The expressions of several people were not only shocked, but also filled with fear and... hatred.

That ray of hatred was easily captured.

"What's going on with you?" Feng Yuyao asked, with a beautiful face and a gentle temperament, it is easy for people to relax their vigilance.

After all, they were rescued. Meng Hao glanced at the corpses of the savage beasts not far away and knew that they were no match for them.

He said after a moment of silence.

"We escaped and unexpectedly encountered a savage beast."


Feng Yuyao raised her eyebrows.

If you read correctly, these people are not only familiar with each other, but they are also two pairs of lovers.

"They want to sacrifice me and Yuyi to heaven."

It was Tang Tong who spoke, and when he mentioned this, he seemed to be gnashing his teeth.

Sacrificing a living person to heaven does not sound like a serious method.

"Ha ha!"

Several of the demon cultivators made unexplained noises. If the people here were all treacherous and evil people, it would be easier for them to get away with it.

"The heaven-sacrifice ceremony has arrived, and Yuyi and I have been chosen as goddesses."

She is said to be a goddess, but she is actually a sacrifice.

She didn't want to die, and neither did Yu Yi, and they already had their lovers, and they didn't want to become goddesses serving the gods.

As soon as the four of them joined together, they escaped.

I finally escaped the pursuit over there, but who knew I would run into these savage beasts again when I turned around.

"Can you talk about it carefully?"

"This is for healing." Someone handed over a few pills.

Just smelling the mellow medicine could relieve the injury a little, and Meng Hao felt mixed.

These people seem to be easy to talk to, but in fact they are very purposeful.

I have saved their lives, and if I accept their things again, I am afraid that they will not be able to hide anything later.

They had heard a long time ago that there was a continent across the sea.

Their ancestors told them in the books passed down from generation to generation that those continents were their enemies.

The reason why they stayed in such a wild place was because they were exiled by the people from that continent.

They cut off their hope and left them here struggling to survive.

This is generational hatred.

Now, they were rescued by their enemies, and Meng Hao was at a loss.

Meng Yi, on the other hand, took a pill and stuffed it into Yu Yi's mouth. After watching Yu Yi's cheeks gradually return to rosy, he looked at his elder brother.

"Brother, do we still have a choice now?"

"Even if we go back, we will still die."

If they take the goddess away, it is equivalent to destroying the heaven-sacrifice ceremony. No one can protect them when they go back.

And if you stay outside, you never know when you will be discovered by those savage beasts, and you will die without a burial place.

Instead, if you follow these people, you might be able to live longer.

They have a plan. As long as they can provide certain information, they may be able to escape the danger from their own people.

Although the result is just walking from the wolf's den into the tiger's den.

Meng Yi was very open-minded. Meng Hao sighed and made a decision.

"What do you want to know?"

He took the elixir and drank it. Under the influence of the medicine, his body recovered quickly.

Meng Hao was shocked more than once.

The things these people took out were all treasures of their clan, and judging from their appearance, they didn't care at all.

It is normal for the development of the two continents to be different, but this gap is really something they can bridge.

revenge?Take it all back?
Now that I think about it, it seems like a fantasy.

"Where did you escape from?"

Lu Yun, who had been listening, asked, and the others were also curious about this question.

Lu Yun restrained her aura, but seeing the admiration others had for Lu Yun, Meng Hao did not dare to underestimate Lu Yun.

"We are from Shidiao City."

Meng Hao helped Tang Tong stand up. Surrounded by everyone, Meng Hao pointed in a direction.

The next moment, he was picked up.

A treasure ship appears in the sky. This is the work of Linlang Pavilion. Now that you have found the guide, there is no need to search aimlessly.

Meng Hao, who saw this kind of treasure ship for the first time, took a breath and felt that everyone was unfathomable.

The treasure ship is engraved with formations to block the wind outside, making it very stable to stand on.

After Meng Hao got used to it, he began to give everyone directions.

"There are only four major cities in our continent, namely Shibiao City, Luoyu City, Tian'an City, and Black Ink City."

"Stone City ranks third, and the four cities are opposed to each other."

Under the gaze of everyone, Meng Hao recounted the history of this continent.

Compared to Lu Yun, they don't know how the two continents were separated in the first place, but the people in the Forsaken Land left records.

In ancient times, when human beings had just figured out how to practice cultivation, everything was not yet systematic, and everyone was exploring in the unknown.

At that time, two geniuses appeared, a man and a woman. They were the bright moon and the sun, both shining brightly in the sky.

More importantly, they are lovers.

They led the people at that time and opened up a new practice system. There were more and more monks, and they were praised as the supreme existence of mankind.

In the beginning, they worked hand in hand.

But later, there were some voices in the world, and they were curious about which of the two was the best in the world.

As Taoists, they wouldn't care about this.

But as time goes by, these voices become more and more numerous, and each side also has different supporters.

Even if they didn't take it seriously, they subconsciously came up with this idea after repeated inquiries from those around them.

Yes, who among them is number one?

Once a thought occurs, it can no longer be ignored.

They began to express themselves intentionally or unintentionally, perhaps for fun at first, but this point of view ignited the hopes of their followers.

There was friction between the two sides, and the friction continued to escalate.

It started as a small fight, but later began to cause casualties.

When the two people reacted, they discovered that the two factions had become incompatible existences. Both sides believed that the other was the only supreme being.

Argue, talk, collaborate, fail.

Everything is like the overflowing water.

They are not alone, there are thousands of people behind them, and they are pushed by those people, from Taoist companions to opposites.

The relationship is broken and the position is rebellious.

In order to settle these disputes, the two agreed to have an honest fight and then everything would be restored.

That battle was called the final battle.

But who would have thought that in what was supposed to be the fairest duel, one of them had tampered with it, which caused the other side to have physical problems during the duel, lose control of his strength, and lose.

But no one knew at the time that the victors were victorious. They all believed that their followers were superior.

Next, there will be more domineering suppression, which is bound to annex the strength of the other party.

At this juncture, another person who was supposed to be injured and in retreat accidentally went crazy during the healing process because of his serious injuries.

It was also this time that everyone discovered that practicing cultivation was actually risky.

Once he becomes possessed, he will not recognize his relatives, like a demon who only knows how to kill.

Listening to it this way, it is no different from a demon cultivator. (End of chapter)

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