"Tsk, what a pity."

Aunt Aqi pinched her fingers, regretting that she couldn't continue mopping.

Lu Yun couldn't hold back and smiled, but before she could gloat for a long time, she saw a man walking to her side.

It's Mulang.

The admiration in Mu Lang's eyes was undisguised, so straightforward that Lu Yun couldn't help but ignore it.

Now, it was Ji Hongxi's turn to smile.

"I like you!"

Before Lu Yun could react to the crisp confession, she heard Mu Lang say again: "But I will not leave the tribe."

"And you will leave."

"So my love for you can only stay here with me."

"I will remember you."

Even if the sun and the moon turn around, year after year, he will always remember the beautiful woman who broke into the ancient mountains and brought them hope, like a god of mountains and forests.

Mu Lang didn't need Lu Yun's answer at all. After he finished speaking, he took a step forward and hugged Lu Yun, then retreated, leading the tribe to clean up the mess.

Looking at Mu Lang's back, Lu Yun stood there silently.

At the age of first love, this love is beautiful and heavy, simply... the other party is not a person who is persistent in love.

There are thousands of roads, and when it comes to love, she may stare at it, but she will not stop.

Holding the sword and moving forward until the end is what she wants in this life.

Letting out a breath, Lu Yun restrained the emotions in his eyes.

After the flames of the Aoki tribe swallowed the fire seeds of the orc tribe, the fire in the fire pond burned vigorously.

On the same day, the Aoki Clan held a meeting, and the brothers and sisters attended the meeting.

They are going to send people to the Shanshui tribe to lobby, and according to the wishes of the orcs, they will completely merge the three tribes.

The Aoki Clan who took down the Beast Clan undoubtedly had a huge increase in power, while the Shanshui Clan was at a disadvantage.

However, the conflict between the Qingmu tribe and the Shanshui tribe is not insoluble, so it would be best if they can be resolved through peaceful negotiations.

The news was sent out quickly, but two days later, the Shanshui people gave a reply.

They agreed, but required that the fusion of the fire seeds be completed in the ancient land, which meant that the Qingmu tribe had to migrate to other people's territory for tribal amalgamation.

"Ancient land?"

Ji Hongxi is digging medicinal materials.

Except for the ancient barbarians, the ancient barbarian mountains are inaccessible, and there are too many rare medicinal materials from the outside world, which grow here like Chinese cabbage.

Coupled with the power of the Qingmu tribe, these medicinal materials have a long history and strong medicinal effects.

Lu Yun is also digging.

Seeing how the two brothers and sisters wanted to take away the bark, Agusu was very puzzled.

"Well, Gu Di, I told you before that after the split of the ancient barbarians, the Shanshui tribe was the one that remained in the original tribe."

"That is the place called the ancient land."

"Our original firepit is in the ancient land."

As she said that, she looked at Lu Yun: "At the same time, your sword was placed in the ancient land."

In other words, it is imperative.

"We'll be leaving tomorrow."

Agusu simply squatted down and dug. She threw the medicinal materials to Lu Yun, and found the joy of decompression from it.

Digging grass... No, add another person to the medicine digging team.

The next day, the Qingmu clan moved out.

Those houses full of flowers and plants, under the control of the Qingmu clan, have huge roots growing from the bottom, and the roots are supported again, like human legs, moving with the houses.

It has to be said that the power of the Qingmu clan is really easy to use here.

The Shanshui Clan is a little far away, this time with the blessings from the Cyanwood Clan, Ji Hongxi's cultivation has not been suppressed as he went deeper.

Along the way, plants continued to point them in the direction.

Wherever it went, the mountains and forests came alive.

Agusu was sitting on a tree, and the roots of that tree were pulled out from the ground, and then twisted into two and ran.

Agusu, who was sitting on it, swung his legs, very leisurely.

Lu Yun jumped on it and enjoyed the ride.

Ji Hongxi also wanted to go up, but something like a branch and vine always dragged him down, and then he fell into the crowd of female warriors.

"Master Ji, here are new clothes for you."

The tough female warrior is equally direct emotionally.

Seeing that it could only cover the key parts, and might reveal a small piece of animal skin that shouldn't be exposed, Ji Hongxi refused with a straight face.

In his numbness, someone touched his buttocks, and Ji Hongxi's face became even darker.

These goblins!

He's almost sucked dry!
The two women were watching a joke on it, and Agusu's smile was trembling. After a while, she wiped the corners of her eyes and looked at Lu Yun.

"I told Aunt that once this matter is over, I will leave the Ancient Man Mountains with you."

After the merger of the fire ponds, the rate of decline of the ancient barbarians will slow down, but one day, everything will come back again.

If you want to solve it from the root, it is to let the ancient barbarians integrate into this world.

They have to get out.

If those people dare not, she can be that No.1.

"it is good."

She agreed, before entering the Nanshan Tomb, she told Master about the Ancient Man Mountain Range.

Outsiders are also very curious about the ancient barbarians. After all, this place has been closed for all these years, which also means that it has not been developed and is rich in resources.

If Lu Yun connects the ancient barbarians and the Hidden Sword Sect, then the benefit of cooperation between the two parties in the future will be that even if points are awarded to the other sects, the Hidden Sword Sect will still be able to take the lead.

This is a credit.

And this credit was prepared by her for Ji Hongxi.

"Hey, do all of you Tibetan Sword Sect disciples practice swords?"

Agusu asked curiously.

"Ninety percent."

There are also people in the Tibetan Sword Sect who don't practice swords.

The two chatted all the way, and under the glow of the sunset, they stepped into the territory of the Shanshui tribe.

The Shanshui tribe controls the water sources in the ancient mountains, and their witchcraft is also related to water.

Inside and outside the dividing line, like two worlds.

There is a layer of shallow water mist floating here, and the water mist can condense into tiny water droplets in the palm of your hand.

The water is gentle and inclusive.

But in the water mist in front of him, Lu Yun felt a sharp aura from it, like a sharp weapon, blood could be seen at any time.

These four weeks... there are people around.

Seeing that the people of the Qingmu clan didn't respond, Lu Yun watched calmly.

"They're probing."

Agusu fiddled with the water mist, and the dense mist flowed at the fingertips, graceful and graceful, and then drifted away in the distance, floating and ethereal.

The mist touched Lu Yun's cheek and turned into water droplets.

Water droplets flowed along the fair skin, across the corners of the eyes and brows, and dripped along the smooth jawline.

At this moment, Han Jiangxue stood in front of Lu Yun.

With her as the center, all the water mist froze within an inch of her body, and a water needle rested on the edge of Lu Yun's neck, which was crushed by Lu Yun's flick of a finger.

The cold air spread, and the condensed snowflakes floated down, beautiful and cold, just like the owner of the snowflakes.

"The honored guest is coming, I am sorry for the inconvenience!"

There was no sincerity in the rough voice, the water mist surged, the mist disappeared, and the sight became clear.

The environment around here is no different from that of the Qingmu tribe, but the ground here is more humid.

A thin drizzle was falling overhead, and the drizzle was slightly cool, forming a hazy barrier.

Lu Yun raised her head and could see the sky outside through the shadow of the tree. There were no dark clouds in the clear sky.

Therefore, this drizzle should be the strength of the good aquarium.

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