Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 128 Sleeping with the Devil

If Feng Rao's indifference to Mrs. Feng is manifested on the bright side, then Feng Xi is silent.

From the moment she came in, she never glanced at the person on the bed, maybe she didn't care about the other person's life or death.

"It's troublesome."

Feng Shao said apologetically, his face flushed from embarrassment.

That touch of red, come and go quickly.


Lu Yun stepped aside to allow Ji Hongxi enough space to observe, and she saw Ji Hongxi's suddenly cold eyes.

The thoughts of the two should coincide again.

"What's the matter with my mother?"

Seeing Ji Hongxi's downcast face, Feng Shao asked anxiously, even grabbing Ji Hongxi's sleeve.

Ji Hongxi tore off her sleeves lightly, with a half-smile on her face: "You let Master Feng down, I didn't see anything."

Even so, his eyes lingered on Mrs. Feng's face on the bed, with an inexplicable obsession.

"Why, you were hooked too."

Feng Rao's words seemed to be out of her mind, and she gave Ji Hongxi a hard look, as if she wanted to be jealous, but the other person was her mother.

Of course...

You can't blame Feng Rao for saying that.

It was really because the comatose Mrs. Feng on the bed was too beautiful and charming.

That face is as gorgeous as peaches and plums, shining brightly, even if you close your eyes, you can't hide the stunning beauty that day, there is no defect in the eyebrows, eyes and facial features, even with Ji Hongxi's picky eyes, you can't see any flaws.

There is no trace of sickness on her face, her complexion is rosy, and her red lips have a healthy rouge color, which are moist and juicy. After looking at her for a long time, there is an urge to kiss her.

Especially when the other party was lying on the bed so defenseless, it was simply itchy.

In all fairness, this face was comparable to Ji Hongxi's.

A good-looking face is always attractive, but I have to sigh, that Feng Patriarch is very lucky.

The two girls of the Feng family are also very good-looking, mostly because of Mrs. Feng's genes.

"It's really pretty."

Facing Feng Rao's questioning, Ji Hongxi answered it as a matter of course.

He has always liked beauties. After all, he is a beauty himself, so he can't be allowed to perform with those who are not beautiful.

"You! Thanks to me reminding you, I'm blind."

Feng Rao was out of breath, she flicked her sleeves and left.

"Sorry, I'll go and have a look." Feng Xi said, and glanced at Ji Hongxi's twinkling eyes.

There was obsession in those eyes, which made Feng Xi's eyes look sad, and he turned to look for Feng Rao.

"It made the two laugh, they, they have changed their tempers since their mother was seriously ill, but it wasn't intentional."

Feng Shao is a filial son and a good brother. When he mentioned those two, he didn't have the slightest resentment, but felt that it was his fault.

Such a good-natured personality is really rare in the cultivation world.

Feng Shao got up, pulled the quilt for Mrs. Feng, and touched Mrs. Feng's forehead to make sure there was no fever before he felt relieved.

"You two, my mother suddenly became seriously ill half a year ago. At first, she just snoozes, and then she sleeps for ten hours a day."

"Just half a month ago, she started to sleep for a long time, and she would only wake up every few days, and she would fall asleep again soon after waking up."

"We couldn't find the cause, and we tried many methods, but..."

Speaking of this, Feng Shao's voice choked up, he squatted on the edge of the bed, buried his cheek in his palm, his shoulders were trembling.

"You two, as long as my mother can be cured, no matter what the price is, I will agree."

These words are sincere, at least Lu Yun can't hear the slightest pretense from them.

And Ji Hongxi, who has the best insight into people's hearts when traveling among flowers, didn't hear any hypocrisy.

It was true that he wished his mother well.

"When was the last time Ma'am woke up?"

Ji Hongxi asked, he looked at Mrs. Feng without blinking, as if unwilling to look away, his gaze was extremely hot.

"Three days ago."

Feng Shao responded, he readjusted his emotions, stood up, and didn't say anything to Ji Hongxi's transgressive eyes.

Can he really react to his mother being so coveted by a man?

Or, in order to cure the disease, he gave up all his dignity.

"Then let's talk about it next time Madam wakes up."

Ji Hongxi stood up straight with a leisurely and relaxed tone.

"This... Calculating the time, it should take two or three days to wake up, and I will have someone notify you two at that time."


Ji Hongxi nodded casually, and was about to leave.

Feng Shao sent the man to the door with a sincere tone: "Miss Lu, Mr. Ji, the two of you are living in Feng's house with peace of mind these days. If you need anything, just say it."

"it is good."

Ji Hongxi nodded again, and left without asking Lu Yun's opinion.

"Miss Lu and Mr. Ji, walk slowly."

Feng Shao said again, and didn't send it away, but turned around and went in, and stood by the bed to wait on Mrs. Feng.

It wasn't until leaving the courtyard that Ji Hongxi let out a long sigh of relief.

If you look carefully, you will find that Ji Hongxi's obsidian eyes are full of scarlet.

That wasn't anger, but tumbling demon energy.

Yes, magic energy.

After entering that small courtyard, Ji Hongxi's devilish energy was almost aroused, and he soon discovered that Mrs. Feng also had devilish energy on her body.

Moqi is not a good thing. Logically speaking, the Feng family would not come into contact with Moqi.

And the devilish energy on Mrs. Feng's body is very faint, well hidden, and people who are not familiar with devilish energy can't find it at all.

Ordinary people may not be able to notice it, but to Ji Hongxi, who also has a devilish aura, it should not be too obvious, it is a lantern in the dark, and it can be seen at a glance.

It was precisely because of those demonic energy that Ji Hongxi almost lost his composure.

Lu Yun, who knew Ji Hongxi well, naturally also noticed it, and the two of them tacitly did not specify.

"On the way here, Miss Feng San told me to be careful not to look at that lady's face."

Why don't you look at your face.

Recalling what Feng Rao blurted out in the ward, I understand.

That face is indeed qualified to bewitch people's hearts, especially for men, it is easy to fall into it at a glance.

There was a peculiar charm on the other party, even Lu Yun, who was a woman, took a few extra glances.

It's a pity that he just arrived here, and he couldn't find out more news from the two sisters.

Following the servant, they arrived at their residence. The two adjacent small courtyards had a good environment, quiet and elegant, and the utensils inside were all of the highest quality. It could be seen that they put their heart into it.

Following Lu Yun into the house, Ji Hongxi was lying on the bed in large characters, very rude.

"Junior Sister, do you think that Patriarch Feng knows about his wife's problems?"

With the opponent's cultivation base, it is impossible not to notice it.

Recalling Patriarch Feng's affectionate look when he mentioned his wife, the two looked at each other and found it difficult to deal with.

If the devilish energy was later contaminated and made Mrs. Feng sick, then find a way to get rid of it.

But if the demonic energy is innate, it means that Master Feng has slept with the demon for these years and has had children.

Knowing and not knowing is the difference between heaven and earth.

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