Maybe because as a sword spirit, Yun Shuiqing is very sensitive to some things.

For example, he knew from a long time ago that Junior Sister is not a thing in the pond, and sooner or later she will reach the highest place, so that everyone can only look up to her existence.

That kind of majestic and tall light, now little by little on the body of the little junior sister, has begun to take shape, immature enough, but it also exists.

And this kind of person is often burdened with great luck, and is paid special attention to by Heaven, but this kind of person is also doomed to have a bad fate and a lot of hardships.

These, Yun Shuiqing did not say.

He didn't want to put too much pressure on his little junior sister.

Little Junior Sister now just needs to grow up steadily.

As a senior brother, shouldn't you protect the junior sister from the wind and rain?

Yun Shuiqing's eyes are as clear and clean as ever, the sword spirit is pure, even if he has desires and private messages, his essence will not change.

Feeling the comfort of the two senior brothers, Lu Yun felt a little better.

But she will not stop there, rather, she will try to go faster.

too weak.

She was still too weak after all.

If it wasn't for the existence of the Spiritual Ascension Pill, she wouldn't be able to get away completely this time. If it wasn't for the ghost king's strength not recovering, even with the Spiritual Ascension Pill, she would not be able to defeat him.

Coupled with the fact that Elder Jin and others are in charge, she has no worries.

The right time, place and people made her victory this time. If one condition is missing, her ending may be to stay in the ghost forever with Meng Lin.

Grandpa Guicao said that if a human being dies in a ghost, his soul will not enter reincarnation.

No matter how powerful he was in life, no matter how strong his soul was, he couldn't resist the attraction of the River Styx.

They will follow the rules of ghosts and monsters, fall into the river of Styx, and then all their memories will be washed away, their souls will be washed clean, waiting for the next blood moon festival, and they will be reincarnated as ghosts from the river of Styx.

Humans and ghosts have taken different paths since then.

She doesn't want this kind of ending.

In the final analysis, she is still not powerful enough.

The cultivation base of Jindanqi may be able to disdain all the existence of his peers, but what Lu Yun wants is not to beat anyone of his peers, but to deal with the next fluctuations in the realm of comprehension.

Now that the news about Wangchuan Stone has been revealed, what should be known is already known, and what should not be known is only a matter of time.

Once the deception of Ascension is exposed, all monks, regardless of demon cultivators or ghost cultivators, will be panicked, and even mortals will be in turmoil.

At that time, it cannot be done by ordinary comfort.

And there will be many opportunistic people who want to take advantage of this chaos to gain profits.

Fighting cannot be avoided.

When the story is known to everyone, it is not the ordinary monks who are under the greatest pressure, but the sect.

The sect stands tall in the realm of comprehension and is admired by everyone.

They enjoy the superior rights, and naturally bear the responsibility of serving the common people and the people.

Among them, the eight major sects are the first to bear the brunt.

There must be countless voices asking them for help and sending questions.

At that time, no matter which sect it was, it needed enough power to suppress the chaos.

The disciples of the sect are all in the game, and no one can escape.

But Lu Yun won't allow herself to be an ordinary disciple who can only follow the sect's rules and urge her to take one step at a time.

Especially after she learned that she, or the fragments in her Dantian, were related to the predicament of the world of cultivation, she was destined to be unable to survive alone.

Can't hide.

What's more, she never wanted to escape.

Since you want to participate, you must gain enough power.

And this is something that cannot be achieved by staying peacefully in the sect and under the wings of master and senior brother.

She is well aware of this.

But she still needs time to adjust her body.

Only a few people in the sect knew about Lu Yun's return.After those people learned about these things, they came to ask Tianfeng these few days.

Wen Tianfeng has always been quiet, but there are a lot of guests these days.

It was normal for Liu Ru to appear, but what Lu Yun didn't expect was that Feng Yuyao would also come to visit her, and she was sincere.

Fortunately, Agusu was also with him.

But Agusu came to say goodbye.

In the days since Lu Yun left, Agusu has been adapting to the sect's environment and learned a lot. He also learned how the ancient barbarians would be watching the sky from a well if they continued to stay in the ancient barbarian mountains.

Although their witchcraft is peculiar and can easily affect the spirit of heaven and earth, compared with the normal and orderly power of the sect, they are too complicated and too disorderly.

It is imperative to learn from each other.

Agusu, who had been investigating for so long, decided to go back to the Ancient Man Mountains.

During this period of time, other sects came to contact Agusu one after another, and they were naturally talking about the resources of the Ancient Man Mountains.

The ancient barbarian mountain range is too special, and the power to suppress the cultivation base is doomed to prevent ordinary people from forcibly breaking into it.

This is the bargaining chip for the ancient barbarians to negotiate, and Agusu can't make the decision alone.

"Goodbye, I don't know when it will be."

Agusu was a little melancholy, she and Lu Yun always get together less and leave more, making her look like a resentful woman.

Her white little feet stepped on the ground, and little flowers bloomed. Agusu, with his hands behind his back, jumped in Lu Yun's small yard, as naughty as a naughty boy.

Agusu, who is close to nature, has a distinctive vitality and youthfulness.

It is different from the well-organized disciples of the Zongmen, but it is also very attractive.

No, knowing that Agusu was going to leave, some male disciples were very reluctant, and they all chased after Wentian Peak and waited eagerly.

Facing Lu Yun's teasing eyes, Agusu didn't care, and smiled and played with his two braids.

Flowers of various colors kept blooming behind her, and she was showing her strength to the two, making a final farewell.


"Parting and parting are common things in the world. As long as we are still alive, we can always meet again."

"There's nothing to be sad about."

Agusu was cheerful enough, she tilted her head and looked at Lu Yun.

"Whenever you need, you can go to the Ancient Man Mountains at any time. All of us welcome your arrival."

This need refers to the power of Bishengvine.

Lu Yun had already used up an opportunity for the gift from the sacred tree Aoki.

If you want to add, you need to go to the Ancient Man Mountains, but the premise is that the sacred tree Qingmu is willing to give it again.

"It's okay."

Lu Yun shook her head.

She and Agusu are friends, but they will not always ask for it from the sacred tree Aoki.

These five chances are enough for her.

As a human being, you should not be too greedy, be pure, and don't involve cause and effect too deeply.

"Okay then, but it's still the same sentence, you come, we will always welcome you."

If it weren't for Lu Yun, they don't know how long it would take to make a decision and walk out of the ancient mountains.

"it is good."

Lu Yun paused, and then said: "If possible, help me find out about the situation of Senior Heishan when I get back."

The last time Montenegro appeared in Shanshuizu, the state was injured.

After she came back from the ghost, she went to meet Xiaoheishan.

That little guy changed his name to Hei Yue, and he was apprenticed to the second elder, Duanlang, and Yue Tongshan. He was still from the Black Mountain clan, but he didn't need to bear the mission of the Black Mountain clan.

But Hei Yue didn't know where Hei Shan was, which made Lu Yun a little worried.

"Okay." Agusu agreed without hesitation.

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