Chapter 142

Taoist Nanshan remained silent, and grabbed Lu Yun's hand very hard.

After a long time, the man said in a hoarse voice, "Yun'er, I won't give up."

No matter who it was for, he couldn't give up. He had to either find that ray of hope, or go all the way to the dark, so that he could see the real despair.

"Okay, I will accompany Master."

When Lu Yun agreed, she heard a small hum.

It's cloudy.

After losing her sight, Lu Yun felt that her mind was approaching more and more like a naughty boy. She put on an innocent face, pretending that she didn't know those people.

"Master, are there any guests?"

Sitting on a chair supported by Nanshan, with a cup stuffed in his hand.

"Miss Lu, drink tea."

Well, the elder brother was gnashing his teeth but had to hold back.

"Thank you."

As he said that, he shrank towards Nanshan Taoist, pretending to be scared, and imagining the black face of the elder brother by the way.

"They were invited by Master to help."

"Since it's helping, how can we do without us." A loud voice sounded outside the yard, someone knocked on the door, but no one opened it.

Several people walked in, the leader was Elder Xu.

Among the ten people who entered from the five sects of the Demon Dao, two of the Kong Chan Sect were missing, and the elders of the Fierce Demon Palace were also missing. Only seven people came here.

In such a pair, Moxiu was at a disadvantage.

"Tsk tsk, the Taoist needs help, and I will definitely wait. No matter what the request is, I will definitely do better than some people who hide their heads and show their tails."

Taoist Nanshan could see all the camouflage on the side of the sect, but he didn't expose it, just as he knew that these people's origins were very strange.

"I haven't seen you."

Taoist Nanshan spoke in a peaceful tone full of pressure.

Lu Yun lowered her head and stroked the cup in her hand with her fingers, feeling the shape of the cup with her fingertips little by little.

She has been thinking about how far Taoist Nanshan's cultivation has reached.

She asked this question before, but the other party always said that she hadn't had the chance to tell her.

After traveling all over the years, I have met many fellow Taoists from Nanshan, and those people were vague about Nanshan's cultivation.

But this time, Nanshan took the initiative to release his own cultivation, and climbed up little by little until he suppressed everyone present.

Among the group of people, Yun Tian, ​​who was the most cultivated, felt the pressure at this moment. He sat upright, retracted his eyes from Lu Yun, and his expression became more serious.

The Great Perfection in the later stage of crossing the catastrophe is only one step away from crossing the catastrophe, and it is also close to the death of Taoist Nanshan.

There was a crisp sound in the small courtyard, like the rustling of leaves, or the tinkling of wind chimes. After the sound sounded, the sky above the small courtyard was enveloped by a special force, and then gradually covered Nanshan's cultivation base.

Thousand autumn clock.

Lu Yun spat out the name in her heart.

Shuttle in the dream, the Thousand Autumn Clock, which is enough to change the time, has been helping to cover up the secrets all these years, so that Taoists of Nanshan don't have to cross the catastrophe.

Everyone present also saw the Thousand Autumn Bell, but today's Thousand Autumn Bell does not have a weapon spirit.

The small thousand autumn clock was placed in Nanshan Taoist's palm, and he seemed to be lost in thought, his eyes changing.

"I don't know why you are here, but I think our purpose is the same."

Nanshan spoke.

The moment he raised his eyes, the coercion belonging to the top power made everyone silent, only Lu Yun sat peacefully like a normal person.

She could feel the jealous eyes of the elder brother beside her.

Lu Yun continued to pretend not to know her.

If a thousand years is like a dream, you can dream about the past, and you can dream about the future.

The Nanshan Taoist holding the Thousand Autumn Bell could not find any traces of these people here. Along the long river, he vaguely saw a farther future.

Being directly exposed by Nanshan, this is something that no one expected, even those demon cultivators put down their cold faces and sat aside obediently.

"Qianqiu Zhong can hardly suppress my cultivation, at most half a year, the catastrophe will come."

"Before that, I want to try again for the last time, regardless of success or failure, your confusion can be solved."

"And I need you to help me without reservation."

Nanshan's words seemed to be discussing, but also seemed to be expecting something.

"I don't know what the senior wants to do?"

Yun Tian took the initiative to ask, and saw Nan Shan touching Lu Yun's head with a smile.

"Me, it's very simple... I just want my little apprentice to practice."

If a person abandoned by heaven can practice cultivation, it can prove that the glimmer of life is always in this world, then that door will be able to open one day.

Most of the people present had seen Lu Yun before, so they naturally knew that this was a real mortal who could be crushed to death with just a random thought.

And now, are all their hopes pinned on this mortal?

"it is good."

Yun Tian quickly agreed.

Although he didn't know why his little disciple was different from them, it was obvious that the little disciple agreed with Taoist Nanshan's thoughts.

So, just do it.

"I support." Pei Geli's eyes were burning with white flames, and the power of floating and sinking embers burned all falsehoods, leaving only the most real existence.

In his eyes, the place where Lu Yun was supposed to be was nothingness, as if this person never existed.

Behind him, the elders of the Holy Land lowered their eyebrows and lowered their eyes, as if Pei Geli was in charge of everything.

The rest spoke one after another.

At this point, you can only put all your eggs in one basket.

Whether it is successful or not, you can get the answer, what are you afraid of.

The matter was discussed at this point, and Lu Yun couldn't participate in the follow-up questions. She sat at the door and looked at the distant place with her chin propped up, even though she couldn't see anything.

"Sister Lu, there are so many immortals."

Little sister Taotao sat beside Lu Yun, looking into the room.

There were so many immortals in the village, the village head was alarmed, and the villagers were even ordered not to come here at will.

But she is special because she is here to accompany Sister Lu.

"Sister Lu, after the fairy ascended, he went to a more distant place, will you come back to see us in the future?"

Like Lu Yun, the peachy girl with her chin propped up, looks like a little ghost, Lu Yun can imagine the cuteness of the other party.

"I do not know."

Lu Yun shook her head. According to all the records, those immortals who ascended to the upper realm never came down to earth.

Some people speculate that after ascension, they will forget about the affairs of this world, and some people say that the barrier between the two worlds cannot be reversed, and people from the upper world cannot get down.

In short, there is no record that immortals will come down to earth.


Little girl Taotao frowned distressedly: "But if this is the case, does that place really exist?"

The immature voice made Lu Yun tremble.

Lu Yun pressed the mark on her wrist, her breathing was hot.

Everyone was thinking about how to ascend, but never thought about whether the so-called upper bound really existed.

No, it must exist.

She heard about that city lord later that when he ascended, the fairy gate opened, and the guiding light washed his body, turning spiritual power into pure fairy power, and achieving an immortal body of immortality.

Everything is real, but no one has seen the world inside the fairy gate.

So, what is it that makes Nanshan so frightened?
On this day, the dream of peace finally made waves.

(End of this chapter)

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