Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 167 I'm not as good as her

Chapter 167 I'm not as good as her
During this period of Ji Hongxi's recuperation, Wen Tianfeng returned to the previous calm.

Practicing swords in the morning, joyful at sunset, and the sun flowing like water, this kind of tranquility that is full and different from the mountains and forests is very rare for Agusu.

The arrival of this guest, Agusu, is now well known.

Many people were curious about Agusu. Lu Yun originally wanted to invite him to ask Tianfeng to live, but it was difficult for ordinary people in Tianfeng to come up, so Agusu refused.

When Lu Yun came to look for the other party, she saw Agusu chatting with Feng Yuyao.

After this long year, when they saw each other again, it seemed like a lifetime away, and the eyes of the two passed each other without wind or waves.

Feng Yuyao lost the arrogance she had at the beginning, and her settled temperament was truly gentle, like a demure and open peony, with a little bit less hostility to fight with others.

Song Xiao stayed by Feng Yuyao's side as usual, judging from the relationship between the two, it should be Qin Se and Ming.

"A Yun!"

Agusu called Lu Yun and motioned for her to come.

Lu Yun didn't refuse, and walked over leisurely, surrounded by many new disciples.

After Lu Yun returned to the mountain, things about her spread among the sect.

"Senior Sister Lu." Liu Ru smiled shyly, looking at Lu Yun in awe.

I used to think that I could still catch up with this person, but looking at it now, this person has long been at the forefront of a group of people, leading them all the way forward.

She thought, with Senior Sister Lu around, she could do anything.

"En." Lu Yun responded, her spiritual sense swept across the opponent's cultivation, and there was a soft smile on her face: "Good progress."

Calculating the timeline, the cultivation base of these disciples is now much better than in the original text, which is a good thing.

"Senior sister taught me well." Liu Ru smiled brilliantly, looking at Lu Yun eagerly.

"Senior sister, how long are you going to stay inside the door this time?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow." Lu Yun said, looking at Agusu: "I came to see you to say goodbye."

The news has been sent back, and it won't be long before a team of ancient barbarians will come to the Tibetan Sword Sect.

This matter has also begun to spread to other sects, and the Tibetan Sword Sect may be very lively by then.

This is the first appearance of the ancient barbarian tribe. As the young patriarch of the Qingmu tribe, Agusu must be present, so the idea of ​​the two traveling together in the world will have to wait.

"So anxious?"

Agusu was a little surprised.


After returning to the sect, she tried to contact the second senior brother again, but there was no response.

But the second senior brother's life card is still on, but the fire light is a little weak, it should be trapped somewhere.

She has to find the second senior brother.

There were so many people in this meeting, Lu Yun didn't say much, they all came, she couldn't just leave like this, so she just sat down.

What they were talking about was just the problems they had encountered in their practice in the past, and some interesting things in the ancient mountains.

Lu Yun was indifferent to the outside world, she didn't talk much, and surrounded by everyone, she just sat quietly and meditated.

Occasionally, if she had the courage to ask a question or two about practice, Lu Yun would answer carefully, which made those disciples very excited.

The discussion among the disciples took a lot of time because of Lu Yun's arrival.

When they left, they were all satisfied.

Lu Yun, who seldom talked a lot in front of everyone today, was holding a cup of tea to moisten his throat. Not far away, Agusu was playing with the spirit beast inside the gate.

Opposite her, Feng Yuyao's eyes were subtle and slightly astringent.

"Lu Yun, I'm not as good as you." After a long time, she heard Feng Yuyao's voice.

Looking up, what she saw was the slumped look on Feng Yuyao's face.

"Why do you want to compare with me?"

Lu Yun's eyes were straight.

"You are you, I am me."

"I said that day, you and I have different ways, we each go our own way."

Her arrival has affected Feng Yuyao. Feng Yuyao, the daughter of luck in the original text, is not so brilliant against the backdrop of her today.

But no one denied Feng Yuyao's excellence.

If Feng Yuyao insisted on comparing herself with herself, she might have another problem in her state of mind.

Song Xiao glanced over to one side, and compared to the first time he met, this person was more silent, and his cultivation was not bad, but the demonic barrier that was born at the beginning seemed to have not been completely eliminated.

Receiving Lu Yun's gaze, Song Xiao looked over, and there was nothing strange in his cold expression.

After all, it is different.

she thought to herself.

"I am me."

Feng Yuyao's expression flickered, as if she was a little at a loss for this answer.

She looked at the person in front of her.

The other party particularly prefers Tsing Yi, because in the sect, Lu Yun's clothes are more elegant than when he is outside, which sets off the other party's graceful figure.

Walking outside, the immaturity on Lu Yun's face completely faded away, except for those eyes, which were as steady, cold and unwavering as before.

And the sword intent on her body was sharper and more controllable than before.

This is a sword that is out of the body, enough to alert people, but it will not hurt people at will.

Lu Yun's growth is seen by everyone, even Feng Yuyao, it is undeniable that the other party is more suitable to be a swordsman than herself.

Her heart is too firm and uncontaminated, as if external things are the same to her, including herself.

Looking back on the days when I confronted the opponent because of that arrogance, I feel ridiculous.

"That's right, I am me."

Feng Yuyao raised her lips, and the sadness disappeared on her face, leaving behind a sense of relief.

She can take Lu Yun as a goal, but she doesn't have to force herself to be the same as him.

"Thank you."

Feng Yuyao thanked her, and raised her teacup to respect Lu Yun: "Also, I want to apologize for my bewilderment back then."

At that time, she thought she was the proud daughter of heaven, she was unparalleled in the world, and was admired by all people.

So when someone shows up to steal the show, she's resentful and jealous.

But now, after peace of mind, the memories are only childish.

"it is good."

Lu Yun drank the cup of tea.

Not much to say, got up, nodded and said goodbye.

You don't have to draw swords to face each other, and it doesn't mean you can be friends.

The wind of Tibetan Sword Sect is gentle, blowing the girl's dress flying like a butterfly chasing a strong wind.

Free and... frivolous.

"I'm not as good as her." Feng Yuyao said, these words were sincere.

And beside her, Song Xiao stared at her for a long time, hiding many dark colors, for a long time, as if answering Feng Yuyao, she answered "Yes".

Before leaving, Lu Yun went to the place where the Fire Mirror was, which was placed on Xingtian Peak.

"Do you want to go in and take a look?"

The second elder Duanlang asked Lu Yun.

For this disciple, Duanlang made no secret of his admiration.

"Need not."

She shook her head.

"It's good that Master knows that I've been here before." Although Yun Tian was careless, he was good at teaching a little bit.

You don't need to be affectionate to do what you should do.

"Master, I don't know when I will return from this trip. Take care, Master."

After saying this, she bowed to Huo Yanjing to salute, and when she got up, she left without looking back.

Duanlang stayed where he was, and didn't speak until he couldn't see Lu Yun.

"do not worry?"

"I remember that your second apprentice is in a bad situation this time."

Being targeted by those people who are no different from ghosts, it is a fluke not to die.

Although Lu Yun is now a golden core, it may not be possible to succeed if she goes there.

(End of this chapter)

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