"Little Junior Sister..."

Yun Shuiqing on the side was about to speak but stopped.

"Senior brother, I know." Lu Yun shook her head.

For her, Bishengvine was equivalent to a means of saving her life. Lu Yun did not feel regretful that it was wasted here.

In the Bone Whistle, Yue left two moves for himself, and he should regard this as repaying the opponent.


Yun Shuiqing sighed softly, lifted up his robe and squatted next to Lu Yun.

His slender fingers were as delicate as jade. He imitated Lu Yun and pressed them on Yue's body.

Strictly speaking, Yun Shuiqing's body is not a real physical body.

It was made from white jade bones and various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and the soul in this body was the former sword spirit.

Therefore, both his body and soul are actually made of pure power.

This kind of power, to the world, is the purest spiritual power, and it has a significant effect on the increase of cultivation.

Yun Shuiqing is extracting the power from his body to join in this seemingly absurd act.

What the junior sister wants to do, the senior brother will naturally support.

The bloodline of the divine beast is savage, while the power of the sword spirit is sharp. With the help of Bishengvine, these two forces that should have been competing with each other slowly twisted together and reached an agreement to repair Yue's body.

The bottomless pit is still greedily absorbing everything.

The last piece of bisheng vine withered, and the vine totem wrapped around Yuanying's body became dim.

Lu Yun did not stop.

She looks to the sky.

What she didn't say just now was that when the last thunderstorm fell, she saw the strange space she had seen in Nanshan's dream.

In a flash.

There, people who had successfully overcome tribulations formed cocoons and slept in them.

Silence, death, no hope.

This is what Lu Yun saw from that space.

But this time, Lu Yun caught a hint of familiar power from it, which came from the fragment in her dantian.

The little Yuanying sat peacefully, with his eyes closed, his heart in the sky, and a faint smile on his face.

Under the guidance of the master, the spiritual power in Dantian wandered around Yuanying's body, and a wonderful energy was born from Lu Yun's body.

The fragments hidden deep in Dantian appeared next to Nascent Soul.

Little Yuanying suddenly opened her eyes, revealing a pair of eyes without sadness or joy.

It reached out and grabbed it in the air. The fragment was accurately caught, fell into its palm, and turned into a long sword.

The whole body is crystal white, and its appearance is very similar to Hanjiangxue, but it is a little longer and wider than Hanjiangxue.

But this sword is very strange, half virtual and half real.

If you look carefully, you will find that the solid part is composed of four fragments including Han Jiangxue.

This sword is gradually showing its original appearance.

Even in Lu Yun's Dantian, when his spiritual consciousness swept over him and touched the sword, Lu Yun still had the idea that he could not control the sword.

In fact it is.

Han Jiangxue is waiting for her to use it.

But the sword caught by the little Yuanying is still just a mascot.

But now, she decided to mobilize the power of this mascot.

She didn't care what the sword's origins were, and she didn't ask why a blade made from just one fragment could be considered a magical weapon.

But since the other person has brought him into this world, since the other person is in his body, he must truly belong to him.

Lu Yun once couldn't touch the secret of the fragment.

And now, she feels like she can give it a try.

Without reservation, Lu Yun stirred up the situation in Dantian. It was Lu Yun's will that made the little Nascent Soul stand up.

A cute little guy, holding a long sword that doesn't fit his body.

Her body was swaying, and she would be dragged down by the sword at any time.

But she didn't.

She is Nascent Soul, the embodiment of Lu Yun's will and power. Her actions at this moment represent Lu Yun's strong will.Under Lu Yun's control, Xiao Yuanying raised his feet and took a difficult step.

One step, just one step.

There was tearing pain in his dantian, Lu Yun groaned, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.


Yun Shuiqing shouted, with worry in his eyes.

He didn't know exactly what his junior sister was doing, but his excellent perception allowed him to be vaguely aware of the changes in his junior sister's body.

There is a strange power in the little junior sister's body.

That power was harmless and didn't even show any aggression.

But after all, that is not the power of the little junior sister. It is like a piece of impurity. Even if it is harmless, in the little junior sister's body, it will become an obstacle to her progress.

Either eliminate it or absorb it.

Obviously, the junior sister chose the latter.

"No problem." Lu Yun curled her lips.

The red lips were stained with blood, making her even more crazy.

She frowned, the power in her hands was still pouring into Xiang Yue's body, her eyes were full of persistence and ruthlessness.

Either stay and be controlled by her, or get out!

This was the choice Lu Yun gave the other party.

The fragment seemed to feel something and made a crisp buzzing sound.

At this moment, Yun Shuiqing, the former Sword Spirit, clearly felt a force coming down on his little junior sister that made him unable to lift his head at all.

Powerful, brutal, huge, these words are not enough to describe that power.

Like the collapse of mountains, like the falling of sky...

That is supreme power.

That is not the power of this world.

That's... immortal power.

Yun Shuiqing's eyes were filled with horror.

Lu Yun was also aware of this, but she had already guessed it, so she seemed more calm.

Little Yuanying held the sword that was between reality and reality, dancing in the dantian. Every move was the violent wind sword technique that Lu Yun was most familiar with.

As the sword formula was formed, the immortal power began to take root in Lu Yun's dantian.

The shard made a choice.

In other words, it has been one with Lu Yun since a long time ago, but Lu Yun at that time could not use its power.

But Lu Yun didn't have time to be happy.

The immortal power did not flow through the whole body, but lay dormant in the Dantian. But even so, the Dantian of a Yuanying stage monk could not carry this power at all.

If the Dantian is described as a water tank, then this water tank is facing an explosion.

Cracks are spreading.

Lu Yun's body was shaking and her back was stiff.

Her body warned as she forced out the power she couldn't yet carry.

Once her Dantian is broken, her cultivation will fall to the bottom and she will become a useless person.

In the face of danger, Lu Yun breathed out softly.

Her eyes were very bright, and her dark eyes were full of tenacity and calmness.

Lu Yun sank into her Dantian with all her body. While the immortal power was transforming her body and deepening her cultivation, she pulled that power and carefully entered Yue's body.

The reason why the power that descended from the light of reception after the tribulation was able to repair Yue's body was because it was the immortal power from the upper world.

And Lu Yun will transcend the thunder tribulation, use the fragment as the origin, and give the fairy power to Yue.

Visible to the naked eye, the minor wounds on the other party's body were healing, and his chest, which had been silent, was also rising and falling a little.

The destructive effect caused by the thunder tribulation on the moon cannot be easily erased.

In front of them, Yue's body shrank, eventually turning into a white rabbit the size of a fist.

In their anticipation, the white rabbit opened its ruby ​​eyes.

There was nothing in those eyes.

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