Chapter 189

Swords and swords were in chaos.

Three long swords hovered beside Lu Yun, constantly intersecting with the ghost king.

Meng Lin's body is flexible enough, even if the ghost king just recovered, he can quickly adapt and suppress it step by step after possessing Meng Lin's power.

The prestige fell like a mountain, and Lu Yun's forehead was dripping with sweat.

The eyes under the blood color were clear and sharp.

Kicking on the cold river snow, the slender blade took the lead, fighting the chain in the air.

Lu Yun's hand was clumsy, and after swinging it out, the surrounding air was drawn, making a muffled sound of being squeezed.

The needle behind the tail flashed from Lu Yun's hand from time to time, always able to resist the offensive of the ghost king who wanted to advance again at critical moments.

The consumption of spiritual power tried to drag down Lu Yun's body, and the unadorned and unpretentious sword body was covered with green fire.

In the massive consumption, Bihuo's devouring can't keep up with Lu Yun's use.

The filled spiritual power was forced to be used against the enemy before it adapted to the condition of this body.

The tendons are tearing, shouting, stretched to the extreme under the strong load, and will break at any time.

The sword blade whirled, and Lu Yun used her own power to forcefully hold back the Ghost King.

The two sides who were fighting fiercely over there were approaching the direction of the Styx after realizing the thoughts of the old ghost king.

After restraining each other, the atmosphere became increasingly anxious.

The chill is eroding the surrounding environment along the rush of the Styx River, and the temperature is gradually dropping.

The mist exhaled condensed into frost and snow, and the coolness filled the heart, but Lu Yun was still forcibly preventing the old ghost king from killing the new ghost clan.

As time passed, the embryos in the Styx gradually grew, from a small fuzzy group to a concrete shape.

The facial features appeared, and horns the size of fingernails stood on their foreheads, giving these newborns a somewhat majestic look before they even opened their eyes.

Lu Yun, who split a chain, exhaled, and under the high pressure, she raised her head and chest.

Looking directly at Meng Lin's distorted face, all the past emerged in front of her eyes, Lu Yun took Han Jiangxue in her hand, and took a big step forward.

The body rushed out like a firecracker, and collided with those chains. The powerful collision wave caused some weak ghosts to be torn apart by this force as soon as they approached.

"Okay, very good!"

The ghost king laughed back angrily. He looked at this Renxiu who kept obstructing him with hatred. In his blood-colored eyes, there was a sea of ​​corpses piled up by death.

Bloody entangled chains, like nimble fingers, caressing and trembling.

A creepy aura appeared, and the ghost king's speed suddenly increased. Accidentally, Lu Yun was sent flying by a chain.

The body fell to the ground, plowing the ground for a long time, the pain almost captured all minds, and the broken bones were forcibly straightened by Lu Yun.

In the dantian, the blue flowers are feeding back the powerful vitality, quickly repairing Lu Yun's body.

The color of a petal has become much darker, and it is going to wither.

Lu Yun stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. She stared at the ghost king indifferently with a rock-solid expression.

She took a step forward, and the elixir that had been hidden in her throat was swallowed. The bitter aftertaste and the smell of blood mixed together, turning into a disgusting taste.

In an instant, the power of the elixir flowed through the body, and the abundant spiritual power seemed to be inexhaustible, making Lu Yun's strength in the early stage of the golden elixir continue to rise at this moment.

Shengling Pill, a kind of elixir that can temporarily improve one's cultivation.

This kind of elixir is easy to use, but the side effects are also very serious. Within a few days after the effect of the medicine ends, she will be no different from a disabled person.

Even if the third senior brother Baiyao tried his best to reduce the side effects, this elixir was still too dangerous for Lu Yun.

So at first, Baiyao only gave Lu Yun one.

But this one may be enough to bring Lu Yun back to life at this time.

Her spiritual power was overwhelming, breaking through all obstacles, and her cultivation was growing visibly with the naked eye.

Dongzhou, Tibetan Sword Sect, on Wentian Peak.

Bai Yao, who was refining medicine in closed room in the alchemy room, suddenly opened her eyes, her breath fluctuated, her thoughts fluctuated, and the elixir that was about to be released in front of her changed.

In a moment of sensation, the alchemy furnace exploded.

In the sky full of smoke and dust, there is a strong smell of medicine.

Bai Yao, who was bathed in it, looked solemn. He looked in a certain direction, with unstoppable worry in his eyes.

The blood he put in the Ascension Pill disappeared, which also meant that the little junior sister encountered a difficult problem, and had to rely on this kind of elixir with powerful side effects to forcibly improve her cultivation base to deal with it.

The gloom between his eyebrows shrouded Bai Yao's body.

His heart was silently praying.

Junior sister, come back, come back alive.

Even if there is only one breath left, senior brother can save your life.


On the banks of the Ghost and Creature River, the flames of war are burning.


It felt like something was broken inside him.

The light green golden core was covered with cracks, a small hand stretched out from it, and had a glimpse of the whole picture.

The thumb-sized Nascent Soul villain, with his eyes closed, seemed to be feeling something.

The eyebrows and eyes are exactly the same as Lu Yun's, but there is a green vine flower between the eyebrows.

The blue flowers made that fair little face much gentler, and the corners of the little Nascent Soul's mouth always had a gentle and indifferent arc.

It sat cross-legged in the dantian.

The fit of the body and the Nascent Soul was only completed in an instant. After Lu Yun's body stayed for a while, he started again, and his strength was unparalleled.

The body is as light as nothing, as if she is detached from any shackles, giving Lu Yun the illusion that she can do anything when she swings the sword.

Spiritual power was poured into Wuzhu without money, and she swung the sword of heaven and earth brazenly.

The mountains and rivers are companions, and the sun and the moon follow each other.

The sword of heaven and earth in the Nascent Soul stage completely got rid of the result of losing strength when used, and became an ordinary move.

The Heaven and Earth Sword and the Biluo Huangquan Kill were used alternately, and dangerous cracks moved around Lu Yun.

Under absolute power, space can be penetrated.

The moment Wu Zhuo was restrained, Lu Yun wiped Han Jiangxue towards him with his backhand. The snow falling in the world was beautiful but miserable.

Outside the icy Styx, the falling snowflakes turned into sharp blades, stabbing dangerous enemies.

Tsing Yi jumps in the wind and snow, and the flying dragon shadow allows her to hide perfectly in the violent snow. Every time she appears, it is the time for Tailhouzhen to pounce.

The Ghost King, whose strength has not been completely restored, and Lu Yun, who forcibly increased his strength, ended up in a tie here.


Miao Ruoling looked at Lu Yun nervously, she grabbed Elder Jin's sleeve, pleading in her eyes.

Everyone could see that it was very difficult for Lu Yun to support her.

Blood flew all over his body, and the hideous wounds repeated the process of healing, tearing, healing, and tearing again.

Miao Ruoling couldn't bear to look directly at the torture-like scene.

The Tsing Yi, which was supposed to be calm and cool, turned into a heavy and dead ink color amidst the thick blood color.

Miao Ruoling couldn't breathe because of the color pressure.

"Master, I want to help."

Miao Ruolong held the hand of her twin sister, the two of them had the same intentions from beginning to end.

(End of this chapter)

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