
Madam Furong wanted to retort, but Lu Yun pulled her away to avoid the knife.

With a short sword in his sleeve, he appears and disappears with great speed.

Lu Yun squinted her eyes, holding the tail-back needle in her hand, and started to engage the opponent.

Dagger against dagger, sparks flew.

The sound of metal collision sounded one after another, and their eyes met with fighting intent.

Lu Yun, who has You Longying, rarely loses to anyone in terms of speed. Seeing that the other party is evenly matched with her, she is also interested.

The dagger flew like a butterfly in his hand, and every move he made was done with all his strength.

The moves move toward the opponent's fatal point, and the opponent does the same.

The two of them were fighting back and forth, and the neglected Lady Furong gritted her teeth and wanted to leave here secretly.

A formation lit up beneath his feet.

Lady Furong saw the gentle Wen Ruyu smiling in the crowd.

But the other party's tactics clearly told her not to move.

She vaguely remembered that Wen Ruyu and Lu Yun were in the same group as Lady Furong, so she stayed where she was in a bit of embarrassment.

There was chaos in the hall.

Blood energy is the best medicine for these demon cultivators, and their crazy side is clearly revealed.

As the number of guests decreased, the main hall became much emptier, leaving aside the corpses on the ground.

On the high platform, Corpse Mountain yawned again, looking bored.

The seemingly empty eyes occasionally fell on Lu Yun. Unfortunately, Lu Yun, who was caught in the battle, did not notice this.

That look was very calm, without any danger at all, and did not arouse Lu Yun's perception.

On the contrary, the person still standing next to Wen Ruyu glanced at the mountain of corpses.

"My name is Hualiu."

He introduced himself to his home, without caring about Wen Ruyu's reaction, and said quickly: "If possible, you should leave here quickly."

"A mountain of corpses is not that simple."

"Besides, it's getting dark."

it's getting dark?

These words made Wen Ruyu subconsciously look outside the hall.

The lights were bright, indicating that it was still "daytime".

But it doesn't seem like the other party is telling lies.

Wen Ruyu simply released his spiritual consciousness, but soon discovered that his spiritual consciousness could not leave the palace.

When I arrived at the palace gate, I was blocked by something.

A burst of power aimed at the soul made Wen Ruyu quickly withdraw her spiritual consciousness, and blood oozed from the corners of her mouth.

Even so, in his last glance, he saw that the candles in the lightless city were slowly extinguishing.

There is a problem with this hall, the flow of time is different from outside.

In other words, the problem has always been Corpse Mountain himself, and he is the one controlling everything.

"Lu Yun!"

He shouted, no longer caring about Old Man Ouyang, activated the formation in his hand, and joined the battle.

Two against one, the balance is broken.

Lu Yun's face showed a strange smile, and behind him, several people stood up.

"You are very nice, but today is not the day to continue."

The bright red tongue licked the short knife and swept away the blood belonging to Lu Yun on the blade.

Lu Yun's arm was injured, but it wasn't serious.

Lu Yun, who was panting slightly, frowned hard after hearing Wen Ruyu's voice transmission.

She looked towards the mountain of corpses, only to see that the other party was also looking in this direction. His eyes seemed to have been staring at this place for a long time, but she didn't notice it at all.

But now their eyes met, and the other person raised the corners of his lips towards her, a smile like melting ice and snow, which should have been extremely beautiful.

But under the other person's emotionless eyes, the smile was so fake that it would break at the touch of it.

Chill surged through her body, causing Lu Yun to continue to restrain her breath.

She pulled Wen Ruyu and headed towards the door.

They have been found!

No, from the beginning, the other party knew who the traitor was.

And Corpse Mountain just deliberately used this as a reason to let the people here kill each other.Why?
Lu Yun's question found the answer in the next moment.

A sword flew towards the mountain of corpses.

The sword moves are fierce and powerful, like breaking bamboo.

But this sword was easily held by Zishan. The man tried to withdraw the sword, but Zishan could only wave his sleeves, and he flew backwards and hit a pillar. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

This man actually wanted to assassinate Corpse Mountain.

And it's not just this one person.

One after another rushed over, one after another, like the most pious sacrifice, Hualiu was among them.

Hua Liu held a handful of short thorns in her hand.

The other party seems to specialize in the assassination business, and his figure is looming in this hall.

For a time, most of the guests rebelled and regarded the mountain of corpses as their target.

But Corpse Mountain seemed to have already noticed this.

He was still sitting on the chair, and after several attempts, no one could get him to stand up.

On the contrary, in the face of Corpse Mountain's strength, some of the assassins continued to be seriously injured.

This is a great opportunity.

Lu Yun pulled Madam Furong and ran out of the hall with Wen Ruyu.

Boss Hua said that you can't stay outside after nightfall, so it might be too late to rush back now.

And she also understood why she and Wen Ruyu were exposed.

It was night when she came to Lightless City through the teleportation array.

He was outside at that time, and then he took Wen Ruyu to a house.

In that short period of time, he must have been discovered long ago.

As thoughts emerged in her mind, Lu Yun heard Madam Furong's voice.

"That's too late!"

There was a hint of shock in this voice no matter how you heard it.

"At night, he will become even more powerful."

Looking forward, starting from the palace gate, the lanterns were slowly extinguished.

Candlelights disappeared one after another, shadows followed, and darkness eroded everything around them.

Even now, Lady Furong doesn't dare to escape on her own.

"follow me."

She took the initiative to lead the way and ran to the back hall. There were many people who made the same choice as them.

Lu Yun turned around and saw that Hua Liu and others had not retreated.

According to Lady Furong, when all the candles are completely extinguished, the mountain of corpses is almost invincible.

"If you want to kill Corpse Mountain, you can only do it at night."

Lady Furong solved her doubts.

The other party held up the hem of her skirt and opened a door. At the door, Lu Yun sensed the presence of other people in the room.

No, not people!
It's a monster, it's...the fox tribe.

The moment the door was closed, my eyes were adjusting to the darkness.

The monk's strength allowed them to see clearly the environment in the room.

Except for their three unexpected visitors, everyone in the house was a fox tribe, and they were... humanoid.

But it seems that their cultivation level has not reached the level where they can transform.

"They were forcibly transformed by Dr. Huang using drugs."

Madam Furong was leaning against the wall, her body was extremely weak. When she mentioned Dr. Huang, she was filled with hatred.

Perhaps sensing Lu Yun's doubts, Lady Furong suddenly sneered.

"I didn't like him. He threatened me with the ancestor and forced me to obey him."

"When he didn't come today, I knew something was wrong with him. I'm very happy."

As she said this, Madam Furong really laughed, and her wild laughter filled the room, making those fox tribesmen whimper.

After a while, Madam Furong stabilized herself.

"Don't be afraid," she said.

"I'm not a bad person. I'm here to let you go. I know where the teleportation array is."

One sentence made Lu Yun and Wen Ruyu look at each other in surprise in the dark.

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