After a man becomes a demon cultivator, his character changes drastically and becomes even more vicious.

He still wanted to pull Yun Buyu down.

The subsequent story was similar to what the Meng brothers told directly. The two sides were completely on opposite sides, and in order to eliminate this hidden danger, Yun Buyu exiled all those people to this lost place.

The world of good cultivation was divided into two, and the sea water from the deep sea poured in. Yun Buyu was also punished, seriously injured and unable to heal, and had to be in seclusion all year round.

As for Yun Buyu's ending, some said she died of serious injuries, while others said she had attained enlightenment and ascended.

There is no specific result in the book records.

However, the process is real.

They had heard from the Meng brothers before that they had never thought of Yun Buyu, their ancestor, that the history of the Lost Continent had been artificially distorted.

Later, Lin Zhong and several elders felt that something was wrong, so they deliberately re-examined the past history, compared it with each other, and found that Yun Buyu was the so-called betrayal in the story.

Here, the truth is reversed.

However, given the circumstances at the time, it was normal. Who would want to portray themselves as a person who is unlucky and unlucky? Instead, it was just right to put the responsibility on the other person.

Lin Zhong's voice was neither soft nor serious. When he talked about these records, he came from the narration of a bystander without any personal feelings.

His voice carried far.

Around the altar, there were still many people who had not left. Suddenly hearing the truth that was contrary to what they knew, many people refused to accept it.

In their minds, they have been living in hatred.

Even though this place has been separated from the mainland for a long time, the old grudge has not disappeared. Many people even pin their hatred on another continent to survive.

The naked truth was revealed in such an ugly way. Even if everything Lin Zhong said was true, they didn't want to believe it.

"Liar, you are liars!"

"A bunch of robbers, a bunch of treacherous people, kill them."

"Yes, yes, kill them!"

Their resentment was twisted into murderous intent, and they couldn't wait to kill Lin Zhong and others to cover up everything today.


This word is enough to describe the choices of these people.

Before the city lords could say anything, those people rushed towards Lin Zhong and others.

But there was a huge gap between the two sides, not to mention that they were facing a master like Lin Zhong.

With a casual wave of his sleeves, the area around Lin Zhong became empty.

The crushing force of this absolute strength caused those people to lie on the ground, with such strong malice in their eyes blinded by hatred.

"Let go of her."

Lin Zhong walked in the air and looked at Master Zhan City.

After seeing Lin Zhong gain the upper hand so easily, City Lord Zhan was already filled with fear.

For a moment, she wanted to let go of Lu Yun.

But she reacted quickly.

Now that the hostage is in her hands, she can still negotiate with the other party. Once she lets it go, she will really be at the mercy of others.

"You can let her go, we want what she has."

Cang Chengzhou held Lu Yun's shoulders, applying such heavy force that his bones were creaking.

As a hostage, Lu Yun remained silent.

Lin Zhong did not agree to this request immediately, and they did not expect that Lu Yun would really gain something from this heaven-sacrifice ceremony.

But this is not something Lin Zhong can decide alone.

After everyone discussed it, it was the elders of the Holy Land who spoke.

"Take it out."

"Our purpose is the same anyway."

The so-called "we" refer to people from two continents.

As a "poor creature" being held hostage, Lu Yun naturally had no choice but to obey the unanimous decision of both parties. She took out a blank jade slip and began to copy the formation diagram into it.

The formation is a bit huge, and no detail can be missed. Lu Yun did it very carefully.This was a bit exhausting, and spiritual energy poured into it. After a while, cold sweat broke out on Lu Yun's forehead.

While doing all this, Lu Yun could feel a lot of eyes on her.

Expectation, resentment, greed, and... murderous intent.

Lu Yun calmed down her expression and concentrated on her work. After putting down the last stroke, Lu Yun sent the jade slip away.

What she gave was the direction of Cangcheng Zhou.

The moment Cang Chengzhou stretched out his hand, among the four city lords, Yuan Cheng of Tian'an City, who had remained silent from beginning to end, took the initiative.

A short sword stabbed Lu Yun in the back of the heart.

This sneak attack came very quickly, and City Lord Zhan who was staying next to Lu Yun had surprise in his eyes.

She could have prevented all of this from happening, but she seemed to be in a daze, watching Lu Yun die in the hands of City Lord Yuan.

"Clang!" The sound of metal collision sounded.

Lu Yun, who had been held hostage all this time, never looked back. She put her right hand behind her back and the back of her tail in her palm to block the dagger.

The weapons intersected, and City Lord Yuan lost the chance to kill him with one move.


He realized that Lu Yun was not as simple as he appeared, but it was too late.

The jade slip was quickly taken back by Lu Yun, and Cang Chengzhou missed what he wanted. He looked at City Lord Yuan angrily.

This was not negotiated.

As for Lu Yun, she had already taken a few steps away with Wan Miaoyan, but she was still within the attack range of the four people.

Now that we have made it this far, it would be nonsense to say it was not intentional.

City Lord Zhan and City Lord Yuan looked at each other and took action in tacit agreement.

Now it is obvious that whoever gets that thing will take the initiative in the next two confrontations.

Given the disparity in strength between the two continents, if the Nine Sects were allowed to take the lead, they would probably be enslaved.

Coupled with the existence of the feud, whether the other party is willing to take them to play together is still a second thought.

That's why City Lord Yuan chose to kill Lu Yun at the most unexpected moment.

Without Lu Yun, only the jade slip will be left, and it won't be up to them at that time.

But they misjudged Lu Yun's combat power.

In this case, the worst thing is to capture the person first and then search for the soul.

It has to be said that the ancestors of these people are demon cultivators. Even now, there are some normal human cultivators here, but they still inherit the selfishness from their bones.

After a tiger roar, Yun Shuiqing appeared next to Lu Yun with Huanhuan.

Now that we have broken up with each other, there is no need to give anyone any more face.


Haha, when have they ever been afraid of the people from the Hidden Sword Sect?

Behind Lu Yun, disciples of the Hidden Sword Sect stood out one after another. Led by Lu Yun, they pointed their swords at the four city lords.

The sword intent condensed together formed an unshakable torrent, making people panic from the bottom of their hearts.

Fortunately, it's not like the Four Cities haven't cultivated capable disciples in recent years.

People from the four cities are also taking their places one after another.

Lu Yun's side has very high combat power, and the numbers are still not as good as others' home games.

Both sides are on fire.

And the target of the Four Cities is clear, that is Lu Yun.

The cold snow was thrown out, and the snow fell on the top of the mountain. In the cold wind, Lu Yun's sword, carrying a biting coldness, was aimed at City Lord Yuan.

"Leave this person to me."

The other party has transformed into a god in half a step, and is a little more than one big realm away from himself.

Lu Yun wanted to give it a try, fight with all her strength, and see who would win and who would lose.

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