"who are you?"

This sword was blocked, Lu Yun's spiritual power was fully mobilized, Yi Rongdan's power was destroyed, and Lu Yun's true face was revealed in front of everyone.

The moment he saw Lu Yun's appearance clearly, Tu Ying felt great hatred in his heart.

"Do it, complete the sacrifice!"

He shouted, those orc warriors raised their knives, Mu Lang was the first to knock out, knocking the warrior's body to the side, and the rest followed suit.

But the strength of the two sides is incomparable.

Seeing that the butcher's knife was about to fall, there was wind around him.

No, not wind.

It was the rustling of leaves dancing in the wind.

Branches came from a distance, knocking those orcs into the air, and the Aoki men took the opportunity to untie their restraints and help each other to stand up.

Alienated tree shadows can be seen all around, and the twisting plants seem to be blocked by treacherous demon gods, and the entire mountain forest comes alive.

In the fire pond, the green fire rises up again, seemingly dying, but there is always room for it.

"Tuying, die!"

Aguyu's voice exploded in the sky, the gate of the dungeon opened, and figures came out one after another.

There are still traces of wood on the bodies of many Qingmu warriors, but their fighting spirit is rising.

In the leader's hand, Agu Yu carried Atu with a broken arm.

Today, when the orcs went down to bring Agusu out, Agusu seized the opportunity to take down that person, and threatened Atu's life to make him open all the wooden cages.

Wait, it's now.

As for Atu, he was a hostage in their hands.

Aguyu pinched Atu's neck, and his fingers dug into the other's skin, bleeding blood.

She looked at the eagle with a cold expression.

"If you orcs evacuate now, I can spare him from dying."

Although they were released, but when their combat strength has not yet returned to their peak, it is not a big deal to start the battle now.


Tuying smiled playfully: "Aguyu, you are still so naive."

"My son is a warrior of my orc clan. From the day he was born, he should be ready to sacrifice for my orc clan."

"Death in your hands, he will die without regret."

The cruel speech made the drowsy Atu open his eyes. He looked at his father's cold attitude and smiled noncommittally.

"He won't give up for me."

In the hoarse voice was Atu's deep-seated madness.

"In his heart, no one can compare to his interests."

"My mother died at his hands."

These words made Aguyu relax the strength in his hands, and Atu, who clearly felt this, hit Aguyu with his own hand.

Although the father and son are ruthless, they are also ruthless.

Atu, who had successfully escaped from the restraint, smiled miserably, and a gray wolf appeared beside him.

"My son, well done, kill them!"

Tuying laughed loudly, gray wolves appeared here, and those gray wolves like little giants were extremely difficult to deal with.

The gray wolf totem lit up, and the witch power was connected into a chain among the orc warriors, and the injuries on the gray wolf recovered quickly.

In the fire pond, the black flame turned into a wolf shadow, roaring upwards, and the loud green flame almost collapsed.

But it persisted.

A tree shadow rises in the fire pond, its blue branches and leaves spread to the sky, under the canopy that blocks the sky, a faint green vine clings to its trunk, and the two grow together.

The shadows of the trees are swaying, full of vitality.

After Lu Yun pierced through the head of a gray wolf with a sword and beheaded it, she came to Agusu's side and helped her up.

"I am fine."

Agusu smiled, she knelt on the edge of the fire pit, and put her injured wrist on the green fire.

The flames burned, Agusu's body was not injured, but the blood was swallowed by the green fire.

Bihuo was at the end of his strength and could not fight against Heiyan at all. Agusu was using his own power to renew Bihuo's life.

The cheeks were visibly pale, and the inorganic gray-white surfaced.

Roots sprouted from her feet, taking root in the ground, the lines on her arms were the same as the bark, and a bud sprouted from her hair.

"You want to sacrifice yourself?"

Sensing the other party's intentions, Lu Yun tried to stop her, but a vine separated her.

"I can help you."

Bishengteng's power can still be used a few times.

Agusu shook his head: "It's useless." Bishengteng can save people, but it can't save Huozhong.

What Tinder needs is the blood of the Qingmu people.

"I come!"

The clear voice passed by, and Mu Lang passed by Lu Yun. After taking a deep look at Lu Yun, he made the same move as Agusu.

Facing Mu Lang's fiery eyes, Lu Yun didn't know why.

"Let them do it."

When Ji Hongxi came to Lu Yun's side, Liuli's blood split a gray wolf into two.

"Put it to death to be reborn."

The wildfire starts a prairie fire, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. The green fire is like a weed, and it is full of vitality. Now it just needs to wait for an opportunity to rekindle.

The smell of blood enveloped the senses, and during the melee, Tuying naturally noticed the behavior of those from the Qingmu tribe.

"Swallow it!"

The eagle no longer waited for the sacrifice to be completed, the totem lit up, and the wolf shadow transformed by the black flame roared again, and then opened its fangs, biting the tree shadow.

A part of the dense tree shadow was torn off, and all the people of the Aoki clan grunted, bleeding from the corners of their mouths.

Lu Yun and Ji Hongxi's eyes met, and they attacked the figure eagle tacitly.

Wuzhuo slammed down, and the black epee attacked with the power of a mountain.

The moment the unpretentious Wuzhuo appeared, the totem took a wrong breath.

"How is it in your hand?"

That it refers to Wuzhuo, of course, the other party knows Wuzhuo, it seems that he knows more than Aguyu.

Needless to say, attack again without clumsiness. Facing Tuying, Lu Yun didn't intend to test it.

Bone bones emerged ferociously from the space torn apart by Bi Luo Huang Quan, but were quickly destroyed by that force into powder.

Tuying didn't dare to take this sword forcefully.

Lu Yun, who had completed the Foundation Establishment, was gradually able to control this move, and he did not show mercy.

On the cold face, there was a sword intent.

When the epee was struck, a gray wolf howled, its skull was shattered, and gradually recovered under the witchcraft.

Seeing that Lu Yun's attack was useless, behind Tuying, the bloody long sword pierced the sky and came lightly.

Liu Lixue left Tu Ying with deep bone scars on his arm. If the other party hadn't dodged quickly, he would have become a one-armed hero just like his own son.

"court death!"

Tu Ying's face was dark, he simply tore off all the iron balls from his waist and threw them out.

Gray wolf, falcon, python.

They were all ferocious beasts full of killing spirit, and under the control of Tuying, these beasts tightly surrounded Lu Yun and Ji Hongxi.

The boa constrictor twisted its body, and its brown scales densely formed lines, which made people dizzy after looking at it for a long time.

The coolness of the beads on the wrist covered the soul, Lu Yun threw Wuzhu, and the whole person rose into the air. You Longying leaped from the light and shadow, and reappeared above the giant python.

Aiming at the python's seven-inch stab, one hit failed, and Han Jiangxue landed on the giant python's body with enough frost and snow to freeze the world.

The ice was spreading, Lu Yun galloped over the giant python's body, the three-foot cold blade floated down, and a line of blood formed on the giant python's head.

When Lu Yun was about to complete the decapitation, the witchcraft surged again. Seeing that the wound was about to heal, the needle behind the tail came out of his hand and stabbed at the eagle.

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