and after ensuring that the other party could not escape, the needle stuck out from the back of the tail.

The opponent's hand came erratically, Lu Yun had no intention of avoiding it at all.

Let the opponent's nails pierce the flesh and blood on his arm, and the moment the toxins raged, the cold began to condense around the wound.

She forcibly froze the wound with cold air to prevent the toxin from erupting.

But the ice layer is still spreading, and it won't be long before it will cover the entire shoulder.

Before that, Lu Yun's eyes were calm, she swallowed a mouthful of blood, and the needle stabbed hard at the back of her tail.

A sharp section slashed across the opponent's neck, leaving a bloodstain.

While Wan Yun still had lingering fears, she kicked Wuzhu up on the ground, and her elbow hit the hilt of Wuzhu's sword.

Wu Zhuo threw himself at Wan Yun according to his master's will.

There was no killing intent in this move, Wan Yun sneered and avoided it, and wanted to ridicule, Lu Yun, who was blocked by Wuzhuo, disappeared.

What stayed in place was the sky full of wind and snow.

What about people?

Wan Yun was startled.

There was a piercing chill behind him, and his back was chilled. He subconsciously wanted to turn around, but there was a sword across his shoulders, resting on his neck.

It is Han Jiangxue.

This mistake made Wan Yun irritated, he quickly reached out his hand, and Bodhi's hand flicked past, trying to disarm Lu Yun.

Surprisingly, Han Jiangxue fell into his hands easily. He just wanted to laugh, but found that his heart hurt a little.

Looking down, a dagger pierced his chest from the back of his heart.

But the owner of the sword was very measured and didn't hurt his heart.

It is the back stitch.

This dagger, which has a weak sense of presence and is often easily overlooked, has won the victory for the owner at this moment.

"you lose!"

The woman's warm breath came behind his ears, but Wan Yun shivered coldly, his body froze, and he didn't even dare to turn his head.

He didn't dare to move, for fear that the dagger in his body would accidentally shift an inch and split his heart in two.

"I surrender."

He heard his almost frozen words.

Immediately afterwards, something fell to the ground. He turned his head with difficulty, and saw Lu Yun half kneeling on the ground, showing a bright smile.


Wan Yun, who realized that the opponent was a weakling, and that he could win as long as he persevered a little longer, was extremely annoyed.

"You fool me?"

He took a step forward and was about to make a move. There was a sword standing on the high platform that wiped his hand.

Ji Hongxi walked over with a smile, helped Lu Yun up, and looked over with dark eyes like hell.

Wan Yun's whole body trembled, willing to admit defeat, and shut up.


Lu Yun shouted, looking at the sword on the ground.

That sword was extremely blood red, not the bright red of flames, but a dull blood red.

The blade of the sword should have been as clear as glass, but the blood in the glass was flowing like a living thing.

This sword seemed to come from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. It condensed endless evil spirit and blood, and it was frightening at a glance.

Watching it for a long time can make people's blood boil and it's hard to hold on.

The name of this sword is... Glazed Blood.

"It's okay, it's just a sword."

Ji Hongxi shrugged, this sword is not a good thing at first glance, so he rarely uses it.

Just because it's rarely used doesn't mean it can't be used.

If he hadn't been concerned about where this place was, he would have cut off Wan Yun's arm just now.

Even dare to bully his little junior sister.

"I'm fine too."

She was a little exhausted, and the number of wounds on her body was considerable, especially on the shoulder. She was poisoned, and the wound was hideous, and the blood that flowed out was black and purple.

With a sigh of relief, with the support of her senior brother, Lu Yun was not in charge of those people at the scene, and asked Tianfeng back.

"Hmph, what are you going to eat? You've been abused like this."

While she was meditating and adjusting her breath, a familiar voice sounded, but when Lu Yun opened her eyes, what she saw was the pill in front of her.

Baiyao is out.

Lu Yun smiled and swallowed it, and the toxins left in her body disappeared completely as if washed away by the flood.

Without distraction, continue to heal.

Asking the corner of Tianfeng, Bai Yao frowned, looked at the person waiting in front of him, hesitated for a while, and walked over.

"What are you doing here, I won't go back."

He put it bluntly.

When I left the Valley of Miraculous Doctors back then, I just didn't want to go back and be the owner of some little valley.

"I didn't let you go back."

Bai Xuan looked at her younger brother amusedly: "It doesn't matter whether you go back or not, you are the owner of Shaogu."

The Valley of Divine Doctors lives away from the world. Although it is not as sparsely populated as the Holy Land, the number of disciples in each session is not large.

Only when such a big event happened, the genius doctor Gu would get involved.

"You might as well not have used it."

Bai Yao frowned, and expressed Bai Xuan's thoughts.

"I don't want to come. In fact, it's better to let other companies compete for the quota this time. It's not a good place to go anyway."

"I just wanted to meet you, so I got fifth place by the way."

Bai Xuan's tone was too casual, Bai Yao didn't bother to respond.

After thinking about it, he still said: "Wait in, if you can, help me take care of my little junior sister."

Hearing her younger brother mention Lu Yun, thinking about what she saw today, Bai Xuan shook her head.

"Maybe she will have to take care of me more then."

It seemed that she had played all her cards and was half disabled to win the victory, but she is a disciple of the genius doctor Gu, and she is most familiar with the injury.

That little junior sister still has the strength to spare.

She acted like that, probably to give Bodhi Cave the last bit of face.

Baiyao remained silent for a long time before saying: "I'm going to let her go with me when the time comes."

They didn't say where they went together, but Bai Xuan understood.

There was real surprise on her face, she looked at Baiyao quietly for a long time, and when she saw the expression on the other side's face that hadn't changed, she smiled in relief.

"You are the master of Shaogu, you are the master."

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