Chapter 122 Companion and Agusu

Wrapped in animal skin, short shirt and short skirt, revealing a small waist.

This girl looks agile, with twin twists hanging down to her chest from left to right, and underneath...

Well, it's a bit peaceful.

The cyan juice is painted on the cheeks, adding a bit of wildness.

The most noticeable thing is the pair of eyes, blue eyes full of waves, radiant, like an elf who has strayed into the mountains and forests, too beautiful.

After paying attention to the other party's blue eyes for a while, her eyes fell on the other party's waist.

There is a pattern on that small piece of skin.

Dark green, on the fair skin, it is like a landscape painting with thick ink and heavy colors. As the woman walks, the ink color flows and looks charming.

Lu Yun looked carefully and found that it looked like a tree.

"This is the totem of our Qingmu clan."

Seeing Lu Yun's gaze, the girl spoke heartily, her words were exceptionally smooth, not like those people's dry voice just now.

With her hands behind her back, she hopped and walked to Lu Yun's side casually.

The other party was slightly shorter than Lu Yun. He raised his head and observed Lu Yun carefully. After seeing the curiosity in Lu Yun's eyes, he smiled happily.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

She bared her big white teeth, her eyes were crooked, long and short to hide the light in them, she looked innocent and ignorant of the world, but no one dared to underestimate her.

"If it was before, I'm afraid, but now..."

Lu Yun tilted her head, imitating the other person's gaze and scanning the other person, and then smiled: "Now I can take you on the road together."

Killing them all won't work, it's still okay to find a partner on Huangquan Road.


With an exaggerated shout, the woman applauded Lu Yun. She jumped back a few steps to avoid Lu Yun's attack, but there was no fear on her face.

"Did you keep your hand from the beginning, waiting for us to come out on purpose?"

With a questioning voice and an affirmative tone, the woman spread her hands, and a flower appeared in her palm. After Lu Yun nodded, she jumped to Lu Yun's side again, and put the flower in Lu Yun's hair.

The rouge-colored flowers smudged Lu Yun's overly plain face with a few touches of color, and there was a soft smile in the almond eyes under the willow eyebrows, which made people feel good.

Seeing such a non-aggressive Lu Yun, the girl nodded in satisfaction.

"Don't be too fierce, this is my territory, without my consent, those people can't do anything to you."

"But when did you find out?"

She asked curiously, and took a few steps to motion for Lu Yun to follow. As for Ji Hongxi, she always ignored her.

In terms of appearance, Ji Hongxi, a monster that few women have always been able to reject, now has a slumped face, a look of grief and indignation that his face is getting old and his favor is gone.

Lu Yun suppressed a smile and motioned for him to follow.

"Last night."

To be precise, ever since she fell into this ancient mountain range, she could feel her eyes falling indistinctly, or in other words, Wuzhuo.

But last night, she was so sleepy for no reason that she couldn't break free.

She knew that she was being watched secretly, but whether the other party was malicious or not, she was a little curious and close.

She just wanted to hold back and see who it was.

Unexpectedly, there are still people targeting them, and those ancient barbarians are chasing and killing them from thousands of miles away.

After killing one batch, another batch will come again. She and her senior brother are not hard-working, and found that the ancient barbarians with black totems have an inexplicable fear of juice, so she wants to try it.

"You're smart, and I like smart people."

The woman still had her hands behind her back, and even walked backwards. She didn't have eyes behind her head, but she didn't bump into any obstacles.

Lu Yun could clearly see that it wasn't that she remembered the direction of all the trees, but that the trees were deliberately avoiding each other.

A fresh and vigorous breath enveloped the other party, allowing her to feel at ease in this mountain forest.

"The ones chasing you just now are the beast clan, and the totem is the head of the beast."

"Those gray wolves and black eagles are their companion creatures. The stronger the orc warrior, the more companion creatures he can control."

"The place where you appeared is the place where our clan and the beast clan meet. By the way, they want to arrest you because of the secrets of the exercises on your body."

The ancient barbarians practiced witchcraft, colluded with the power of heaven and earth, and prayed to their ancestors and God.

This kind of power is similar to spiritual power, but not exactly the same. With the development of the cultivation world, monks are now respected by the outside world.

And they, the ancient barbarians, have always guarded the ancient barbarian mountains and refused to go out. No matter how good the blood is, it will gradually wear down under this situation.

In each tribe, fewer and fewer cubs were born.

Some people think that they should not continue to practice witchcraft, but to change their spiritual power, but they are unwilling to go out and trade with monks, so they want to sit on the sidelines and wait for rabbits.

Lu Yun and Ji Hongxi are those two poor rabbits.

"Don't you want it?"

Lu Yun asked the other party.

"Think about it." The girl jumped a few times, her braids bouncing around, her whole body brimming with youth and vitality.

"But my Qingmu clan is not as stupid as them."

"We prefer to trade rather than force you."

After a pause, she bent down and picked up a piece of grass on the ground. It was February in the world, and spring had just arrived, but in this ancient mountain range, the spring was rich and the grass was growing and warblers were flying.

And the grass grew rapidly in the opponent's hand, and in the end it actually bloomed small, white flowers.

The fingernail-sized flowers are fragrant and pleasant, but Lu Yun is sure that the grass itself does not bloom.

"The companions of our Aoki clan are plants."

So in this ancient barbaric mountain range, their eyes and ears are everywhere. Trees can bring back news from afar, and they will know when Lu Yun and her two appear.

"The juice smeared on those orcs can shield our perception, but the disadvantage is that the effect will disappear when you touch the red juice."

The orc clan broke into the territory of the Qingmu clan, and the result can be imagined.

The jumping girl picked the fruit from the berry tree and threw it to Lu Yun.

"Eat it, it's okay."

There were indeed people in the red and sweet fruit. Lu Yun couldn't help looking into the berry bushes, but he didn't see the bones.

"Ha ha!"

The girl who realized Lu Yun's thoughts laughed and tears came out.

"The place you met before is the junction point between our clan and another clan. Those berries are poisonous and can cause hallucinations. It is to prevent people from entering our territory at will."

"These are edible and delicious."

She was pulling her twist, and the watery blue eyes were rippling with waves, it was a pool of spring water, disturbing people's hearts.

Hearing this, Lu Yun threw it into her mouth.

The bursting juice was so sweet that Lu Yun also squinted her eyes.

"My name is Lu Yun." She said proactively.

"Lu Yun..." The woman shouted these two words, her smile was too bright: "My name is Agusu."

The girl named Agusu was friendly to Lu Yun with a smile: "Welcome to the Qingmu tribe as a guest."

Before they knew it, they had already walked a long way, and Lu Yun didn't feel anything, but from the corner of her eye, she saw Ji Hongxi's head was covered with cold sweat and her face was pale, as if she had been hollowed out.

(End of this chapter)

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