Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 244 Long Street for Killing

Chapter 244 Long Street for Killing
"So are you ready?"

Madam Furong took a deep breath, held back the tears in her eyes, and put her hand on the door.

When night falls, once you step out of this door, you will be seen by a mountain of corpses at any time.

Life and death will be decided by God.

But God, it’s also reversible.

"All right."

Lu Yun responded in a deep voice.

The door... was pushed open.

They followed Madam Furong, walking in the pitch-black night, in an environment where they couldn't see their fingers. Only the strength of the monks gave them the confidence.

They moved very quickly and did not encounter any obstacles along the way.

Corpse Mountain is an extremely confident person. Apart from him, the only people living in this palace are ordinary servants.

These servants cannot stand in their way.

In the distance, they could hear violent movements in the banquet hall. The battle was not over yet.

This is a good opportunity.

Not daring to delay, he quickened his pace again.

After exiting the palace gate, the situation outside can be seen at a glance.

There was no one on the silent street.

Every building, in the darkness, is like a monster, dormant, spying, waiting.

Lu Yun, who was attentive, followed Hua Niangzi and found that the other party did not take a random detour, but had a clear purpose.

"He is very cunning. The teleportation array is not set up at his residence, nor at my place."

"He has a pharmacy in Sunless City, and many of his medicines are sold there, but the pharmacy is not under his name."

"Over the years, I gradually figured out his pattern after coming back, and found that he would always go to the drug store and stay there for a while."

"After his birthday, he would leave in a hurry. After he left, I tried those pharmacies several times."

"I finally discovered his secret. The teleportation array is hidden in the medicine shop."

While talking, they came to a main road.

The road is very wide, with many shops lined on both sides. Looking at the surrounding furnishings, it is not difficult to see that this street is very lively and prosperous during the day.

The lantern hanging at the door of the shop swayed.

The shadows swayed like snakes, and stalked like ghosts.

The medicine shop that Madam Furong is going to is on this street.

The destination was obviously very close, but Lu Yun couldn't feel any joy.

Behind a few people, the fox clansmen held hands one by one and did not make any sound the whole time.

But looking at their shrinking movements, you can tell that they are still in a high degree of tension.

And when Lu Yun stepped into this street, she also felt the danger.

This danger comes from all directions.

Like the wind, it stirs and screams in the darkness, violent and fierce.

Lu Yun took out Han Jiangxue, the cold air spread and the blade was sharp.

Beside her, Wen Ruyu began to form a formation in tacit agreement.

"Don't even leave my side." He whispered to the fox clan.

As he finished speaking, there was the sound of doors opening all around. One after another, the streets that were supposed to be sleeping came to life at this moment.

A figure walked out of the shop.

People who were full of laughter during the day now had dull faces and dark eyes.

If you look closely, you can see the presence of small human figures in mountains of corpses in these people's eyes.

Lady Furong laughed at this change.

"Do you know why this place is called Lightless City?" "It's not because it's dark enough here, but because the entire Lightless City is a space spiritual weapon."

"The Corpse Mountain is the owner of the spiritual weapon."

If the owner is not willing, no one who enters here can get out.

As if to have a bad taste, occasionally the corpse mountain would let some people in. At first, those people would want to escape after learning the truth.

But when they experience real despair, they will gradually give up the idea of ​​leaving and become part of this lightless city.

They followed the example of other residents in worshiping human images and offering incense to the images every day.

Those incense offerings became the source of power for the Corpse Mountain.

Once these "believers" completely give up the idea of ​​leaving here, they will be unconsciously controlled by the power of the corpse mountain and turn into his living corpse.

The ancestor of Corpse Mountain is famous for his skill in reviving corpses.

These living corpses are no different from normal people at ordinary times. Once the mountain of corpses as "gods" summons them, they will temporarily lose their human part and become puppets on strings.

At this moment, these living corpses obviously received orders to stop them.

There were more and more people, and soon the whole street was filled.

They were only a few hundred meters away from the shop. Just a few hundred meters seemed to be an insurmountable gap, which made people so desperate.

Lady Furong closed her eyes and then looked firm.

"Don't take any chances. Rather than being caught, it's better to die in battle and have a good time."

She was twisting an embroidery needle in her hand, and the needle was holding silk threads.

"I opened an embroidery shop in the city. My name is Furong because the hibiscus flowers I embroider are the most beautiful."

Perhaps she knew that the road ahead was unpredictable and she would never know where she would end up, so Madam Furong let herself go completely.

She was the first to take action, and under the control of her hands, the needles and threads flew towards the living corpses.

The art of threading needles and threads, in the hands of Madam Furong, looks like dancing flowers, so beautiful.

"If you can leave alive today, we will make a robe for you." She promised with a smile, but her face had a look of death, with a hint of relief.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Lu Yun responded, unsheathed her long sword, and the person had already moved forward.

She and Lady Furong opened the way, while Wen Ruyu swept aside and protected the fox tribe.

The formation flashed continuously, forming runes of collusion, floating around the fox clan, protecting them from being disturbed by living corpses.

In front, Han Jiangxue cut off the arm of a living corpse, and blood spurted out. The living corpse continued to attack as if it didn't care about the pain.

"It's useless. Only by killing them can we stop them."

An embroidery needle was pierced from the back of the head of a living corpse, and little bits of blood were smeared on the silk thread, like a colorful picture scroll.

Lu Yun no longer hesitated, and moved his sword towards the heads of the living corpses.

Although there are many living corpses, the strength of each one is not very strong. Most of them are in the foundation building stage, and occasionally a few golden elixirs are seen.

Lu Yun was quite at ease.

But they couldn't delay.

No one knows what happened to the Hualiu side. If it continues, once the Hualiu side fails, they will be the ones Corpse Mountain has to deal with next.

There can be no room for luck.

The snow fell in the dark night, shining with crystal light spots.

The long sword danced, killing one person in ten steps. The blood fell on the long clothes, sticky and heavy.

The warm blood dyed Lu Yun's cheeks red.

She wiped the liquid off her face, and a blush stained the corners of her eyes, making Lu Yun's cold eyes look like a ghost in the dark, beautiful and dangerous.

The long sword cut the owl's head, and the short sword cut the throat.

Wu Zhuo swept across, and Lu Yun's figure disappeared into the group of living corpses. Wherever he passed, corpses were everywhere on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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