By now they had arrived not far from Shidiao City.

Someone must be tracking the goddess's escape. They followed Meng Yi's footsteps and easily found the search team.

Just a few hundred meters away.

Lu Yun, who had transformed into Tang Tong, nodded to Liu Ru and indicated that they could leave.

Both of them were in tatters and looked like they had suffered a lot.

Not far away, the "bodies" of Meng Yi and Meng Hao were lying there, creating the illusion that they were chased to death by wild beasts.

After ensuring that there was nothing wrong, the two began to escape.

The stumbling figure headed in the direction of the search team, quickly attracting their attention.

Behind them, there was a controlled beast that was chasing after them.

"Help, help!"

Wan Miaoyan shouted loudly, and the shrill voice really sounded like that.

Lu Yun also had a frightened expression on her face and kept looking back, her face covered with tears.

She fell to the ground while running. She struggled to get up and pretended she didn't notice the wounds on her arms.

The two were recognized as soon as they appeared.

The people in the search team were immediately happy. There were five people in the team, and they could deal with a savage beast quickly.

The body fell, and the two of them fell limply to the ground. Their breath had not yet recovered. Lu Yun's neck was pinched and she was forced to raise her head.

"Where are the two Meng brothers?"

They were ordered to follow them, and they thought they had lost them all, but who knew that these two people showed up again.

Rather than thinking it was luck, they suspected there was some kind of trap. The other party used strength in his hand and choked Lu Yun a little.

Her cheeks were red and her fingers kept pointing behind her.

"They, they're dead."

The trembling voice expressed Lu Yun's fear.

She grabbed the captain's arm and prayed: "We were wrong, we won't run away, we don't want to die, take me back, I will go back, I will be a goddess, I will..."

After talking, Lu Yun's pupils were blurry and she was frightened at the first sight.


After throwing Lu Yun aside, the others walked over to check and quickly brought back the bodies of the two junior men from the Meng family.

Both of their bodies were covered with scars from being eaten by wild beasts. Their bodies were still warm after they had just died.

After authenticating the identities of the two people and ensuring that no one else was around, the bodies were thrown away, and Lu Yun and Wan Miaoyan were shackled around their necks.

The rest of the people in the city didn't know about the goddess's escape. The two of them were packed into the carriage, and the curtains were drawn tightly.

"Be honest with me. If you dare to pay any attention to me, I will kill you directly."

In the carriage, he was accompanied by the captain. His fierce face did not show sympathy for the woman, but was full of anger and warning.

Lu Yun shrank her body, her eyes met and then separated from Wan Miaoyan's, and she said nothing more, pretending to be a scared girl.

His fingers touched the metal ring around his neck.

Lu Yun had never seen this kind of metal, but she knew its function. It was used to seal off cultivation.

This thing would be fine if used on the original Tang Tong, but for her at the Nascent Soul stage, it could be damaged by just a little tug.

Except for the initial warning, no one from the search team spoke to Lu Yun on the way back.

The carriage shook all the way, and it didn't know how long it took before it finally stopped.

"Go down."

Someone pulled her arm, and Lu Yun got out of the car with a limp body.

Now they were standing in front of a large mansion, with people in front of them. When they saw the appearance of the two people, their eyes were like knives.

City Lord's Mansion.

After scanning the plaque at the door, Lu Yun lowered her head and hunched her shoulders, letting those people treat her roughly.

"Take him over and verify your identity first."

The voices of the people connected to each other were very low, but Lu Yun still caught them.It can be said that these people are still very cautious.

In a room, two people took off their clothes and entered the bathtub. Their bodies were looked at wantonly. The maid serving them had an expressionless face and turned a blind eye to their questions.

During the inspection, the two of them appeared very relaxed.

The people from Miracle Medical Valley take action to ensure the original flavor, and no one can detect any problems.

After washing and changing clothes, the two of them were locked in a room.

The door was locked, probably out of fear that they would escape again.

No one came to ask about what happened before.

In the eyes of those people, after the two brothers of the Meng family died, it was impossible for two women of average strength to survive outside. If they came back and continued to be their goddesses, they could live for a few more days.

"The ceremony will be held in three days, please stay calm."

The guard knocked on the door loudly, threatening the two of them.

Wan Miaoyan let out some frightened whimpers, which successfully made the people outside burst into laughter.

After "crying" for a while, the two of them settled down.

Scanning the environment in the room, no sharp weapons were found.

"Sister Lu, why do you want to take their place?"

Really bored, Wan Miaoyan asked Lu Yun.

The two have met before, but they haven't spoken much. This is the first time the two have been so close to each other.

Wan Miaoyan was still very curious about Lu Yun.

"Because I can protect myself, no matter what happens, I can also ensure that I can wait for the reinforcements to arrive."

Of course, it is impossible for them to fight against the four major cities in this operation.

The remaining people will also be divided into groups and enter the four major cities in the next three days to plan and move.

Everyone is allowed to watch the Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony. When the time comes, they will lurk over, and perhaps even come to join forces with each other.

Lu Yun's words were indeed arrogant, but they were also true.

Wan Miaoyan choked and looked at Lu Yun with wide eyes, full of depression.

Lu Yun closed her eyes with a faint smile on her face, but her eyes were filled with thoughts.

Apart from this, the most important purpose was because she felt an aura from the real Tang Tong and Yu Yi.

The breath from the fragments.

These two people had come into contact with the fragments, but not the two brothers.

This can only be caused by their identities as goddesses.

This heaven-sacrifice ceremony is also related to the fragments, so Lu Yun naturally cannot miss the opportunity to come in and investigate in person.

The process of the ceremony is complicated.

After the goddess is chosen, she needs to bathe and burn incense every day and pray in front of the statue.

So in the evening when Lu Yun and others arrived, they were taken to a main hall.

Except for a statue, there was nothing inside.

The statue is of a majestic man.

With his eyes closed, one hand dropped naturally, and the other hand was placed across the abdomen, with the palm facing upward. There was a mysterious and dangerous aura all over his body.

The other party was dragging a box in his hand. The box was tightly closed, and he didn't know what was inside.

But the little bit of aura revealed was enough for Lu Yun to conclude that the things inside were fragments, but not a completed fragment.

Apart from here, she can also vaguely capture the existence of fragments in other places through the induction between the fragments.

Moreover, it is the fluctuation of the same fragment.

This fragment of the Lost Land seems to be divided into several parts. If nothing else, it should be in the remaining three cities.

No wonder it was difficult for her to capture the specific direction of the fragments.

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