Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 197 The Difference Between Immortals

The journey was long, carriages were on the road, and the caravans had little entertainment.

The people in the car that Lu Yun was in were all martial artists. Judging from the way they talked, I guess they were usually people who ate and drank freely and knew how to play.

No, now a few people were sitting on the carriage and gambling.

From Lu Yun's point of view, although these warriors cannot practice, they don't have a trace of spiritual energy in their bodies.

However, the degree of physical tempering is very good, comparable to some second- and third-level qi-training disciples. Unfortunately, if nothing unexpected happens to their strength, they can only stop here in this life.

This club is having a great time gambling, and the bet is some drinks.

A wine bottle was placed beside him, and the fragrant aroma of wine penetrated his nose, making his throat roll.

It is indeed good wine. Although it is mixed with subtle spiritual power, it cannot help with cultivation. But for these ordinary people, drinking it can heal hidden wounds. Using this kind of spiritual wine to warm and nourish the body all year round can also extend life.

"Hey, Brother Wu, you are in good luck today."

The bet is on the dice, and it is very simple.

These people are serious, they are not cheating, they have some skills, but most of their results are based on luck.

Today, Brother Wu has the best luck.

Brother Wu is a middle-aged man with a simple and honest appearance. He looks very reliable. He shows his big white teeth when he smiles. He is not very popular in the caravan and is the captain of the escort team.

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

At this moment, Brother Wu was humble and brought one of the bottles of wine in front of him.

"Master Qian gave me this wine. If I hadn't been on the road, I would have had a drink."

Some people sighed and looked at the pot of wine with envy.

This kind of spiritual wine is very rare on weekdays.

"That's easy to say. I'll keep the drinks I won today. When the goods are delivered to the place, we can have a drink together."

Brother Wu knows how to be a good man. When he said this, even those who were a little angry felt relieved.

"Speaking of which, Miss Lu, why are you working as a guard at such a young age?"

As they talked, the topic shifted to Lu Yun outside the carriage.

The little girl was leaning against the carriage, her back straight, and she looked more presentable than these regular guards.

"Want to come out for a walk."

Lu Yun told the truth.

Looking across the area a little ahead, the three people from Bai Fengque didn't like the restricted environment in the carriage, so they followed the convoy on horseback.

There were many people around who were trying to please.

Just like the wine that these people used as bets, someone gave several jars to Song Hang.

To people like Brother Wu, things are good things and can be given to others, but to Song Hang, they are probably just junk.

If Chu Shuang hadn't been keeping an eye on Song Hang, Song Hang would have been a loser.

The barrier between mortals and monks can never be broken down with a few words. These people are rushing to please, maybe they hope to get some sweetness from the monks.

Even if monks have some things that mortals can't use, if they can get some pills or something, they can live their whole life without illness or pain.

"Tsk, tsk, Master Qian hasn't given up yet?" Zheng Tie pouted, feeling a bit toothache.

"Master Qian probably doesn't know how to look at people's faces. Didn't you see that Immortal Song didn't want to talk to him at all?" Feng Hong also complained.

Qian Hua is the youngest son of Boss Qian. This is the second time he has gone out with Boss Qian to sell goods.

And this young master has some ambitions, that is, he wants to become a monk.

However, he had taken the test long ago and was physically unable to practice, but he refused to give up. On weekdays, he often inquired about relationships in the city and sought favors with the monks.Boss Qian has some wealth, so some monks will give him some face, but most of those people are monks in the Qi refining stage.

But how could such a monk have a way to solve the problem that ordinary people can't practice? Naturally, they just laughed and refused to give a direct explanation.

Qian Hua was thick-skinned, and as long as he didn't tell anyone clearly, he would always try to please him with benefits.

He was soft-spoken and tactful, which made Qian Hua's thoughts that he shouldn't have even more profound.

"Just wait, you will suffer sooner or later. Don't you see that people don't like him at all?"

Zheng Tie sneered.

This young master Qian used to have a bossy attitude towards them, but towards these so-called immortals, he was like a lick.

Although Boss Qian also stopped him, Qian Hua refused to give up, so this was the only way.

I don’t know where this young master Qian found out that Chu Shuang and others were disciples of a small sect, so he tried to please them in every possible way, hoping to enter Bai Fengque.

However, Qian Hua is still somewhat self-aware, and he doesn't say that he will become a disciple. He only says that he will become a servant and serve the immortal.

Chu Shuang couldn't help but feel embarrassed when she said this, and then the relationship became the current one.

"Okay, don't say these words in front of Boss Qian."

Everyone knows about Qian Hua, and Boss Qian is also very worried, but there is a difference between master and servant, so it is better to keep silent about some things.

The fastest people looked at Lu Yun and relaxed when they saw the other person's calm face.

"Okay, enough rest. Let's get out of the car and take a walk."

As a guard, it is naturally impossible to stay on the carriage all the time.

Brother Wu jumped out of the car without saying a word, got on the accompanying horse, whipped his whip, and went to the front of the caravan to patrol.

The others followed.

Lu Yun was supposed to come along, but was stopped by Feng Hong.

"Brother Wu, just ask Miss Lu to stay in the car. Just let us do the rough work for the girl's family."

Lu Yun was just along for the ride, and had some martial arts skills before using the name of a bodyguard, so it was hard for him to actually do anything.

"Okay, thank you."

Lu Yun thanked her and leaned against the door, thinking of some past events.

In Taoist Nanshan's dream, he is just an ordinary person. Nanshan uses himself as a bargaining chip against the way of heaven, constantly looking for ways to make her break this barrier.

But in the end, God didn't even give him a glimmer of hope.

Taoist Nanshan finally gave up and chose to sit down before the catastrophe.

Such a powerful Taoist from Nanshan has things beyond his reach. For people like Qian Hua, if they persist on this path, they may become even more desperate.

Not sure though.

After all, these people don't know that even if they become so-called monks, they cannot become true immortals.

The immortality in their mouth is nothing more than envy of strength and awe of ignorance.

How can they talk about being immortals?

However, the Nanshan Taoist who controls the Qianqiu Bell may have seen this thousand years later, so he left the dream that revealed everything.

The situation of the Nanshan Taoists at that time was probably because they knew their origins.

Did that dream really happen? Did it happen first and then they fell into the dream, or did they fall into the dream and then have the real dream hidden in Nanshan.

Lu Yun couldn't tell the difference between cause and effect for a moment. (end of this chapter)

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