Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 306 I will protect Senior Sister Lu

Seeing this scene, Baiyao's hand on Lu Yun's acupuncture was much lighter.

In the medicine bucket, the medicinal effect slowly entered Lu Yun's body along with acupuncture, and the coolness it brought soothed Lu Yun's pain.

The entrenched power showed signs of loosening. It was very weak, but it was real.

Lu Yun was focused on nothing else, trying to contain the remaining strength in her body amidst the torture of the two realms of ice and fire.

This process is long and painful, but fortunately the effect is remarkable.

Two hours later, Lu Yun came out of the medicine bucket, her face turning rosy.

"Repeat every day for the next month and don't slack off."

Baiyao was merciless in these matters, so Lu Yun could only smile bitterly and nod.

It hurts.

It hurt so much that her body muscles now needed to be tense to stop them from shaking.

The days of dire straits and turmoil began just like that. This was also a rare time when everyone on Wentian Peak was present.

The cause of Lu Yun's accident was not disclosed to the public, but the news of her injury still spread.

At first, many people came to express their condolences.

Familiar people such as Liu Ru have come to see her.

But as Lu Yun never recovered, the direction of the wind seemed... to change.

In the bamboo forest, Lu Yun was holding a sword and undergoing recovery exercises.

She can't use her spiritual power to a large extent yet, so she can only practice sword moves purely.

The light bamboo sword was held in the palm of the woman's hand. She lowered her eyes slightly, her long eyelashes dancing like butterflies.

She just stood there and seemed to blend into the environment. She was dressed in plain green clothes, yet so dazzling.

But the sword intent brewing in her body made people fearful from the bottom of their hearts.

Sharp, cold, and indomitable, just like Lu Yun.

After standing there for a long time, Lu Yun moved.

The mind drives the body, and the sword blade moves according to the heart. The light and agile Guiyan Sword Technique has an unusual sense of power in Lu Yun's hands.

The figure swirls among the fallen leaves, the sword rises and falls from time to time, and the sword moves like clouds and flowing water without any sense of stagnation.

Resting for such a long time did not damage Lu Yun's sword power at all.

That smooth move made Liu Ru, who was chattering endlessly, shut up. Her whole body was attracted, and she stared at the woman practicing the sword quietly.

The ink hair dances with the wind, and the beauty and the sword become one.

It was clear that he had no spiritual power and was not an earth-shattering move, but Liu Ru couldn't stop watching it.

She subconsciously held her breath for fear of disturbing the people in the forest.

Every move the opponent made was imprinted in Liu Ru's heart, and the problems that had been bothering her before were quietly solved at this moment.

Liu Ru's eyes were bright.

As the number one fan of Senior Sister Lu of the Hidden Sword Sect, Liu Ru had always known that Lu Yun was very powerful, a power that was beyond her reach.

But she never thought that even if she was using the sword like a mortal, the other party's sword intent would still be so clean and sharp, easily inspiring her and letting her realize something from it.

There is a breeze in the forest, and the bamboo leaves rustle down.

The sword swept across the bamboo leaves, leaving them unscathed.

Lu Yun controlled the intensity to the extreme.

Liu Ru had some enlightenment, and Lu Yun also had some thoughts.

In the past, she used her sword with spiritual power, because it would be more powerful.

But when she tried to use these sword moves purely with physical strength during this period, she found that she could better control the connection between moves.

If it was accurate to the minute before, now it is accurate to the millimeter.

On the surface, there is no change in the moves.

But in a real battle, you will find that her moves will be self-contained. Under the strong control, the sword moves are smooth and smooth, as if everything is unified, indestructible and indestructible, achieving a true integration of offense and defense.

Until Lu Yun sheathed her sword, Liu Ru was still immersed in that wonderful realization.

"What are you thinking about?" Lu Yun laughed and hit the other person's head with his sword.

"Ah." Liu Ru woke up and covered her head, feeling particularly excited.

She grabbed Lu Yun's arm and shouted, "Senior Sister, Senior Sister, my cultivation has improved."

Yes, in this short period of time, Liu Ru's cultivation has entered the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment. If he goes back to stabilize it, he will be able to enter the golden elixir just around the corner.

"Ok, I know."

"Hehe!" Liu Ru giggled, then suddenly elongated her face.

"what happened?"

Holding a long sword behind her back, Lu Yun asked curiously.

"Senior Sister, next month will be the five-year competition for each sect."

Liu Ru said hesitantly.

The Zhengfeng Meeting is a grand gathering among the nine sects.

Every five years, each sect takes turns to hold the competition. During the competition, each major sect will send its disciples into a small secret realm to carry out treasure hunting activities.

Whoever comes out on top will receive a very generous reward.

Therefore, every time there is a competition, disciples from all sects will enthusiastically sign up.

Of course, the quota is limited, and each sect can only select 20 people.

Originally, with Senior Sister Lu's strength, one of the places had been decided by Senior Sister Lu. After all, no one wanted to bump into Senior Sister Lu, right?

But at this critical moment, Senior Sister Lu was injured, and rumors spread that Senior Sister Lu had lost all her cultivation.

The key is that the superiors did not come out to clarify, but instead allowed the disciples to continue to speculate.

This also resulted in some uncoordinated sounds.

Those people are questioning, since Lu Yun has health problems, is she now eligible to directly obtain an exemption from the exam?

Some people think it's okay, and some people think it's unfair.

After all, those who go to the competition meeting want to win glory for the sect. If Lu Yun is really "not good", not to mention wasting the quota by going, it will probably be delayed.

In this case, why not give this spot to others.

At first, only three or two people said this.

But with Lu Yun not showing up and the entire Wentian Peak being shut down day by day, many people felt that something was wrong with Lu Yun and deliberately avoided it.

In this way, the voices asking her to give up her place became louder and louder.

In the past few days, many disciples have gathered at the foot of Wentian Peak to cause trouble, saying they want an explanation.

If it weren't for the fact that everyone on Wentian Peak wasn't trying to do things their own way, it's hard to say that he would really be troubled.

But even so, it still had an impact.

Many people knew that she was close to Senior Sister Lu. Early this morning, she found a sentence on the wall of her yard.

Someone asked her to persuade Senior Sister Lu to give up her quota and not to be "morally unqualified".

Liu Ru was furious at that time, and finally found the man and beat him up.

But she knew that although there were many people who firmly supported Senior Sister Lu like her, they were powerless to stop the opposite voices.

She came here just to ask what Lu Yun thought.

"Senior Sister Lu, I think this spot should belong to you anyway. No one deserves it except you."

"Whoever dares to disturb you, I'll beat him up for you!"

Waving her fist, Liu Ru was eager to try.

She is here to protect the best Senior Sister Lu in the world.

"Haha!" Looking at the other party's indignant expression, Lu Yun smiled brightly, with a warm look on her eyebrows.

"Don't worry, I won't give up this spot to anyone."

She suppressed the cold light in her eyes, rubbed her bamboo sword with her fingers, and her entire expression was sharp.

She wanted to see who would be the first to jump out at a time like this.

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