There is strength and courage in numbers.

After making the decision, Dadu no longer hesitated and settled the compatriots of the Houtu tribe. Dadu led everyone behind a door.

On the road of spiritual practice, death often follows them, and they are very sensitive to the smell of death.

There is a lot of death energy floating in this artificially dug passage, as if you have entered some forbidden place.

The light swayed in the passage, and someone found some simple murals on the walls on both sides of the passage.

Lu Yun also looked over.

A few simple strokes sketched out some human figures. The little figures on them were kneeling on the ground, crying something.

Through proportional conversion, it is not difficult for everyone to find that the villains depicted on these murals are the Houtu tribe.

"Every time a member of the Houtu tribe dies, there will be another mural here."

Datu held the corner of his mouth and said, his tone full of sorrow.

"Go inside and there will be more."

Dadu's fingers caressed a painting. He did not say that the painting was from his hands, nor did he say that the man holding the bones and crying in the painting was his.

As the leader of the clan, he shoulders a heavy responsibility, and the death of everyone in the clan is related to him.

Every time I enter here, it is torture.

As we move forward, as Datu said, there are more and more murals, and the brushstrokes have become more refined and complex, and some of them are even colorful.

But no matter how rich the colors are, they can't offset the painful and cruel scenes on the screen.

Corpses piled up one after another, and the sound of mourning echoed throughout the world.

In the endless darkness, groups of little people gathered together to keep warm, while above them, a black thing was squirming, staring, and laughing wildly.

The realistic picture carefully depicts how the people of the Houtu tribe have suffered a life worse than death at the hands of the tree demon for hundreds of years.

There are many scenes of resistance.

But every time those scenes ended, the villain was rolled up into the air by the thick tree roots, and then blood spilled and the villain shed tears.

The closer you get inside, the more shocking the scenes of death become.

The profound traces tell the sad and deplorable history of this race.


The passage has an end. When Dadi opened his mouth, the murals around everyone seemed to be dripping with blood.

This is not an illusion, but the original murals were indeed painted with blood.

"There." Datu pointed to the wooden door in front of him.

It's said to be a door, but it's actually just a light wooden board without a lock, just left there for fun.

Lu Yun looked carefully and saw that the wooden board was fixed by some roots.

This does not seem to be the work of the Houtu tribe.

Datu looked at the door with deep sarcasm in his eyes. The moment he opened the door, all the sounds disappeared.

What comes into view is a pit of hundreds of people.

There are piles of bones in the pit, some are intact, and some have broken arms and legs. After counting, the number is almost equal to the number of people from the Houtu tribe who have died at the hands of tree demons over the years.


Everyone was silent and mourning.

Looking at the traces of the placement of the bones, they looked very random.

Just throw it away like a rag.

Bones collided, and some bones' fingers penetrated the chests of their companions, like a death embrace.

The impact of the stark white bones in the cold cave made some disciples' expressions change.

The bones of monks are different. Similarly, traces of practice can also be seen on the bones of those who practice witchcraft in the ancient barbarian mountains.

Comparing those traces, some of the bones were quite powerful during their lifetime.

Faintly far more than them.

But such barbarians still died here, and their bodies were piled up here without anyone to collect them. It was like a warning, warning future generations not to try to explore the unknown ahead.

No one knows whether death or hope awaits you.

Dare to bet?

But does everyone dare to bet?


The human race has not given up on this trait of selfishness.Behind Lu Yun, small conversations could be heard, and some people were retreating and not wanting to move forward.

"Senior sister, I will accompany you."

Liu Ru pulled Lu Yun's arm and whispered in an unusually critical tone.


Song Xiao also expressed his stance.

Among all the monks, sword cultivators like to take risks the most.

"it is good."

She nodded and waited for the others' decision.

It's actually easy to leave here. Just crush the jade pendant you are carrying and wait for the elders to rescue you.

But this also means that you gave up this action.

Then any subsequent honors the sect obtains will have nothing to do with you.

However, in the eyes of some people, honor is nothing compared to life.

"I choose to leave."

Someone said that they were from Linlang Pavilion.

Now the twins were standing together with their own people. After hearing this, Miao Ruoling, who had been smiling all the time, thought for a moment and nodded.

"Okay, you can go."

Linlang Pavilion started out as a weapon refiner, and the sect's spiritual weapons are sought after by the entire cultivation world. In terms of combat effectiveness, they are not the focus like the Valley of Divine Doctors.

Miao Ruoling can understand when they encounter something that makes them hesitate and choose to leave.

It's just that as their senior sister, it's still a bit disappointing to see my junior brother give up so easily.

Fortunately, there was only one person in Linlang Pavilion who chose to leave.

The man lowered his head, his eyes flickering, not daring to meet the twins' eyes.

On the other side of Bodhi Cave, three people stood up.

Facing the looks of the other people, those three people felt confident.

"This matter is none of my business, why should I die."

"Besides, you can't believe what they say. We don't want to escape. We want to go to the ground to look for the others. Maybe someone has gone out."

There are sufficient reasons for this, and it is really difficult to stop it.

Of course, the other sects are not prepared to interfere in the affairs of the Bodhi Cave people.

Among the nine sects, Bodhi Cave has the worst reputation.

They often do things like bullying the weak and fearing the strong, but when they really need to be strong, they are timid.

After the three people finished speaking, they turned around and walked back.

On the other hand, the disciple from Linlang Pavilion simply crushed the jade pendant, a burst of light flashed by, and a protective shield appeared on his body.

Lu Yun took a look, it was very solid, she couldn't split it open anyway.

This is a protective measure given by the elders to their disciples.

The disciple also stepped back and waited for the elder's arrival at a suitable place.

The remaining people looked into the pit of bones again.

"What about you, aren't you leaving?"

Lu Yun sent a message to Qi Yun.

Unlike other sects who acted separately, Qi Yun led everyone to follow her.

If something happened here, it would be impossible to say that the whole army would be wiped out.

"Don't go."

"We have left a few people with the Houtu people to treat them. If something really happens, they can take them back with them."

Qi Yun can see clearly.

"And I believe in you, Senior Sister Lu."

The conversation between the two was transmitted through sound transmission, and the surrounding disciples were unaware of it.

There was a faint smile in Lu Yun's eyes. Under the attention of everyone, Lu Yun took a step forward. (End of chapter)

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