Thoughts turned, Lu Yun didn't intend to watch the fun.

She took out a black jade pendant, which was the jade order given to him when she first heard about it. The moment the shopkeeper saw the jade order, his eyes were excited, and he looked at Lu Yun very hotly.

This kind of jade order, the entire Fairy Treasure Chamber of Commerce only has ten pieces, and the shopkeeper never thought that this little girl with eyes would have the owner's jade order on her body.

The person who holds this jade spirit is the guest of the Fairy Treasure Chamber of Commerce, and the other party can take some things for free.

Observing the shopkeeper's expression, Lu Yun told her plan.

"I'm looking for something that looks like a ribbon and has long arms that can change a monk's aura."

Listening to the description, the shopkeeper thought for a while and shook his head: "There is no such thing in the store. If the girl needs it, I will send an order to look for it, but the girl needs to wait here for a few days."

"How long will it take?"

Lu Yun asked, the second senior brother can't wait too long.

"Two days are enough."

In this way, Lu Yun agreed.

"By the way, girl, Ningyang Mansion has been coming and going a lot these days, and Zhonglu doesn't seem to be a land of masters. Please be more careful, girl. It's a bit lively... It's not good to watch."

When Lu Yun was about to leave, the shopkeeper reminded her.

The people who can be shopkeepers here are not ordinary people. Seeing the other party's vigilant expression, Lu Yun nodded to accept the other party's kindness.

When she went out, she wanted to find a place to stay, but because of the martial arts competition, the nearby inns were all full.

Lu Yun, who was wandering around, followed the crowd to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

The arena was built well, it was very big, and the gray stones all over looked very solid.

Cultivator fighting skills, ordinary stones will shatter at the touch, but this stone is locked with a formation, so it can withstand blows.

There are many people nearby, all watching and discussing.

"It will start at [-]:[-] tomorrow. I heard that there are hundreds of people who have signed up."

"Yeah, it's been played game by game, I don't know how long it will take."

"What's the matter, for Miss Ning, these people are reluctant to leave even if their heads are broken."

"Tsk tsk, has any of you seen Miss Ning?"

"I've seen it, I've seen it, it was about a year ago, on a sunny day, I just went out as usual..."

Someone told a story, but the story was obviously delusional, and he was beaten by his companion after he finished speaking.

It's bustling here.

And Lu Yun observed that some of the people who came here were dressed in extraordinary clothes and looked like wealthy people, while others were dressed simply and were probably casual cultivators.

The city lord said that regardless of the origin, many people want to try it. If you really embrace the beauty, then you will be able to ascend to the sky from now on.

There are too many people, too crowded, and the smell is mixed together, which makes people breathless.

Lu Yun didn't pay attention any more, turned around and left.

In a clean place, Lu Yun found someone to spend the night with, the host's surname was Cao.

It was a middle-aged couple, they looked friendly, and their cultivation base was only at the Jindan stage, but Lu Yun observed their bone age, and they were over 100 years old.

If there is no further progress in the cultivation of Jindan monks, it will only take a few hundred years.

The qualifications of these two people are average.

Lu Yun did not give Lingshi, but gave some pills that can improve the human body as a reward.

"Thank you Miss Lu."

Holding the elixir, the husband and wife were very happy.

"Miss Lu, you can stay here as long as you want."

Leading Lu Yun into the room, when the woman smiled, there were fine wrinkles on her face, which were not ugly, but engraved with the beauty of the years.

"it is good."

She answered, closed the door, and could hear two people talking outside.

"Let's leave this pill to Yu'er." It was Mother Cao who spoke.

"Well, Yu'er has good aptitude, and he is in the late stage of Golden Core. This elixir will definitely be useful to him." Cao's father said in a calm voice, but he also agreed with his wife's choice.

"I don't know who this Miss Lu is from, but I think she is so young."

"Well, it should be the daughter of some big family, shh... let's go, don't disturb Miss Lu."

The voice disappeared, and Lu Yun withdrew her spiritual consciousness.

These two people are also simple, so I don't know who is Cao Yu who makes these two people miss.

After that, Lu Yun sat cross-legged in the room. Since she had the secret method of spiritual explosion, she was much faster than ordinary monks in absorbing spiritual energy, even with the burden of fragments.

This night, the spiritual power hovering over the house never stopped, and the curtain covered the sky to cover up the movement.

But the husband and wife who were in the same room felt something.

They followed the practice, but it took only one night, and their spiritual power was more abundant than the half a year they used to practice.

Early the next morning, there was a knock on the door.

After Lu Yun opened her mouth, she saw Cao's mother. After one night, the subtleties on Cao's mother's cheeks disappeared, and her whole body became more radiant.

The aura of heaven and earth nourishes people, and when a monk reaches the foundation building stage, his appearance will almost be youthful forever.

Some people like to maintain their appearance, while others like to let their appearance age a little bit over the long years.

The woman in front of her also loves beauty. Lu Yun guessed that she should be middle-aged and had just reached the foundation-building stage.

"Miss Lu, this is a specialty of our Ningyang Mansion, you can try it."

The woman held a small basket in her hand, which contained a small plate of spiritual fruits. The thumb was long and short, and one was thick, purple all over, and looked like a small eggplant.

The spiritual energy on this spiritual fruit is not enough, but looking at the outer skin, there is enough water, and the taste should be good.

"It's eggplant, a specialty of Ningyang Prefecture."

Seeing Lu Yun looking at her, the woman said, she is a person who knows how to reciprocate.

"it is good."

Lu Yun took it, and the woman felt relieved immediately.

"Mom, why did you give this away?"

An unpleasant voice came from the next door, the door was opened, and a man walked out, looking like a young man.

The moment he saw Lu Yun's appearance, he took a few extra glances, but he quickly walked over with his lips curled up.

"This is what you worked so hard to pick yesterday." Eggplants grow on the steepest cliffs.

Lack of spiritual energy, it is not a high-quality spiritual fruit, but it tastes good, and some people will treat it as a snack to satisfy their cravings.

But the ones bought outside are not as good as fresh ones.

And this eggplant grape is already a good thing for their family.

Cao Yu just didn't understand why he gave it away when his mother said it was sold.

Lu Yun, who was holding the basket, hesitated for a moment, and then saw Cao's mother suddenly furious, grabbing Cao Yu's ear and shouting.

"My old lady's things can be given to whoever my old lady wants, can you control it?"

"Day by day, eat and sleep, sleep and eat, how long have you stayed in the late stage of Jindan, and you still don't know how to work hard."

Mother Cao, who had turned into a violent old woman, used her blood to suppress Cao Yu, making it impossible for Cao Yu to resist.

"Ouch, it hurts, mother, my ear hurts."

"Besides, mother, I'm only 35 years old and I'm in the Golden Core Stage, so I'm pretty good."

Lu Yun could see clearly that the opponent's aptitude was below average, and it was indeed good to reach the late stage of Jindan at this middle age.

It's just that the spiritual power in the opponent's body is boiling and running, and it is not stable. It looks like it was forcibly lifted up with some foreign objects. (end of this chapter)

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